Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hello Humans!!

Left with one paper left for the Os.. =)))

Nowadays super slack can?

Today, I'm dedicating this post to two of my favourite hiadis of all time~ =))

Both of them has been classmates with me for two years.. I knew JunLe when I was sec 1 though. But Lovell I didnt know him until I was sec 3 when he suddenly appeared in my class. Wonder why huh..

Hmm.. Lets begin ba!

Ehh Hiadi!! Thanks alot on giving me all those advices and scolding me when I need to be scolded. Although sometimes you kaopei kaobu alot alot ALOT!! But you're still the best hiadi I can ever have! I treat you like my big bro man! Oh! and thanks for the Pendant! Wearing it now LOL!! See you in one hours time big bro!!! Oh! And good luck in whatever you do! Good luck in getting whatever you wish to get!! =))

~~[[Kenneth Goh Jun Le]]~~
Another kaopei kia.. Hais.. all my hiadis all super kaopei de la.. Ohwells. This guy is super good la! Generous but kaopei! But then again.. all my friends are kaopei one la.. So.. -.-

Thanks Le! For giving me the card and lending me so much money and even offering to cancel the debt! But dont worry! I may be poor but I will definately return what I owe!! =)) And I really wanna wanna specially thank you for the card incident man. Xin ku ni le!! =)) Hope you manage to get your 8 packs soon! =)) See you soon too! See you in one hour's time!! =DD

Heh.. Recently also never post so much le laa.. Ohwells. Busy with life, busy slacking, busy pei-ing my loved-ones. =D


Future ADP here,  yes this picture is not very flattering and that's why I chose to post it here before deleting it from my phone. I like to archive stuff yknow? I lost the Pendant Lovell gave me, it was some kinda cross or something? Met up with him a few weeks back. Sigh.. Sometimes there are some stuff I wanna divulge to him but I can't because it's not my position to. Just hope things will somehow work itself out. No one deserves to be kept in the dark like this.. I haven't met Jun Le in years! Really hope to see him soon though wonder what he'll be like now hmm.. I'll forever remember his generosity. Miss that sucka man I still remember him lending my this phone which only has 3 songs in it during my Os when my phone was broken. Maybe he'll come attend the sentosa outing that Nicol is planning! (2/9/14)

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