Sunday, June 29, 2008

How much $ I owe ppl

Before I begin, here's a picture of a 2013 comedy called Anchorman 2, while some find it freaking funny, I found it okay at best. (Future Dun here.)

Ban Ling $10
Cecilia $3
JunLe $12

I'm sure theres more people, can you remind me if I forgot to return you money long long time ago?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

School is fun, but lessons suck.

Today had the annual youth carnival..

Rode bike all the way to YuCai's house, then together walked to the reservior for our Cross-Country.

Walked with Nicol, TianLoke, Lovell and Melvin half the way, then Lovell wanted to wait for YingChuan, so Melvin accompanied him and the others continue their "adventure."

Blasted songs and sang almost all the way, till we heard that SeYen fell on the way, Nicol zi tao walk all the way back to find her. Lucky the road not that long.. Romantic worh..

Then later those two ran together. Leaving me and TianLoke behind, we got caught up by LOWER SEC BOYS. But aiyaa, cos we walking mah, gib those little boys a chance la hor?

We would've gotten positions for LOWER SEC if only Miss Poh didnt recognise us. Which i doubt could be possible... We so famous... =.=. Also saw SeYong there, she lucky lo.. Media club take take photo jiu can liao, no nid run like us.. I think she almost took picture of us lor, but then she found out we upper sec XDXD.

After that, took attendence and left early to Mac to eat with Lovell, Nicol, Seyen, Bernice and TianLoke, Melvin Leong and Tai went to another table to eat. Then went to find Benjamin to go to school for the second half of the carnival..

Loke, Mel, and Ben were playing the Bossaball game, me, Nicol, Love, and Les just viewed them at the third floor. Took some videos of them doing stupid stuff during the game, like Loke trying to backflip and then landing on his back like a moron. Whoa, the Bossaball field is damn bouncy lor, Me, Nicol, and Lovell see liao we zi tao regret we didnt take part...

Watching them play Bossaball was almost cinematic, I'd say they were cooler than these samurais marching into the sunset back then. 

Then also watched water soccer, I think the game is more about people falling down and landing like clowns rather than soccer lor.. Then CaiYu fall down DAMN alot of times, and then in the end spects break. The first minute she enter the field she already fell once, after like five minutes she fell like three more times. Then her spects broke. But near the end of the game is cos some idiot pull her lor. Then Leslie sit there kpkb. Then as for Bossaball, Loke's team name was called "The Incredible Hulk". This name has an inner meaning which I will not explain unless you ask me in person. We ended up third. Thanks to TianLoke who was once a volleyball player in pri sch. =D. He pwned the game with his semi-bicycle kick, I got it on video!!! Ben also did a good job on the first score! =D

Oh ya, for all those who dont know what Bossaball is, go to and type in Bossaball for more information. Thank you =D.

Went to hall, watched stupid videos about lower sec and stuff. Then proceeded with the BNSS idol.

After that, came the BEST part, GOING HOME! Before going home, I decided that I wasnt going to leave school without at least jumping on the Bossaball court for once. Did half backflips, which meant me landing on my back EVERYTIME. =.= YinYin also saw, then I from far can see her laughing lor... I also kena my own knee at me own eye, can see a balukoo coming up. You cant see it, but I can feel it.

Overall, today was fun. But its the last year of the school le... next year maybe I come back as alumni to come jump again at the Bossaball court ba?


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


A miracle happened today.

I went for NIGHT class!!

Or at least thats what Valerie says. =.=

Today same as everyday la, slacked. Drew tatoos and made fun of the Mr Chua.. =.=

I feel so bad lor, he so good to us but then we liddat treat him..

Today he brought a female teacher in to the class, he say her surname is also chua, then we call her Mrs Chua. Whoa, thats the one that Ben say is chio de lor.. from far maybe la.. from near still okay okay nia.. She looks malnourished, we tell Cai Lao Shi to give her more food XDXD. Her face is damn small and her hands are damn thin lor..

Then after chinese went for assembly, PFT challenge. WeeKeong is Pwnage sia... 250 at standing broad jump.. Haidar also not bad, finished the shuttle run for 9.7 seconds or something near there.

After that went back to chinese lessons, the mrs chua not there liao.. play cards for awhile with Nicol and Valerie. Halfway teacher come in we bo pian mus stop... Then we started drawing angkongs instead, whoa, the one nicol drew for me is super cool de lor, next time put on friendster show you all =D. Then also that stupid Lovell jio me go night lesson in the end ownself never go..

