Sunday, July 27, 2008


Sometimes when I think back about my primary school days, i cant help but smile like an idiot... >.>


I sound like an idiot..

How was life like back then in 2004? Ohh ohh, people always came to my house to play Battleon, haha, maplestory wasnt even that famous in Singapore then. Neopets was my life when I was in 2002.

I remember my crushes. I remember my friends. I remember all the happy memories I used to have when I was young and retarded.

I'm still young, just less retarded now.

I remember Raedi, Hidhir, Julian, YouJin, Joesph, John, Hussein, ZhiJian, ZiGuo, Sean and also PohHeng.

Did I forget anyone?

Haha, I remember Desiree, Melissa and Laura too! =D

I have good tastes de okay. Zhang da hou they nw still so chio worh.. especially one of them last time looked the most ordinary de.. Hahas..

Saw PohHeng recently at the arcade. He Looked totally the same just taller. He remembers me as well XDD.

Happy happy happy days~

My Primary School day was filled with Sunshine I guess? Haha..

Now everyone dou grow up liao lo.. All got their own group of frens and own life. Hais.. zhen me ban? This kind of things also bo pian one.. can only look back lor.. I hope everyone one day will all meet by chance altogether in the same place lor. Just hope nia la. Know this wont happen de.

Then I'll show them what God has done for me and to me. And what I've become. Tralala~

Old friends leave and New friends come. Events get forgotten after years..

This is why I'm blogging and taking pictures as much as I can now. So I wont forget. So I will never forget. So I can show my sons and daughters what kind of person I was last time during "their" age. I shall store my memories here. I shall remind myself of what kind of person I was. And I will compare it to the me ten years later. How I was and what I've become.. haha.


As I am blogging this down, I am down with a sorethroat and flu. And I'm watching HuoYuanJia at the same time. And I have just consumed a plate of noodles with egg.


It's been so long since primary school/secondary school now.. I guess I was really into blogging back then huh! Unlike now where I only blog when I'm really bored and mostly suffering from insomnia at night hmm.. Anyway I lost contact with Raedi, saw Julian a few times around in Jurong East and he appear to have some kinda scar or something on his face. Hes a sergeant though! Lost touch with You Jin as well, he was the one that game me the username "uband" back then in Neopets when we were sharing an account hmm.. Joesph still lives near me and has a few tattoos now,  can't really remember what he has been up to but I know he's ORDed as a driver for quite some time now. John jumped into the Singapore river recently but I think he's okay now, some kinda drunken spur or something. Lost touch with Hussein, saw Zhi Juan at lasts years NDP as a guards seargent and I sometimes still see Zi Guo's picture on instagram sometimes when I scroll around. Hope he's doing fine cos I heard he got bullied a little back in Changkat Changi Secondary. Sean probably recently ORDed or is about to cos he's in the same camp as me while PohHeng is now studying overseas while dating my friend Liangyi! I wanna see them married! As for the three ladies that I mentioned back when I had a crush on them in primary school, I this Melissa grew into a really pretty lady? Haven't seen her for at least give years though she's like really cool now or something based on her instagram pictures? Or at least in my opinion. Just ran into Laura the other day while I was chilling with Tiffany though! Guess she lives around tamp now huh, she remembers me too! ;) I have completely forgotten the storyline for huo yuan jia although it's OST by Jay chow will be sometime I'm sure I won't be for getting anytime soon. Oh! And in the year 2014, Jay Chop just isn't cool anymore. Sorry past ADP :/

Friday, July 25, 2008


Today Lovell managed to avert a HUGE trouble before it even starts. =D


Day was as normal.. disiao people, got disiao-ed. Starting of the day suddenly got this super huge guy come our class bring Valerie out of class cos she rude to the counsellor.. I already saw him a few times lorh... Wonder who he is. Hes double the size of Valerie sia LOL! Menancing..

Later at maths... got disiao-ed, Ivan made this "oil-pledge" thingy. I'm fine with getting disiao-ed and shoot-ed by friends. But then when someone goes too guo fen.. then even the Gentleman also cannot tahan ah..

