Monday, October 16, 2017

Insomnia my old friend

For the first time in a long time, I am finally again unable to sleep at a regular timing. I guess its kinda my fault that I decided to order McDonalds at such a late time cos i had some munchies. And to be entirely honest i don't even feel that hungry anymore. Shermane is most probably asleep by now? And im stuck at the door waiting for my food to come before i could bring it into my room for a super early "breakfast".

This really brings me back to the old days during my last semester in RMIT where i spent sleepless nights not because uni was tough, but because my sleeping habits were just irregular as heck. I really hope this doesn't become a habit man. I really rather be sleeping early and waking early like a normal, functioning human being. Well too bad right? I really hope i can be asleep in the next hour though if not there's probably really gonna be hell to pay tomorroe at work. Guess I'll have to cancel working out with Shaz tomorrow seeing that im probably only gonna be asleep for four hours or less. Fuck me and my stupid decisions.

Really miss the days back in secondary school where i could fall asleep on a whim. Please let my macs come soon? Also i forgot to post this on sunday. This is a sunday post lolol.

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