In the year 2014, friendster is dead like the dead sea, just like these samurais at the end of 47 Ronin

So anws, went for night lessons, wore PE-shirt, Three quaters, and slippers.. =.= I look so unique hao bu hao..

Entered the class, whoa, the face on Val's face is priceless lor, she zi tao "WHOA! YOU COME AH!? Miracle sia!!"

The usually shy me just smile smile and sit down lor. Then later everytime i answer question correctly she will turn around and smile at me... =.=

Wapiang ehs, dun kan xiao me leh, I sleep sleep but I know whats going on de leh..

After that waited for the bus, played like 6 or 7 songs before the bus finally arrived, i thought the bus uncle died... =.=

If I walked home, it would take a faster time lor..

Hais... sian.

Now my night class will clash with my CDAC... =.=

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hair Chronicles Ep.2

Just got messaged from Celest Teo that she got suspension for one week again from school.. Aiyaa her pattern will never change de la.. Tell her bian guai also like mei you yong, say what guai got limit de.. =.=

A picture depicting what her parents might be thinking if they heard her say that.

So sch reopens, I missed those people at my class, Muzakir, Haidar, Melvin, TianLoke, Ben, Nicol, Lovell, Leslie, and even Ivan..

Spent the whole day like every other school day, chat, sleep, and disiao teacher... I really donno what's death sia.. O levels coming still so bo chup..

Aiyaa.. At least today my hair nv tio cut. Nicol, Tianloke, and Aaron got caught though. Damn funny... I told Nicol he confirm get caught de, he dun believe me.

Whoa, but the teacher give him chance de lor, nv cut his fringe.. if his fringe kena cut le then i jiu got chance catch up with him liao. TianLoke kena the most jialat one, cut until his neck now look damn long... =.= Then the hair so thick but so short.

After sch went to pei them cut hair.. TianLoke's ok la, but Nicol's one is mohawk lor.. I preparing to see if tml he will tio caught by teacher not, stupid long fringe...

OH YA! YUCAI ALSO KENA!!! LOL, still remember during swimming that time he keep on purposely haolian to me. Didnt see him kena cut though, maybe he ran? Tml then check ba?



Leslie intro-ed me a manga to read, "To-Love-ru", looks okay, he watch the anime, I read the manga. But I think this manga although funny, cannot beat Ichigo 100% de lor..

Ichigo 100% is a must read for all manga-freaks like me!! The plot seriously ROX!!!

Small note: Contains a little Ecchi =D.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I hate food?

Tomorrow jiu go back sch le..

Piang ehs, then my hair turn into so short... but at least still looks acceptable to me ba? I'm sure hair understands =D


For these two days, I met two girls whom i know cry... One per day. I wont state their names, but all their reasons for crying were about their parents. This made me realise really what a good family I have, my mum even cooked noodles for me to come home! =D

This also made me realise another thing. I'm not exactly the feelingless dude I thought I was, when I attended Adam Khoo's workshop, I didnt even cry at all although everyone around me was like sobbing and having red eyes. Funny huh?

When everyone around you cries, you dont feel anything, but when someone just next to you cry out of feelings, not out of some workshop talk, I can actually feel this tingling feeling deep inside... makes me feel like I want to cry along with them. Both of you, dont sad le la.. although I know sometimes life isnt fair too all of us de, but then we cherish the things we have okay? Cherish your friends! Cherish me! =)))

Even though I'm not the closest of friends to these two person, I would NEVER mind lending a hearing ear to their problems. I can keep secrets, really.

You two made me realised that i'm not the cold, heartless snake that I thought I was. And for your tears, I thank you two. =D

So anyways, so much more happened these two days, in two short days, i encountered alot of stuff, i'll slowly list em down one by one kays?

So for saturday... skipped tuition cos I was too bum lazy, went for cellgroup, met Charmaine and Sofia first. Then slowly others came in to join us. Then Weiji was late, I underestimated him lor, I thought he would be like late for 1 hour or so, but he surprised me with appearing at the doorstep of cecilia almost on time. I'm like WOW! Ji ge MANAGE to surprise me!? Then he also brought my laptop with me.

