Thursday, December 14, 2017

A very fufiling trip

Taiwan was super fun! Im blogging this in advance on the plane cos its too uncomfortable to sleep and there's no internet as well. But oh well, what can i expect from a budget airline right? I need to pee too but I don't wanna trouble the guy next to me who had to move out of his seat for Shermane to go to the washroom just now already.

Kinda looking forward to going back to work and playing hearthstone hahahha!! Its weird I know.

Shermane is prolly gonna have a ball of a time editing a taiwan video once she's home, so I guess I got that to look forward to? On the other hand, I'm not even done editing mine for her which has already taken almost a year. Its basically an abandoned project right now oh well hahaha.

Didn't get any gifts for my friends oh well.

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