Lucky Lovell step in in time. In the end, no one was injurd cos Ivan didn't do the thing he "wanted" to do. Still friends! =DD

After that lessons again.. super boring, we played the name shouting game... Its not embarassing to shout other people's names. But when you shout your own, you sound like a retard.. And thats the point of the game. Sounding like retards.

After school played catching again with JunLe, Melvin, and Benji. Super fun like always. This will be one of the best childhood activities I'll treasure when I'm old someday..

Oh ya.. small thing that happened. After catching, tofu changed in the classroom. Super funny. Melvin saw his ass and then says "Whoa, you name really suits you.. soft and smooth. Like Tofu. "


Ate with JunLe and Mel while Ben went to do his DNT stuff.. then went JunLe's house, bathed, watch videos, look at friendster, and then use Msn for awhile.. Then jiu must go for night lesson..

Oh ya oh ya!!! Haziq's birthday today... they wanted to give him a birthday bash. But then I did something stupid that kind of made him avert the birthday bash? I ripped his pants. =.=

Monday paying him $5 as compensation. Too little? Sorry.. I'm not rich..

Was okay.. then went home... blogged, ate, and then read manga. The newest chapter of Gantz is good. Talked to some people. But then donno why just dont have the "inspiration" to talk to some people... Hais... prelims coming liao. I'm not ready yet la piang ehs...

I dont feel myself today... I'm going to sleep. I'll wake up and feel me again.

Today didnt have such a good start. Didnt have such a good end either? But I'm content with life =D

TML GOT CG!!! MORNING GOT DND!!! Kick some ass ADP! Have some energy!!!

I owe..

Cecilia $3
BanLing $10

The salary for a day when I work at OFC is $50. I'll be able to pay all of ya back if I work for just one day =D.

Sorry JunLe for always depending on you...

The "name shouting" game or the "shout your own name" was so fun that I got on to play with it even after I entered poly at times when the lecture was too boring. And I was right too! Even till this day I still agree that block catching back in those days was really addicting and fun,! It was probably one of the reasons why I didn't turn into some kinda fatty as well despite me not participating in sports most of the time. I totally forgot about ripping his pants off part though! Kinda miss him now haven't seen him in a long long time man.. I wonder what does DND stand for back then, it can't be dinner and dance can it? Hmm.. t-minus 46 minutes to breakfast! This is Private Dun Ping from the future, signing off!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hais... yesterday ALOT of things happen sia.

I finally know how my life works liao. =DD

If the start of my day is super fun, that means the end of my day will be super shack.

Happened more than once already. I'm fairly sure this is the "formula" of my life.

Yesterday actually wanted to blog about the racial harmony stuff de lorh, but then something cropped up the moment I reached home and my com also broke down.. see? shack.

Kio me Mister Shack.

Racial harmony damn fun, I wear the formal clothes then everyone ask me what race I am, I just say "Caucasian."

"Ass la!"
"Bo liao sias"


Ohwells, hao kan jiu hao liaos~

had lessons, attentded boring stuff, took lotsa pics and videos. I finally realised I should treasure what I still have before I lose them in one way or another. Really really gonna miss all of you after O levels lor... stay in contact kays?

Took vid of TianLoke dancing malay dance. He zi tao clown bodoh... Ben wore sunglasses and looked like a blind man. Nicol was shack for a while for some reason. Then after than jiu okay liaos.

Oh!! Oh!! Something interesting happened also. I sparred with a Silat guy. Hes probably very good at his art la, cos hes demonstrating mah..

i didnt know can spar sia. Then TianLoke say can. I bu shi jiu join lorh. Got owned. One time knocked down another time tio ring out. When I abit hiong at that time liao horh. They jiu end liao. I GOT IT ON VIDEO!!! Only ending I not so cui nias...

Went home. ben lai wanted to slack and then sleep one. But in the end something cropped up. I become someone who is trying to sow discord. I'm like...

Aiyaa dunwan talk liaos. I dont like to bitch about stuff like this. Let people think what they like la. They happy jiu hao liao.. steady limpei dunwan talk so much about this kind of lj stuff liao.

Today was also super fun. Its like.. I'm back home? With me family of weird animals and whatever not. tok tok tok tok tok.