So anws, went for saturday svc with him, Shuwen, Charmaine, and this friend of Shuwen's called HuiZhen. The sermon was good la, but I didnt record anything down... Cos tomorrow still must attend again mah. After that went to buy presents for Naoto and his girlfriend (Sorry I forgot your name.), it was their birthday. Bought Giordano polo-T for naoto, and then browsed around a little for his girlfriend's present. Finally decided on this necklace thing? Thanks to Charmaine and Shuwen.. Whoa, I thought my duty was done. Then Shuwen told me I had to wrap up the presents. =.= And I was preparing to go to my cousin's house and slack then..

This pic signifies me editing this post in the year 2014 where I am now 21 years old going 22, seriously who the fuck is naoto omg?

So anyways, after Charmaine went home. We went to the arcade, played photospot for a while, whoa, WeiJi is good at that game de lor, for the first time I managed to pass alot of stages with the help of him, Shuwen, and HuiZhen. Was preparing to play Tekken 6, but it was hogged by a bunch of teenagers with seemingly infinite tokens. Ah.. nvm la, save the token first, next time then come back play.. Since the arcade tends to off all the machines without giving warning when it wants to close down. Stupid ass auntie lor.. I'll never forget what you did to mine and Nicol's tokens de...

Later the four of us went to mac to slack. Then I keep trying to disiao HuiZhen to make her take pic with me, but piang ehs, she's damn elusive lor.. In the end just give up la.. Then the Shuwen say I flirting again.. Everytime liddat one, dont listen to her. Anws, Nicol called me then and asked if I can sub him for OFC at 4. At first unwilling de, cos i want to fellowship.. But after awhile feel that.. aiyaa... hiadi zuo dao zhe yang also very not steady sia.. then accepted lor.

Later went home, look at the two presents, then ponders on what to do with them. Shuwen tell me to wrap them up in MAGAZINE covers. I did just that, and it looks like smuggled drugs. =.=

Later then went upstairs to slack, Youming just came back from the army, he told us about how you'll be able to appreciate life after entering the army, like having the freedom to shit and eat as and when you want to. I'm a little surprised. He also told us this excercise called the buddha clap and stuff, he said it looks easy but after doing like 50 times of that you confirm cui. Its done when theres too many members when they fall in and they'll do this buddha clap thing instead of pumping as theres a lack of space. he also said that people walk around topless with just their underwear. Why underwear and not boxers you ask? Soilders are NOT allowed to wear boxers during training, there was once this accident that happened cos this guy wore boxers, and he lost his fatherhood due to wearing BOXERS. I cant remember the whole story, but it has something to do with the boxer not being "secure enough" and spraining or twisting his "fatherhood".

Ordered mac, ate till i literally puked, i feel that i like love food lesser and lesser le lor.. I used to be able to finish plates of gyozas, 2 macdonald meals, and stuff like that before. Just ask Seyen or Nicol. I was even crowned the "KING of Gyoza" by my cousins =D.

So went to sleep around 3a.m.. woke up tomorrow to went for service. Whoa, it was pouring like crap lor... so nice to sleep.. Got woke up by Shuwen's calling. Then I went bathe and went for svc. As usual, was late, found a seat, went to the same sermon I went yesterday. And sang the same songs.. got msged by nicol again, he told me no need to work for that day le. I think its due to the rain. But he didnt tell me the reason.

After Service, went to coffee bean and slacked with Cyril, Jonathan, Shuwen, Charmaine, Cecilia, Celest, HuiZhen, and two strangers from PRCS... heard one of them is called the laughing buddha, so i showed her the buddha clap i learnt. XD

After that went to Changi Airport to slack, I donno WHY must go there lor.. I just have a dislike for airport.. but for fellowship, just pei lor..

Then after that I never really ate there, my momma cooked noodles for me back home =D.

Went home from there, whoa, from there go home still need to get checked by security de lorh, like so stupid la.. waste my precious time.

Reached home about 9 or so, and came here to blog.



Saturday, June 21, 2008

The hair chronicles

Thanks to SofiaHear for helping me do my blogskin and stuff!!! =D

In the middle of the night, i realised a cruel cruel fact. I'm gonna have to say goodbye to my not even fully grown tail..

Monday, we're gonna get our hairs checked, with that so damn obvious V-shaped tail i have, it would be a miracle if I dont get caught. Then my not so long fringe will definately go along with it. I'm gonna be caught..

What happens to the boys who are caught? Only one fate awaits these poor men...

