Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I must be content with what I have

When it comes to game of thrones I have to admit that I'm a laggard, being stuck at half of season 5 when season 6 recently ended. A pretty amazing show so far I must say, it leaves you with a lot of thoughts about how the situation in the show would change if only a certain character did ir did not do something. Like, when if Bran never saw Cersei and Kingslayer doing it?

I'm actually somehow more grateful of the place I live in now when I watch game of thrones, where the rich and the poor had such a huge margin that people are dying left right and center, no matter whether you're a high born or not. At least the standard of living in Singapore is pretty fine :)

On a side note, I really want more tattoos hahaha

Last week of visiting lectures is finally over, time for the real shit to begin. 

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