1)Whats your full name?
Ang Dun Ping
2)Do you like your first name?
Whatever. Cant be bothered.
3)How long have you liked the person you currently like?
I dont feel like putting it out here cos there'll be kaypohs everywhere.
4)Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?
Shit. I wish I had.
5)Did you cry today?
No. I wish I could.
6)What are you doing this morning at 8am?
7)What are you doing an hour ago?
I forgot. I think I was on the com.
8)What are you currently doing?
9)Who last texted you a msg?
This weird person called bebe.
10)Have to told anybody that you love them today?
11)Do you miss anyone now?
Yes, but she doesnt wanna be named.
12)Any plans for tomorrow?
My O levels. And I'm so damn unprepared.
13)What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
14)Is there anyone you want to be with now?
Yeah. I wanna be with that person everyday!
15)Have you kissed anyone who's name starts with C ?
Cyil? NAH JOKING! nope!
16)Name someone who make you smiles today, how?
None yet. Or maybe I cant remember.
17)Name a friend who's name starts with 'Z'
Zhi Jian
18)Which of your friend stays closest to you?
Nicol "turtlemonkey" Ong Ding Jun
19)Do you prefer to call or to text?
20)Was yesterday better than today?
I wonder..
21)Can you live a day without tv and your phone?
I can always use the internet. =)
22)Are you mad about anything now?
Yes. You could tell huh?
23)Do you ever think that relationships are really worth it?
Yeah I guess so?
24)Last person you visited in a hospital?
I cant frickin remember. I hate hospitals.
25)When is your last and second last hug?
Nicol ong, Sean Lee I think?
26)What does the last text msg in your inbox says?
"Cannot la.. If you want me to talk to you it'll be at night already. sorry. I not zuiying luh.. I also dont want to quarrel.."
27)How do you feel about your life now?
It's fine. It will be better after Os.
28)Do you hate anyone?
Yes. Two person. Same family. =D
29)Last person you called?
Erm.. I think it was SeYen, which was like yesterday?
30)Who usually sent you the most texts in a mth?
Someone who doesnt wanna be named.
31)Is your room messy now?
I only have half a room. And its okay. Not that messy bah?
32)Who will be mad if your room is messy?
33)Your shortest relationship?
Shut up.
34)Who do you look like?
I dont know. Who do you want me to look like?
35)Tag 10 people to do this survey!
ADP from the future here, anyway here's a picture of what Nicol will look like in 2014. I still hate hospitals till this day cos it's like a cesspool of unhappiness and diseases. The nurses at cgh are pretty nice though! I really respect nurses cos they probably have to take shit 24/7 and not go apeshit on grouchy patients or their superiors. Can't rmb why I hugged Sean Lee though I remember not being on good terms with him ever since I entered BNSS hmm.. (ADP, 4/8/14) |