Friday, July 11, 2008

The simple activities

Sometimes we get alot of joy from the simple activities we do.

I'm still in my childhood days, i should enjoy as much as i can.


Today was ultra fun. We played "school catching" LOL!

Imagine ten over macho looking people running, hiding and shouting commands in the school like maniacs... =.=

It was fun though. We gonna have it every friday now YAY!!

At first, me and Lovell were the "catchers", we managed to catch ben after trapping him in a corner. Then we went on to catch Mel leong. After that it was pretty easy liao.

Run until my foot so many blisters cos i ran barefooted, my shoes kept coming out. Damn pissed, so ran barefooted. WAS SUPER FUN SIA LOL!!!

Later Mel and Ben were catchers, cos they were the first two to get caught. I hid in the fourth floor classroom sia, then they just walked passed me. Damn retarded LOL. Then later I purposely slip behind them then run. Then in the end run wrong place then kena caught by "default". =.= sian... see la, li hai jiu hao dont jia li hai... =.= If I stayed there they confirm cannot find me de lor. Then I go out... =.=

After that became Eugene and Jeremy's turn. Me and Lovell pair up again go hide in the classroom. WTF I just noticed we bu zhi bu jue ta pai "pair up" de lor wtf.

Eugene came in. Lovell ran, i tio stuck in the classroom. BUt managed to escape to the toilet. Climbed from cubicle to cubicle like spiderman. But in the end still tio caught. No place to run liao LOL. By that time my leg already superduper injurd liao... like i think every step i take got bloodprint on the floor lol. The blister exploded.

Buay tahan... Went back to class to wear shoes and then tie the shoelaces properly. Looks like children sia my shoes if I tie but nvm la... for the sake of my legs I wear lor...

After awhile 4B had classes, ours started at 230, so we joined JunYong and his group of sec 3 ppl in THEIR block catching. Also super duper fun. like 20+ people running like crazy tards. I can imagine the principle looking at the security camera and then seeing people running pass by every now and then lor LOL.

Played like crazy, sweat like crazy. Then went back to class stink like shit. Then sat down with Leslie who just came back to sch. Lol kept disiaoing him. Nowadays he keep punching people lor... duck fist LOL.

After sch went to eat with Ben, Mel, Les. Then met JunYong AGAIN and his group of frens. Played cai quan and the loser had to eat chilli damn funny. Ben's face at the end of the game damn red and then his eyes like widened three times his normal size. SUPER HILARIOUS SIA. Whoa, enjoyable day... Those chilli was ganpua hot lor..

Went to tuition till 930 after that. Damn tired. Saw this chiobu on the bus WAPIANG EHS!!! But i sian la, now botak... hais...


Went home, tried to call people to pei me chat, but it seems like everyone's asleep liao.. sians.. on com and play runescape with LOVELL again... =.=


Then got this person keep telling me to sleep... =.= I think she can be my second mum liao lor LOL.

First of all, I'd like to address to the fact that I'm super embarrassed that the past me had the gall to call his clique and himself "macho", I guess I was kinda foolish back then huh! But then again I guess it's kinds macho in the sense that back then I dared to run around the school barefooted like some kinda jungle boy and even continuing to play even after my blister exploded? Even until today, playing block catching in school is still one of the fondest memories I still retain. I seriously cant remember who I am referring to as "second mum" though, shouldn't be Sofia as I don't remember making a move on her back then yet hmm.. (ADP, 170414)

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