Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hectic days ahead

July has proved to be a fairly arduous week from the get-go. Although reservist wasn't tough or anything, it robbed me of the one week break that I wanted pretty bad before school reopens. And liangyi just told me sth about there being projects due on the first week of some module. Like whattttt.. Tbh I kinda miss my part time job already. At least the work was acceptable and the office was really close to home :) Being in a faraway place from home just somehow makes everything such like way worse I guess?

Well whatever, guess I'll just have to push through this week first and take each coming week as it comes. Not that all these is going to kill me or anything. I guess the good part about going back into camp is to let you realize what it's like to take the everyday things around you for granted. I'm lucky enough to have loyal friends around me, and that's more than enough :)

Life consist of many chapters, some longer than others. But duration doesn't really matter as long as you make the most out of each one huh :)

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