Thursday, May 25, 2017

I miss my girlfriend

And it has only been four days i think? Normally i realize i post sad shit or random rants here but today. I think its time to show appreciation hahaha :)

Sometimes when i have bad or boring days I'd think about Shermane and everything doesn't seem so bad. Being loved and knowing that someone cares for you is a good feeling! And I'm so glad that even after a year we are still as happy as we were. :) She makes me want to become a better version of myself. I wanna take care of her till we are old haha. This might prolly be a little cringey for some to read but whatever lel.

Cant wait to meet shermane and have even more cuddles on the weekends! :D

Going to meet Noel for some HK cafe soon. Im broke af omggg..

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