Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What the fuck?

At first, i thought he doesnt deserve to be with you.
His attitude, behavior is just disgusting.
But now, since is your choice, i have nothing to say.
Just disappointed, but you dont really care anyway.

Life is really full of decisions.
You need to choose and decide fast.
But you dont really know whats right for you.
However, i think, everything has already been planned.

-From Marilyn's blog.

Eh Cheebye la hor! Fuck off la seriously, this thing fromt he beginning you got not rights to be a part of it la. You dare tell me this post not fucking about me ah? Pcb. My attitude bad your fucking business ah? Nabeh its because of people like you that make me to leave church lor. Disgusting like fuck.. dont come act one nice kid la. Now I break with her liao you want to chup in what shit. We break liao. Fucking happy now? Cb from the beginning you got no say in our stuff lor. Who gives a rats ass about whether you think shes the right choice or not? You leh? You think you're the right choice for Ian ah? Go lor! See if anyone want you first anot then come fucking talk la please. Fucking pcb la. You happy now ah? You shiok now? My attitude disgusting? got as disgusting as yours not? Whatever I do I dare to say in front of that person's face, you leh? Huh? You happy now not? Seriously speaking, Chirstain do until like that.. Baptise le got fuck use? I got ever badmouth you anot? I only call you monkey and then tease you about Ian only wad, I got apologise leh, you leh? Fucking hypocrite.. I dont know why the fuck christains are like that. Serious, one by one all fucking hypocrites. This from the beginning was two of our's stuff. You had no right to come in and give comments, you want also give to your own stead, but then, anyone want you meh? Fucking hypocrite..

Does she need you? A person less mature than her to tell her what is right or wrong for her? I dont need to tell you what made her like me. You cant see it. You dont have to see it. Because its our taiji from the first place. You just have to go mind your own Ian can liao. Provided he even want you anot la hor?

CMI la please.. Prove me wrong if you can. Then I lanlan lor?

A note from the future: Aha what an angry post.. I remember back then she did say some kinda stupid stuff to Sofia that I couldn't divulge on the post cos it not it would kinda impair sofa's integrity on this whole thing hmm.. It's funny how humans work though, how they like to put others down just so they can see themselves on some sort of pedestal.. Ah well, the past is the past ya? (3/9/14)

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