Monday, March 17, 2014

Complications simplified

Had a long talk with Melvin the other night, super interesting yet really depressing at the same time hmm..

Always have hope, always remember your purpose here and never lose track of it. Cos if you do, who would you be really?

Done too many things I've been ashamed of for this past 6 months since my break up. This must stop. I gotta find back that brave, happy-go-lucky, confident Dun Ping that I used to know. What's done is done, its never too late to make changes.

There's no better time than now, or after I wake up since its already 4:33am >.<

You can do it ADP! You can become a better person if you set your heart and mind to it! Just believe! And smile more often because like you have always said in the past, a happy person is a beautiful person! :D

Damn i'm good.

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