Saturday, November 1, 2008

I want to eat McDonalds $2 Breakfast..

Yesterday was uber tiring.. Fun-wise? Yeah it was kinda fun I guess? Wish I could go out more with those people.. =))


Lets move on to the quiz..

Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own.
Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real places name and/or objects, but nothing made up.
Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same initial.
You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Have fun with it!

MY NAME --- Ang Dun Ping
1. Four letter word ; Ants
2. Boy name ; Andy
3. Girl name ; Adeline
4. Occupation ; Asshole
5. Colour ; Apple-green
6. Something you wear ; A shirt
7. Beverage ; Apple Tea?
8. Food ; Apple
9. Place ; Aroma Therapy centre

10. Something found in bathroom ; A bar of soap
11. Reason for being late ; A woman was stalking me. I was so scared I went back home to sleep till she left.
12. Something you shout ; ALI BABA!!! (LOL)
13. Font ; ------- (lazy)
14. TV show ; Amazing Race
15. Song Title ; Amazing

Now pass this brain-cracking quiz to 10 people.
Any 10. =) I dont have that many people in my links ya know.. >.< (Hyder come come!! =D)

Now at Ben's house using com, no one wants to watch Ben's Scary Movie 4, I think I'll just stay here and wait for my movie to load ba.. hais.. Faster faster start cooking leh.. 1 more hour till break fast. =))


A note from the future: Hi, this is future ADP speaking that that's you being drunk on your sofa in the year 2014. Not exactly glamorous I know haha if I could see my future self being drunk like this I'd be embarrassed too haha! I kinda liked doing quizzes back then huh! Thinking back an occupation as an asshole is pretty valid huh! Think about parking attendants for example. I remember the good ol days where the class of 4A would just go to Ben's house to chill for the weekend yknow? totally lost contact with him now although Lovell recently contacted me again so I guess that's good? Hopefully Nicol will be able to bring the entire clique together for the upcoming sentosa trip ba! :) (ADP, 5/8/14)

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