The reason why I love those morons so much is cos they dont have ulterior motives. We dont have anything on each other. I feel safe when I'm with them. I feel at "home".

Was locked out of night class cos we were late. Went to TechView to slack instead...

Talk talk talk. disiao disiao disiao. Then talk about the good between single and attached. Hais... Nicol arhs~

Its FRICKIN shiok to be single. Ben and Loke both agreed, the thrill of jio-ing people is in the part of jio-ing and the part when you succeed lorh. I cant help but agree. XDD

Hais... maybe thats cos we never really met anyone we really liked before in our lives ba? The one I really felt for wasnt mine... =.=

Call me Mister Shack okay?

Haha.. new names for some of us.

Rumaila Ang Dun Ping (This one got inner meaning de but.. WHAT THE HELL!? MACAM GIRL NAME SIAS!)
Boeing Lee Tian Loke (also got inner meaning de.)
Leslie Mog Da Fei (DAFFY DUCK!!!)

hahas~ hard to find a name for ben sias. Oh ohh.. me and leslie got out joint product. Duck Oil. We saw in sheng shiong supermarket de. Shiok bos?

I realised some people are two-faced de.. Which is why I prefer those straightforward people.. people like LOVELL LIM, NICOL ONG.

People with stead more lao shi? Donno la LOL, sometimes you all piss me off. But You two are the two person that I "respect" more ba?

I shall end here... sleepy. Nites people.


Muffin's Hongster Pledge:

Hongsters Never Die
Tiong Xims First One Die
Faithful Is A Lie
Filrting Is My Life

Melvin Teo: Hongsters never die. I dont want to die. So I hong.


As you get older, you come to a point in life where some people start becoming parasites to you. They might be not aware of that fact but the truth is you have to do something about it. It's sad really how sometimes you can smell their intent from a mile away. Be it big or small. I guess that indeed is  sign that I am getting stronger. And I guess these parasites are a form of recognition for that. Still, the line between truth and lies start to get blurrer and blurrer. That's really messed up but it's part of growing up i guess? I kinda understand how mel (leong) feels now, I guess I've always did. Anyway back to this post, wow I kinda hate the way I typed then huh, what a bad image I'm portraying to others sigh -.-

Friday, July 18, 2008


I know the previous post is super duper boring... paiseh la.. people bored mah..

Today was super duper fun, i started my day off with "flirting" with YingChuan, getting my thumb broken, and then listening to lessons like a good boy today. LOL!!!

I shall elaborate.

Lovell didnt come school today cos he late. I'm like wth, you planning to leave me sitting beside that barn animal and that organ-that-I-shall-not-state-down ah? Sian la...

Went to sit with Nicol instead cos I didnt wanna sit close to someone else, talked about cosplay and what to wear for Racial Harmony, then suddenly, YingChuan ask us. "Do you love me?"

Eveyone said no, whoever said yes might face certain death from Lovell if he knew about it LOL!

YingChuan looked sad.. then she say sth like.. "Wah.. I planning to share my coke with you all but none of you love me."

TianLoke: I LOVE YOU!!


Then later she said as a friend. I said "OF COURSE!" then also drank the coke LOL.

I think she also very sian la.. Lovell not here. I think it was meant for Lovell de ba? Not sure..

Later it was kinda boring... lessons lessons lessons. Until later recess time!! LOL, crowded the queue again like usual, Nicol was showing off how hard his "shell" was. Then he keep knocking us with his butt.. =.='

I kaykiang lor.. put my thumb there, hoping to *Mwahahaha* him.

Then end up, his ass was as hard as stone sia, my right thumb i think broke a few bones... and it was the same injury place I got from Benjamin last year.. (I still remember cos of that i dunnid do pumping at the ATC. PRAISE THE LORD!!)

Ate my food with my right hand still.. not used to left hand mah.. Then started talking about the contender again and about how Sean Wright was outclassed by Yod. Nicol cui out cos he didnt watch. =.=

Then went back to boring lessons once more... -_-, its okay, I just have to endure till O levels over. Then I jiu free liao =D

I think Mrs Chan hates me. Melvin said something really nasty but I couldnt help but agree... How did her husband get turned on with that mug of hers? LOL!!! I SERIOUSLY AGREE!!

