Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Swollen lymph nodes again.

Hunter x hunter is pretty interesting although at times there can be too many different characters at once. Can't believe i actually went to reread an old classic man.

My throat is inflammed again and im suspecting that its due to me smoking or eating too much heaty food. I think its time to eat clean again soon man. For the sake of my health and my wallet. I fucking hate this. Why cant the human body just consume whatever the fuck it wants to consume?

The wait time yesterday at the clinic was fucking horrible as well. The doctors are nice but honestly, it took more than two fucking hours to get me to even consult with them and my throat was hurting the whole goddamn time. Then again, its not like its any better if you're at the hospital. The wait there used to take around 4 hours per visit and easily three times more expensive than your typical clinic. So i guess unless you're unconscious or something there is really no good place to get quick medical service.

Feel quite bad to be on MC when im flying off this weekend as well. But what choice do i have :(

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