Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy days

Yesterday and Today are happy days~

Yesterday went out with Alicia, Val, Yiling, Bernice, Seyen, Nicol, JunLe, Lovell, Leslie, Melvin, Ben, and James

Took alot alot alot of pics! =))

Alot of stuff la. Very fun. Lazy to type. =))


Today is happy! Cos I someone gave me something! Sorry though.. I let it slip.. Please forgive me~

Hey hey hey its a beautiful day~ Stop thinking so much and let the amazing ADP solve your problems with a touch of his magic wand! =))


I have no recollection of this day at all. If only I was more specific back then sigh..  I guess everyday is a beautiful back then when you don't have any responsibilities n baggages. Growing up sarks (ADP 040614)

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