This blog if kena read by my teachers ah... i seriously gg liaos.. But I risk! FOR THE SAKE OF TRUTH!!!

"Nicol, when you get back to your sit, you cannot sit with Mr. Ang."


oh wells, dont bother about her la, she probably hates me cos I sleep but then I manage to answer her questions, maybe she thinks I'm arrogant?

But lets think about it for a moment okay? I'm arrogant cos I CAN AFFORD TO BE ARROGANT. Didnt mean to though.. was really tired. I needed to rest for my other lessons. I'm sorry Mrs Chan.

So anws anws, after that played School block catching.. LOL!!! LOVELL COME BACK TO SCHOOL AFTER LESSONS JUST TO JOIN US!!! LOL!!!! IMBA!!

Played with the sec 3 ppl, like got 20 plus people sia, super duper crowded. I fared quite well dis time, I managed to evade this blue shirt guy a couple o times, just by twisting my body LOL. Hes too slow liao la... At least I provided entertainment for my "caught" friends.

One of the most memorable rounds was me and Lovell hiding behind recycling bins. Lovell keep saying its my house. But other than that, it was a super good hiding place. Didnt get found until someone kept getting people to "join" in to our hiding place. Bo pian lorhs, go hide behind bushes like army people...

Later on, after getting sweaty and sticky and all tired-dy, went eating, then went Lovell's house play mahjong, before each game, everyone would pour a water into a cup. As much or as little as you like. Then we start the game. If someone won, and he won by getting "feeded", the feeder would have to drink the glass of water. If he is "zi muo" one, then everyone drinks cept for him. This game is ultra good for people who are fasting lorh. Ehh e18 ppl. Next time we fast we mit up and play dis game can?

Went to tuition, almost died on the bus due to reasons I shall not elaborate. Well, one person knows. But I aint telling who. Oh!! Oh!!! Met BanLing and Nicol's mum at the busstop. I owe her three kinder buenos cos of some "assistance" she gave me. Ohwells, I'm always good at rewarding people with chocolate. Everytime I offer sweets. They always donwan de lorh.. Whats so good about chocolate?

Studied maths from 630 to 930. Shall no talk much about the tuition. Walked from one busstop to another to save money. Then I realised that weekeong's busstop is nearby my tuition teacher's house lorh.. then that time I take Mrt.. -_-.

Too rich or too stupid?

I wonder..

Now back here blogging. I think i'll start calling people to chat now.. be ready!! Mwahahaha~

This pic is a screenshot from the movie "Fight Club" when the protagonist makes his first phone call to Tyler Durden, anyway its 24th April 2014 now, I still keep in touch with some of the people in this post though! Namely Nicol, Melvin, YingChuan and even Ban Ling. Time really flies eh? Melvin never really changed much throughout all these while Nicol broke off with Se Yen a few years back and Yingchuan has a new boyfriend who happens to be my neighbour now.i was damn sucky at mahjong back then I still remember, nowadays yingchuan just keeps losing to me instead wahaha!! Somehow even without this blog post I can still remember that day though cos it's probably one of the very few times where I played mahjong back then! Till this day I still owe Nicol's sister three kinder buenos, shall reciprocate soon.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The simple activities

Sometimes we get alot of joy from the simple activities we do.

I'm still in my childhood days, i should enjoy as much as i can.


Today was ultra fun. We played "school catching" LOL!

Imagine ten over macho looking people running, hiding and shouting commands in the school like maniacs... =.=

It was fun though. We gonna have it every friday now YAY!!

At first, me and Lovell were the "catchers", we managed to catch ben after trapping him in a corner. Then we went on to catch Mel leong. After that it was pretty easy liao.

Run until my foot so many blisters cos i ran barefooted, my shoes kept coming out. Damn pissed, so ran barefooted. WAS SUPER FUN SIA LOL!!!

Later Mel and Ben were catchers, cos they were the first two to get caught. I hid in the fourth floor classroom sia, then they just walked passed me. Damn retarded LOL. Then later I purposely slip behind them then run. Then in the end run wrong place then kena caught by "default". =.= sian... see la, li hai jiu hao dont jia li hai... =.= If I stayed there they confirm cannot find me de lor. Then I go out... =.=

After that became Eugene and Jeremy's turn. Me and Lovell pair up again go hide in the classroom. WTF I just noticed we bu zhi bu jue ta pai "pair up" de lor wtf.

