Monday, June 23, 2008

Hair Chronicles Ep.2

Just got messaged from Celest Teo that she got suspension for one week again from school.. Aiyaa her pattern will never change de la.. Tell her bian guai also like mei you yong, say what guai got limit de.. =.=

A picture depicting what her parents might be thinking if they heard her say that.

So sch reopens, I missed those people at my class, Muzakir, Haidar, Melvin, TianLoke, Ben, Nicol, Lovell, Leslie, and even Ivan..

Spent the whole day like every other school day, chat, sleep, and disiao teacher... I really donno what's death sia.. O levels coming still so bo chup..

Aiyaa.. At least today my hair nv tio cut. Nicol, Tianloke, and Aaron got caught though. Damn funny... I told Nicol he confirm get caught de, he dun believe me.

Whoa, but the teacher give him chance de lor, nv cut his fringe.. if his fringe kena cut le then i jiu got chance catch up with him liao. TianLoke kena the most jialat one, cut until his neck now look damn long... =.= Then the hair so thick but so short.

After sch went to pei them cut hair.. TianLoke's ok la, but Nicol's one is mohawk lor.. I preparing to see if tml he will tio caught by teacher not, stupid long fringe...

OH YA! YUCAI ALSO KENA!!! LOL, still remember during swimming that time he keep on purposely haolian to me. Didnt see him kena cut though, maybe he ran? Tml then check ba?



Leslie intro-ed me a manga to read, "To-Love-ru", looks okay, he watch the anime, I read the manga. But I think this manga although funny, cannot beat Ichigo 100% de lor..

Ichigo 100% is a must read for all manga-freaks like me!! The plot seriously ROX!!!

Small note: Contains a little Ecchi =D.

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