A superduper ugly haircut that leaves even the brave run for their lives.


I wasnt joking about the run for their lives part. I still remember early this year, when I went back to sch, they had a massive spring-cleaning for long hairs..

When I first got caught, I thought it wont be so bad la... maybe just snip snip here and there and then your hair still got some "style" in it?

Oh.. how naive I was.. the abominations created by those hairdressers were so unsightly, even I couldnt stand taking another look at it. I realised that I had to do something. I am not the type to let go of the things he holds dearly.. In order to preserve the things I hold dear, I planned my "Big Escape". I scouted around for people with the same goals as I do, and i found two perfect pathners. Yucai and Weekeong.

Yucai, Me, and Weekeong, werent able to handle the unsightly fate awaiting for us. We decided to escape. But the place was filled with so many guards, there was only one route we could take without being found out... Either we take it, or face our fates. But you know sometimes in life, we have to make sacrifices in order to preserve the things we hold dear to.

843 3362537 78233 864538!!!!! (Too bad to those who cant understand.)

Piang ehs, lucky inside there nobody ah, otherwise we sure become clowns one. But for our hair, everything is worth it la..

Crazy people... We waited till the coast is clear, then the three of us planned to sneak out. but OMG, the cleaner came in. And class was starting! We decided to "heck care la."

The look on the auntie's face was priceless. Three grown men hiding in a place like that. I think she kept it a secret though, since we werent caught till much later.

At the end of the first adventure, we still lost our hair. By different means, i went to a retarded barber who made my hair look like a girl, and in the end I had to opt for slope... those people who had slope haircuts since the beginning of their existence wont understand the pain of having a slope haircut...

If my hair could read, I would definately write a letter to it. It would probably sound something like this...

Words fail to describe how much I love you. In the past I used to treat you with such cruelty, giving you slope haircuts from time to time and thinking that being bald was fine. My mentality was wrong. Please forgive me.

Hair... ever since I had that haircut that changed my life, I've realised how important you are in my life. No matter how rough or dry you are like how SOMEBODY says, I will cherish you. Please dont leave me ever again.

Do you still remember that time? When I kept you long and uncut for five months and you looked like a mushroom growing on me? I'm so sorry for that. Do you remember what happens after that?

Yes, holiday came. And I still didnt bother to cut you. I've neglected you and I'm sorry. It wasnt till one day when i finally decided, that I should give you some proper care. And I brought you to the barber. Do you remember my friend zhiyong? Yeah that taekwondo one. Hes the one who went with me to get our hair cut. Do you remember hair? Yeah, after that haircut, I've finally realised how beautiful you can be if only I took care of you. Hair.. words cannot describe my feels at that time. It was like a rekindled love with something which has been with me since I was an infant.

Hair, the time when I had to lose you to the school, I decided, that no matter what happens, I will protect you, I wont let you fall hands to those evil people. I'll protect you even if it means to enter forbidden places. I would do it without hesitation.

Hair, if you can still remember, when the verdict fell, I had no choice but to let you go. I've decided to pass you on to this stupid china man and let him decide your fate. I had wished for it to be good.. I'm sorry hair, no one would've imagined it to turn out like this. And in the end I'm sorry for reducing you back to your old state. But in my heart I know. Someday hair, you will return to my side, I know that this would not break you, but make you.

Now I must leave you again, I know you will return to me someday. And when that day comes, I'll be waiting, and we would be reunited again. You make me complete.XD

sign, ADP
That was the end of our FIRST adventure.

Theres still episode 2, 3, and even a 4th coming out soon. I'll tell you the story when I have the time.

Feeling so defeated, the road's still long!


Friday, June 20, 2008



Hi, this blog is created for a couple O reasons =D
1) I'm bored.
2) I know what people do when they're bored. They read blogs, i'm giving them some time to kill. =D
3) Life's just so fun to bitch about. =D
4) I heard from someone that after blogging stuff out, you can actually feel better. Well, wont hurt to try i guess?
5) If I one day do become famous, this would become an autobiography XD
6) I can just blog everything down here and save me the trouble to explain to my friends what happened during which day.
7) I'm a forgetful person. I blog to remind myself of my ups and downs.

They say 7 is a lucky number, so I'll stop at 7 reasons for now..

Here's a picture from a movie in the future called 47 Ronin, the CGI is great!  I'm a time traveller :)