Eugene came in. Lovell ran, i tio stuck in the classroom. BUt managed to escape to the toilet. Climbed from cubicle to cubicle like spiderman. But in the end still tio caught. No place to run liao LOL. By that time my leg already superduper injurd liao... like i think every step i take got bloodprint on the floor lol. The blister exploded.

Buay tahan... Went back to class to wear shoes and then tie the shoelaces properly. Looks like children sia my shoes if I tie but nvm la... for the sake of my legs I wear lor...

After awhile 4B had classes, ours started at 230, so we joined JunYong and his group of sec 3 ppl in THEIR block catching. Also super duper fun. like 20+ people running like crazy tards. I can imagine the principle looking at the security camera and then seeing people running pass by every now and then lor LOL.

Played like crazy, sweat like crazy. Then went back to class stink like shit. Then sat down with Leslie who just came back to sch. Lol kept disiaoing him. Nowadays he keep punching people lor... duck fist LOL.

After sch went to eat with Ben, Mel, Les. Then met JunYong AGAIN and his group of frens. Played cai quan and the loser had to eat chilli damn funny. Ben's face at the end of the game damn red and then his eyes like widened three times his normal size. SUPER HILARIOUS SIA. Whoa, enjoyable day... Those chilli was ganpua hot lor..

Went to tuition till 930 after that. Damn tired. Saw this chiobu on the bus WAPIANG EHS!!! But i sian la, now botak... hais...


Went home, tried to call people to pei me chat, but it seems like everyone's asleep liao.. sians.. on com and play runescape with LOVELL again... =.=


Then got this person keep telling me to sleep... =.= I think she can be my second mum liao lor LOL.

First of all, I'd like to address to the fact that I'm super embarrassed that the past me had the gall to call his clique and himself "macho", I guess I was kinda foolish back then huh! But then again I guess it's kinds macho in the sense that back then I dared to run around the school barefooted like some kinda jungle boy and even continuing to play even after my blister exploded? Even until today, playing block catching in school is still one of the fondest memories I still retain. I seriously cant remember who I am referring to as "second mum" though, shouldn't be Sofia as I don't remember making a move on her back then yet hmm.. (ADP, 170414)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I'm bored.

Today I shall list down the list of people who have "alias" in my class and how they got them. (friends only. others are not even WORTH talking about =D)

I shall start with myself cos imma gentleman.

ADP-Oilman, Botak, leech, Ikan Bilis, Dustbin.
I'm the one with the most nicknames de lor... Oilman cos they keep saying my face got alot of oil. Leech and Ikan bilis cos of the "tatoo" i have on my left side. Its not a tatoo la.. its a birthmark that looks like a leech. -.- Dustbin cos my name sounds like it.

Benjamin- Sotong
Super damn blur. Like sotong.

Nicol - Turtle
LOL, actually he got no nickname de, until one day when me, him, ben and tianloke went to cut some kuku haircut. Leslie and Ivan said his hair looked like turtle. Since that day on, hes been known as the turtle.

TianLoke- Aeroplane, Love Red, Pervert
His nicknames are a little more "bastard". Those two are names of his parents. I shall no elaborate further. But hes usually known as the Aeroplane. Hes called the pervert cos he always disiao JieXin and other girls with his perv jokes, usually jiexin cos she can take them.. ke lian de JieXin.. TianLoke's self-proclaimed laopo! LOL

LOL!!!! Pervertic but super funny guy.

JunLe-Gay Clone
Cos his twin brother is a gay.

Leslie-Duck, One-legged duck(bo jiao ya)
Duck cos he looks like a duck, and nowadays i call him bo jiao ya cos hes injurd in one leg... kinda thanks to me -.-

Ivan- Ai Ben Gou (short stupid dog.)
This one is a work of a genius. Ai Ben Gou is a nickname that sounds like his name. Ivan Goh. Can make up alot of songs to disiao him also. like "Lips of a ben gou" and alot more.

