Saturday, June 28, 2014

Foolish fool

Oh Dominic treasure your childhood while you still can. The road ahead is long and arduous!

Because I bother to bother and because I'm just that useless, i gave myself insomnia once again when I was sleepy as fuck on the last bus home.

Way to go la DP. Smart boy boy. What now? Go for a 180 change in attitude or remain the stupid way you are now?

Where do i begin on the journey to find the old me back hmm..


I guess its sometimes good t have a online journal like this yknow? Like if your close friends ask like "Hey, how's your day?" you can go like "Ah just go read my blog i'll link you the post later." and you can save yourself probably like 10 mins of ranting?

Lets hope Good Mythical Morning can put me to sleep!

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