Friday, September 12, 2008


That's what I'm gonna get for my compre paper. Cos I didnt go for it today. Didnt feel like it. Siao hor? Prelims still liddat. Dont worry, I know I english good jiu can liao. No need to prove by results. O levels come then you call see lor. =))

Combined Science paper today was surprisingly easy. I didnt see any really hard questions. Hope I can do well for my papers this time round bah, this is the last paper for my prelims le. Monday i'm going to go back to the mundane school life. Or maybe not! Cos I'm sitting next to Haidar. =))

Cancelled my chemistry tuition today as well. Feel like really giving myself a break. I've been working harder than my normal for this week. I'm gonna give myself a small small break before continuing next monday. =)) Will study at saturday as well. Went to TM just now with Mel, Val, Alicia. Nothing much to do leh... just walkwalk cos very early... Was okay la. My legs are kinda tired now. I just wanna sleep.. Arcade people dont let me play para para cos I wearing school uniform.. Otherwise I woulda at least entertained them a little. Super long never wear school uniform go outside liao.. Bought something for Ced's birthday as well. Not planning to wrap it. nehnehnipoopoo. Its better if I dont wrap. Charmaine Theng you better remember to pay me tomorrow hor. That was my concession bus money.

As for the card... maybe I'll do it later when I'm feeling more jing shen bah? Later probably going up to cousin's house to slack and catch up a little.. I'm happy. Cos tomorrow YingChuan and Lovell is coming for cellgroup!!! =DD

To Lovell and YingChuan: Paiseh brother and sister... Sometimes really not free to pei you all. Hope you will understand and have fun tomorrow! =))

This is how I kinda look like in the year 2014,  anyway I guess my motto during my secondary school days was "船到桥头自然直" huh! Like not really giving a shit about the future and just living in the present without any worries. Ah how blissful life was back then! It's been quite awhile since I've hung out with my cousins already! Miss those citadel days sigh..

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