Lovell- Pariah, Toad, Hairy Toad, Pariah Toad.
Pariah, he got this one after sprouting it out at the physics lesson due to having to have extra lessons. LOL. He since then is called pariah or pariah king liao... I love using the word "pariah" too. Toad cos he last time when he still never stead with YingChuan de shi hou... people call him "Toad lusting after a swan's meat." Dat's why hes called toad. Hairy Toad cos he is super hairy? And Pariah toad is just a combination of both. He's my pathner in 4a for 7 months already just for extra information... =.= Dustbin and PariahToad.

Melvin Leong- Cat
Cos he "Mels"... damn lame.. this nickname not i give one. This guy is seldom made fun of.

Hahaha this was probably how we looked like to the teachers back then, a bunch of kids who think they're so cool. I kinda regret disrupting the lesson so much though, but it was really fun while it lasted uh and even if I had the chance to go back in time, I'm sure I'd do the same stuffs over again. Even until today I still keep in touch with some of the people above! A lot has changed but I guess friends you make when you were young would usually last you a lifetime? Let's hope that's true! (ADP, 17/04/14)

Monday, July 7, 2008


Qns; The person who tagged you is?SofiaHEAR (LOL)

Qns; What is your relationship with him/her/them?
CellGroup mates?

Qns; Your 5 impressions of him/her/them?
Sec2, helpful?, smart?, good person, talktative. (more talktative than she looks anws.)

Qns; The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
She lend me earpiece LOL

Qns; If he/she becomes your lover, you will ... ?

Qns; If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improves on?
I cant answer that question if I'm not thinking about it.

Qns; If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
Cos I'm too asanide.

Qns; The most desire thing you want to do for him/her/them now is?
Erm.. say thanks and ask her if I can borrow her earpiece for a longer period of time?

Qns; Your overall impression on him/her?
Ren hen hao =D

Qns; How do you think people around you will feel about you?
I am so damn eccentric.

Qns; The character you love of yourself is...?
I donno. I dont like to praise myself. I guess that means humbleness?

Qns; On the contrary, the character you hate dislike yourself are ...?

Qns; The most ideal person you want to be is?
Myself, just a little more mature and smarter and stronger.

Qns; For people who care & like you, say something about them.
I care for you too?

Qns; Pass this quiz to 10 people. (Some of em dont have blogs, I'll just write down their names though XD)
1. Hyder
2. Nicol
3. Seyen
4. Alicia Ang
5. Sean
6. Benjamin
7. Melvin Teo
8. Melvin Tai
9. Lovell
10. YingChuan

Qns; Who is number six having relationship with ?
No one?

Qns; Is 9 a male or female?

Qns; If 7&10 are together, will it be a good thing?
No, number 9 will slaughter number 7

Qns; What's number 2 studying about?
Sec 4 dnt stuff. Hope he does well?

Qns; When was the last time you chatted with number 3?
Yesterday ba?

Qns; Is number 4 single?

Qns; Talk something casually about number 1.
Emo little malay boi that I knew since pri 4?

A note from future Dun Ping (17/04/14): Sofia Hear ended up becoming my first ever girlfriend and I guess I kinda didn't answer this "quiz" truthfully as I didn't have the guts back then to tell her I like her? Nonetheless, reading this post really takes be back to the days where I was young and foolish. But still, even until today it would definately be ideal if I was more mature, smarter and stronger.  I guess life is a never-ending journey to seek improvement eh? Peace out!


I was never good at expressing myself in this way really, but i'll try my best. This "letter" is meant for your eyes, but you'll probably never read it. But its also another reason why I'm writing it here in the first place.

Gosh i'm ironic... Ohwells.

Heard you havent been studying as hard as you were the last time huh? Haha, hope you did enjoy the birthday present I gave you..

Erm.. Y'know, sometimes people just happen to think back about some other people in the middle of the night when they're really bored? I dont know why but I just really felt like blogging about you right now. Weird huh... Dont worry, this dosent mean I have any feelings for you or anything.. It's just... I'm thinking of you right now? Haha.. And I have this strong feeling that If I dont put this down somewhere where I can read it back again someday, it would become a lost memory. Not that it would be a pity or anything but.. Ah I donno la I just feel like writing it down. And my handwriting SUX.


