Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Burnt bridge

Everytime I hear news about you, it will always be unpleasant to me.

I won't lie, although it's way less frequent now, you still run through my mind from time to time. And it really sucks whenever that happens, because it makes me think of the endless possibilities of what might have been, if I had just been a little less stupid, and a little more aware of your needs and wants.

You seem really happy though, and somehow that just adds salt to my wounds. It's not that I don't want to see you being happy, I just never expected us to be happy separately. It was really pure self-centeredness that i thought whatever future we may have, we would have it together. Earlier this year you told me that back then you thought I didn't love you anymore anyway, that's not true. It's not that I did not love you, it was just that I loved myself more. So much that I took you for fucking granted.

And I regret every fucking second of it.

On a completely separate note, fuck biz stats man. :(

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