Monday, July 7, 2008


Qns; The person who tagged you is?SofiaHEAR (LOL)

Qns; What is your relationship with him/her/them?
CellGroup mates?

Qns; Your 5 impressions of him/her/them?
Sec2, helpful?, smart?, good person, talktative. (more talktative than she looks anws.)

Qns; The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
She lend me earpiece LOL

Qns; If he/she becomes your lover, you will ... ?

Qns; If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improves on?
I cant answer that question if I'm not thinking about it.

Qns; If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
Cos I'm too asanide.

Qns; The most desire thing you want to do for him/her/them now is?
Erm.. say thanks and ask her if I can borrow her earpiece for a longer period of time?

Qns; Your overall impression on him/her?
Ren hen hao =D

Qns; How do you think people around you will feel about you?
I am so damn eccentric.

Qns; The character you love of yourself is...?
I donno. I dont like to praise myself. I guess that means humbleness?

Qns; On the contrary, the character you hate dislike yourself are ...?

Qns; The most ideal person you want to be is?
Myself, just a little more mature and smarter and stronger.

Qns; For people who care & like you, say something about them.
I care for you too?

Qns; Pass this quiz to 10 people. (Some of em dont have blogs, I'll just write down their names though XD)
1. Hyder
2. Nicol
3. Seyen
4. Alicia Ang
5. Sean
6. Benjamin
7. Melvin Teo
8. Melvin Tai
9. Lovell
10. YingChuan

Qns; Who is number six having relationship with ?
No one?

Qns; Is 9 a male or female?

Qns; If 7&10 are together, will it be a good thing?
No, number 9 will slaughter number 7

Qns; What's number 2 studying about?
Sec 4 dnt stuff. Hope he does well?

Qns; When was the last time you chatted with number 3?
Yesterday ba?

Qns; Is number 4 single?

Qns; Talk something casually about number 1.
Emo little malay boi that I knew since pri 4?

A note from future Dun Ping (17/04/14): Sofia Hear ended up becoming my first ever girlfriend and I guess I kinda didn't answer this "quiz" truthfully as I didn't have the guts back then to tell her I like her? Nonetheless, reading this post really takes be back to the days where I was young and foolish. But still, even until today it would definately be ideal if I was more mature, smarter and stronger.  I guess life is a never-ending journey to seek improvement eh? Peace out!

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