Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I'm in trouble

Shit. I think i've indeed fallen kinda deep.. I've told myself not to and I've tried to keep my distance but in the end I still fell too deep.

Maybe it's the fact that I saw myself as some kinda knight in shining armour after hearing about your stuff you know? I guess that's kinda chauvinistic of me.. Stupid stupid emotions.. I really dk how to go back to where I once was. Opening up your heart to someone is really scary stuff. Hope is a scary thing my friend..

I really really hate undercurrents. The fact that I know I kinda made a wrong move would set me back many many steps. Sigh.. and I've nvr even gotten the chance to properly have a good proper talk with you. This sucks.

Really hope things works out well one way or another uh. The harder I push the worse it will probably get. Time to put some patience to the test.

I am really really fond of you.

Update on 28/6/14: Nevermind false alarm! Actually its been a false alarm for a few weeks now but now that I read this back I realize what a fool I have been haha! >.< You cant just like any random girl you think that's borderline pretty and laughs at your jokes ADP! Don't be silly!

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