Thursday, July 21, 2016

Final semester

School has started for two weeks now, but I'm still in such a holiday mood. This week I learn that some people are just better at some things while some are doomed to suck at it. Yeah I'm talking about myself. I might be better at some modules in my school, or talking, or gambling. But there are some talents that seem normal for people but are srsly hard for me. And it's better for me to stay that way than to impede the people around me in hopes to better that skill.

Gotta get my head in the game soon man. Quite angry at myself that I haven't been taking classes seriously enough. And the worst part is I've been told this semester's modules are all crazy hard.

Thanks for always sticking around even when I'm feeling like shit honey, sorry that I like to tease you so much too. It's fun though! I'll work harder so you won't be stuck with a useless bum for a husband in the future alright?

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