Monday, October 9, 2017

Weird vivid dream i had (part 1)

I was driving down the road near my house area when suddenly a trishaw cut my lane (lol?), knowing that braking wasn't enough, i swerves into the next lane and attempted to brake. Gently bumping into a motorbike's rear. I got off the car to check for damages, there was none although the rider said that there were some paint scratches. I feel like the paint scratches were already present before i even bumped into him but I said "ok I'll transfer you $300 bucks for your paint job.". Suddenly, Nicol and Yun Jia stopped beside me in their bikes, and asked me what happened. I explained to them briefly and told them: "We should get going."

There's so much more to this dream and it gets even weirder afterwards. But right now im just so lazy to write and i'd rather be reading "Tokyo Ghoul". So this'll end here for today :)

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