Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tomorrow is..

Lovell's birthday!!! =DD

Donno going where yet..

Right now I'm playing TaiTi on viwawa with Junle, Ali, and Yiling, blogging here cos YiLing's also blogging now, So i guess I also blog while waiting for her?

Junle came my house today, planned to go find Ali buy some Jack's stuff, then go find James, then go muaythai de..

End up, never find James and go muaythai.. Then James is angry cos we never go find him.. Eh siala, you rather we pangseh one girl so we can go find you ah? Junle got tell you we not coming lor, but you never take us seriously only.. Ah la nevermind la. Hope you manage to find some rich moron who is willing to buy your $50 toothpaste k? =)) We could always discuss Lovell's birthday plans on phone conference or something what, why meet up?

Level 3 in the TaiTi game now. =))

This is a post from the future: The guy on the right is how I will look in the year 2014 and the girl on the left is Sarah, your junior in TP who enrolled after you've graduated. She's pretty steady! But I haven't seen her in ages.  Haven't met JunLe, James or Lovell in a while too man I wonder how they're doing.. Yiling might be giving birth now as I blog! Wondering how it's gg mann  (9/1/15)

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