Its really hard to express your feelings, even on keyboard. I guess I just dont have the ability to communicate with others how I really feel.

Like that statement above would help.. =.=

I still remember lor hor.. that first time i saw you? Was in KFC ba? When I was still friends with those people. When you were like the "Eeww.. I dont like coffee shop" type of person? Haha.. too pampered le la xiaojie..

I also thought you were the shy shy dont talk type lor. But I guess everyone's like that in front of strangers. Hais.. seriously you dont look good or anything but.. I donno leh.. just felt like I wanted to know you more lor. And this isnt the kind of "Ooohh chio bu!!!" kind of wanting-to-know-you-more.

We never talked directly at each other at that time ba? you had your own group of frens and I had mine. We were just connected to you sister lor. I also still remember that time I had this really thick and stuffy mushroom on my head. And now I'm botak. People change alot in 7 months huh?

You know what? I'm was never good at socialising, I dont like talking. I have an attitude problem cos I dont feel obliged to anyone. But you know something else as well? When you feel that someone is important to you. You would try to change yourself to suit that person. But ego sometimes holds you back.

If you describe yourself as a person who dosent care a shit about the world. You will act like a person who dosent care about a shit in the world. Sometimes, even when you want to change. this "ego" will hold you back, you will crack jokes in the middle of serious conversations for the sake of disturbing people, you will get proities mixed up, you act like a big moron and a big asshole from time to time. You dont care about how others think about you unless they are important to you. I feel that I am that kind of person. I describe myself as that kind of person. Thats why I AM that kind of person.

When I realised that I liked you, I wanted to change. But I just couldnt, I felt that if I changed, it wouldnt be the real me anymore. I'm not making all these up. This was really how I felt. And I know actually.. That my kind of behavious would turn any potential people who likes me off. Why do I do such stupid stuff? I know its stupid yet I continue. Cos of this "ego" that I have of myself.. This frickin sucks..

And in the end, we just ended up as mere friends. And after I did that thing on my birthday. Everything went downhill? You were already unhappy with my attitude, yet I did such stuff at such a wrong timing, failure was definite.

My behaviour after that was what really made us got further and further from each other. Heres the truth, the truth that only Nicol and Seyen knows cos they have been through it with me. I thought you were ignoring me. I seriously was. Which was why the moment I saw you again I stuck so close to you, happy that you werent ignoring me. That was the worst mistake I could have ever done. And I guess I paid the price for it? The surprising thing was, throughout this whole thing. My eyes were as dry as I was sad. It was... amazing?

The feeling that you want to cry but you cant cry it out at all.. I think theres something wrong with my brain. Its preventing me from tearing the normal way. I tend to "cry" more often when I yawn instead... but in times like this. I cant even f**king shed a tear for my own pathetic self. Its not that I dont want to, its just that I cant. Not like YOU would care anyway.

Now that I think back really. I feel that I'm almost inferior to you in every possible way. In studies, attitude towards others, attitude towards oneself, attitude towards life, accomplishments, and even the "charm" that lets you be loved by so many. Even when we cant tell WHY THE HELL do we even fall for you in the first place. Some people just have that x-factor that others dont. I wonder why would I even think about liking you in that kind of condition. When I could not even take care of myself. When I am broke and penniless and would spend money the moment it touches my hands.

Nowadays when I think back, I can almost certainly say that I treat you as a long-lost friend. Seeing you smile with real happiness for the first time you see me again. I knew this time. My timing was right. I appeared at the right time, said the right things, and did the correct stuff back. Yes, we can remain as friends again. I am so happy. I'm contended with that. But please, study hard for you exams alright? Your sis is fairly worried for you. And this "nobody" here also worries about you. You have the potential, you should work hard, stop hanging out with your friends so often really. Let these relationships weaken if you really have to. Its your future at stake and yadda yadda yadda...

I hate nagging.

Do you know? How blissed it is to have someone really care for you like that? Even though you feel that you shouldnt acknowledge that person and find him a nuisance, I feel that it is really blissful to be cared for.

Hais... I feel that I am having an inferiorty complex.

