Thursday, June 22, 2017

Finally finished reading Monster

Holy crap monster is a seriously good manga. Although it's a little slow paced at times, the author managed to enthralled all the way to it's final chapters! I find myself feeling a little emotionally attached to each and everyone of the characters. Hats off to you Naoki Urasawa!

Nowadays i still find myself getting pretty easily annoyed by things around me. From obnoxiously obese and noisy women and children, or long queues for food, to crowds and delayed public transports. I am a grouchy guy. But i dont think my annoyance is unfounded. But the thing that annoys me the most is still incompetent retards telling you what to do. But hey, thank god for monster manga man. It was a good distraction.

I know it looks like im always uploading the same damn photos. But they're really not haha. Deleting them one by one whenever i upload these.

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