Monday, December 18, 2017

What does my future hold?

I'm at this point in life where everything feels a little uncertain and there is some sort of urgency creeping up just around the corner. Maybe this slight stress is self-induced. But knowing how good I am at "letting loose", i guess this is a pretty good thing?

The taiwan trip made me learnt that my parents can get pretty annoying at times, i love them a lot but it kinda makes me think what kind of parent do I want to be in the future. I think I'll be the kind that lets my kid does what they want and make mistakes, and only rein them in when they are being an annoyance to me or the public. (Parents who let their kids be nuisances in public should really get slapped with a brick.). But who knows right? I doubt I'll become a parent anytime soon and I guess thats a good thing?

Updated my ig photo recently.

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