Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sell me this pen

Been In love with "Say Something", "依然爱你" and "天后"。Funny thing is they're all kinda about heartbreak and not wanting to let go of the person they love or some sort like that. But I doubt i'm like that ba? Maybe the only thing I feel is 遗憾 as things could be much better eh, sigh screw it. The lyrics are reslly nice though! Maybe I like them cos I've felt the way those songs are supposed to made me feel once?

4ntm duty is upon 42 SAR Kaffir and everyone's got ants in their pants. Sigh this is just gonna be a reenactment of the previous one where everyone just tries t scheme n back stab each other to avoid getting weekend duties. Disgusting disgusting. Hope I won't be forced to make a choice as well if not I really will be torn between wasting a weekend or biting someone in the bum bum. Really sick of playing politics in this stupid place. Leave me alone and let me watch my shows!

Just finished watching the wolf of wall street, scary how money really corrupts people. Are humans truly evil? Or am I just being close minded and self-delusional? Well even if I was I would rather stay a fool than to become an immoral bastard cos that's not the way I was raised. Have fun rolling in your money I guess? 我不想赚这种钱。it's an intriguing show nonetheless though.

Now its time for some arrested development!

Welp! That's all for today's post! 

There's love in this world. I know it.

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