Friday, July 15, 2016

First week of skul

So school has officially reopened. I kinda miss my hols and working at tampines though.. Travelling to Dover is really a huge bitch I swear..

So recently I went to Malaysia for a half day trip with my uni friends, pretty fun I'd say, at one point the group split into two to head towards taman sentosa for dinner but we alighted at different spots and waited for each other for like an hour before we all finally gathered. Pretty relaxing trip if you ask me. But I was so sleepy throughout the entire "adventure".

Not really motivated for school yet. But I guess I'm kinda happy to see my friends again after a while? Sigh if only I could have like another week of holiday or something :/ Also, I've had a total of 4 macdonalds burger today. I srsly need to jog man maybe my colleagues will be more available next week?

Went to escape room again. Didnt solve the "puzzle" in time though. Man the people who made these are rly smart!

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