Friday, June 20, 2008



Hi, this blog is created for a couple O reasons =D
1) I'm bored.
2) I know what people do when they're bored. They read blogs, i'm giving them some time to kill. =D
3) Life's just so fun to bitch about. =D
4) I heard from someone that after blogging stuff out, you can actually feel better. Well, wont hurt to try i guess?
5) If I one day do become famous, this would become an autobiography XD
6) I can just blog everything down here and save me the trouble to explain to my friends what happened during which day.
7) I'm a forgetful person. I blog to remind myself of my ups and downs.

They say 7 is a lucky number, so I'll stop at 7 reasons for now..

Here's a picture from a movie in the future called 47 Ronin, the CGI is great!  I'm a time traveller :)

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