Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hais... yesterday ALOT of things happen sia.

I finally know how my life works liao. =DD

If the start of my day is super fun, that means the end of my day will be super shack.

Happened more than once already. I'm fairly sure this is the "formula" of my life.

Yesterday actually wanted to blog about the racial harmony stuff de lorh, but then something cropped up the moment I reached home and my com also broke down.. see? shack.

Kio me Mister Shack.

Racial harmony damn fun, I wear the formal clothes then everyone ask me what race I am, I just say "Caucasian."

"Ass la!"
"Bo liao sias"


Ohwells, hao kan jiu hao liaos~

had lessons, attentded boring stuff, took lotsa pics and videos. I finally realised I should treasure what I still have before I lose them in one way or another. Really really gonna miss all of you after O levels lor... stay in contact kays?

Took vid of TianLoke dancing malay dance. He zi tao clown bodoh... Ben wore sunglasses and looked like a blind man. Nicol was shack for a while for some reason. Then after than jiu okay liaos.

Oh!! Oh!! Something interesting happened also. I sparred with a Silat guy. Hes probably very good at his art la, cos hes demonstrating mah..

i didnt know can spar sia. Then TianLoke say can. I bu shi jiu join lorh. Got owned. One time knocked down another time tio ring out. When I abit hiong at that time liao horh. They jiu end liao. I GOT IT ON VIDEO!!! Only ending I not so cui nias...

Went home. ben lai wanted to slack and then sleep one. But in the end something cropped up. I become someone who is trying to sow discord. I'm like...

Aiyaa dunwan talk liaos. I dont like to bitch about stuff like this. Let people think what they like la. They happy jiu hao liao.. steady limpei dunwan talk so much about this kind of lj stuff liao.

Today was also super fun. Its like.. I'm back home? With me family of weird animals and whatever not. tok tok tok tok tok.

The reason why I love those morons so much is cos they dont have ulterior motives. We dont have anything on each other. I feel safe when I'm with them. I feel at "home".

Was locked out of night class cos we were late. Went to TechView to slack instead...

Talk talk talk. disiao disiao disiao. Then talk about the good between single and attached. Hais... Nicol arhs~

Its FRICKIN shiok to be single. Ben and Loke both agreed, the thrill of jio-ing people is in the part of jio-ing and the part when you succeed lorh. I cant help but agree. XDD

Hais... maybe thats cos we never really met anyone we really liked before in our lives ba? The one I really felt for wasnt mine... =.=

Call me Mister Shack okay?

Haha.. new names for some of us.

Rumaila Ang Dun Ping (This one got inner meaning de but.. WHAT THE HELL!? MACAM GIRL NAME SIAS!)
Boeing Lee Tian Loke (also got inner meaning de.)
Leslie Mog Da Fei (DAFFY DUCK!!!)

hahas~ hard to find a name for ben sias. Oh ohh.. me and leslie got out joint product. Duck Oil. We saw in sheng shiong supermarket de. Shiok bos?

I realised some people are two-faced de.. Which is why I prefer those straightforward people.. people like LOVELL LIM, NICOL ONG.

People with stead more lao shi? Donno la LOL, sometimes you all piss me off. But You two are the two person that I "respect" more ba?

I shall end here... sleepy. Nites people.


Muffin's Hongster Pledge:

Hongsters Never Die
Tiong Xims First One Die
Faithful Is A Lie
Filrting Is My Life

Melvin Teo: Hongsters never die. I dont want to die. So I hong.


As you get older, you come to a point in life where some people start becoming parasites to you. They might be not aware of that fact but the truth is you have to do something about it. It's sad really how sometimes you can smell their intent from a mile away. Be it big or small. I guess that indeed is  sign that I am getting stronger. And I guess these parasites are a form of recognition for that. Still, the line between truth and lies start to get blurrer and blurrer. That's really messed up but it's part of growing up i guess? I kinda understand how mel (leong) feels now, I guess I've always did. Anyway back to this post, wow I kinda hate the way I typed then huh, what a bad image I'm portraying to others sigh -.-

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