I was watching this parkour video on youtube.
Then suddenly I asked myself, "What was the parkour-est thing I have ever done?"
Hmm.. I wonder if the teachers will see this. But the parkour-est thing I have ever done would definately be me climbing over the fence to enter/exit school evertime I'm late/feel like escaping.
I can still remember the first time I did it, it was with me and JunLe, we called it "Prison Break BNSS edition" LOL!!!
Escaped school after assembly that day to meet up with Lovell and YingChuan to go to e!hub to watch "Meet Dave" if you guys read my long long time ago post, yeah, that was the day I first did it.
Whoa.. Super cool man! I really felt like I was prison-breaking LOL!! JunLe was definately better than I was at that thing hehe..
After that incident, entering the school through that entrance was very normal for me. I still remember I tried to enter school by the other "Secret entrance", the "Ant Fence." Who knows that one haha? =))
Dont ever go there, Dont think its just a few dumb ants only and it wont kill. YOU'RE WRONG! Climbing the fence is much safer!! And less painful.
Heh.. Speaking of painful..
I can still remember the day Moggie got his "skullcrack". That was also the day we went botak cos of him, a little due to me. I think he still blames me for it.
Lovell, BenJi, Moggie, and Ba wanted to climb fence to escape school I think? So yeah.. We did, as JunLe wasnt around, I had the most experience and I climbed first, upon landing, I landed on a safe patch, beside the safe patch was a longkang which is not covered. I thought everyone would be able to see it.. -.-
So next went Moggie. He climbed, landed in the longkang and he got a "skullcrack".. Ouch.. -.- Bleeding like crazy, if you see YiLing's blog you can see his "skullcrack" being stiched up le. But it was fucking gross.. I thought he was going to die. Or at least scream in pain like those horror movies.. I guess in the end humans have higher threshold of pain than we think huh? Cos Leslie say it was numb. So I guess that must be it. Went to Nicol's house for awhile to see what to do with his "skullcrack" Nicol fainted while watching leslie's doctor stich the wound up.
Later on at the clinic, Mel and Lokie came. When we asked how they got out, they said they just walked out of the gate. WALKED! -.- They told the security guard they were O level students and they were home free.. WTF?
Stupid people.. Ohwell, I'm still botak now..
I wonder which idiot said it was a skullcrack?
A note from the future: You know how she stories stick at the back of your head no matter how old you've aged? This story has definately gotta be one of them! Hahaha, thinking back that day was truly truly epic I tell you, and it was definately the "parkour-est" day ever! Look at how much everyone in this post has grown man! Alicia is now working full-time and has a loving bf, Leslie has ORD-ed and idk what he's doing? Lovell is back in school, and I still hang out with Nicol every once in a while! I'm glad I have this fond memories, they'll be good stories to tell my children one day. (2/9/14) |