I dont want to impose on you anymore, everytime coming to your house and hanging out with your brothers. I can feel that you dont like it cos you feel that i'm trying to get to see you again. But listen. Its not like that. It used to be for the first few times. Your attitude towards me at that time was correct. You killed off all my "passion" I had for you. And now we can remain friends again. I think thats much better.

I heard you asked Nicol why didnt I come to your house anymore. He was as surprised as I was. But thats just a small passing remark I'm sure.

I'm not missing you or anything. Just that I feel that I should state this down somewhere. Yeah... Good to have you back as a friend I guess?

When will I even shed tears for anyone anyways... hais... =.="


This pictures from the "future" serves as a message from future Dun Ping,  many things have changed and looking back i'm glad I failed to get together with this girl. I realized that what happened back then was because I did not have a large circle and basically she was the kind of girl that I thought I could stand a chance with due to her not being very pretty and the fact that I was kinda lonely and just wanted company so I attempted to "settle" for her. As mean as this might sound, it is the harsh truth that the past Dun Ping would never admit to. So anyway yeah we were totally not suitable for each other and future me is glad that she did not "settle" for me as well. Phew! 

Ok, the emotional letter is over le. I'm almost back to myself.

And thanks to SofiaHear for the earpiece!! =D

Piang ehs, when I was typing this letter, I keep one getting interupted by my mother lor. Piangs, such an emotional time.. Then you keep coming over and asking my to shut the bloodly com off.. =.=

Like she can read english LOL!!! But I should really treasure my parents la, comparing my parents to some others who really dont care, I seriously cant even imagine how loved I am, my parents are like me I guess? They dont know how to show their love, and their way of showing it(usually) pisses me off to the max. HELLO MADAM! I AM TYPING A LETTER TO AN IMPORTANT PERSON RIGHT NOW. JUST GO TO SLEEP ALREADY INSTEAD OF ASKING ME TO GO TO SLEEP!!

But I should feel blessed I guess? Since there's someone that cares for me enough to wake up to call me to bed..

I love you mummy?




Thursday, July 3, 2008


Hi people.

I'm Bald.

And I have 4 haircuts in 3 days. =D

And I have two feelers at my head.


What the hell.. Shack zi pua..

Here are some comments I remember from today LOL!
Mrs Chan: If Nicol cant make it for his O Levels, he can go be a barber.

Mr. Te: I think we need to cut him a skinhead.
Mr. Te: This is the wrong way to get attention Dun Ping. (I WASNT TRYING TO GET ATTENTION!!!)

Miss Faisah: ( In response to Mr.Te's comment about my hair.): I think he wants to start anew.


Muzakir & Leslie: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAaa (Laughing to hard to comment.)

Melvin: From one shit haircut to another. (...)

Miss Seet: They say people with high forehead are smart. I can see your forehead now. =D
Miss Seet: Its cooling to have this kind of haircut right? *blows my head.* (Me: Go away.)

Valerie: Why did you do that? (Me: *Explains to her about my mowhawk and stuff..*) SHOW ME YOUR MOHAWK PHOTO LATER!!!
Valerie: He has the haircut of a swimmer. (random?)

Lovell: You look like you have a piece of shit at the back of your head. (=.=)
Lovell: (Mr te: Someone tell him his haircut is ugly.) YOUR HAIRCUT IS UGLY!

TianLoke: You have feelers! Like a cockroach!
TianLoke: His haircut is inspired from PrisonBreak.

Ivan: I like your tatoo at ur head. (LOL!!!)


Nicol's father: That's how a student should look like! (He just now saw my mohawk and said a student should'nt have those kinda hairstyle.)

Nicol: All the people on jiang hu shang called "botak" de all are very infamous de you know? (YA LIKE I CARE!)

At least now I can save money on shampoo =D.

Back then all I wanted was long luscious hair like Kenpachi from Bleach. Just look at how badass he is!!

Hais... happy times. In a day I got so many comments... I think this is one post I can look back and laugh at when I'm like 20 years down the road. I hate all of you LOL

Nah.. just joking. If I really took to heart what you all say, I wont put these up for OTHERS to see already lo..

Now I just hope to get rid of those feelers soon.
