Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Extended for 3 days

My fast will end at 10 dec 2008

Yesterday was uber fun. But I cant be bothered to explain. =)
This is a picture of Valerie in the year 2014. I'm sure I've mentioned her a few times back in my earlier posts but yeah. This is how she looks like now. Haven't really seen her since her birthday celebration though! She's a good person and a great pal! Anws I guess it's important to archive your thoughts yknow? Like as I read this post I can't seem to really remember what was so "uber fun" back then hmm.. I can't even remember if I did succeed in finishing my fast. Anws those times archive time behind me! I wonder if someone will actually go ahead and read my blog posts when I pass away one day 😅 (ADP, 30th July 2014)

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