Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1st step

I managed to compile my physics notes from the TYS into a notebook from chapter 1 to 9 (skipped chapter 8 cos i think its no longer in the syllabus.)

Today I'm gonna post about something that will improve my image. =)

I've said this a couple O times, but I never knew where to start from. Now I've finally decided. Hopefully this time it'll last.

I wanna be more gentlemanly. And the first step I'm gonna take is to stop cursing vulgarities. I'll stop scolding any of those at all. Wish me luck on my 1st step to gentlemanhood.

Today was fun, I plucked off a few strands of Muzakir's leg hairs after he kicked my chair a couple O times along with Haidar LOL!! He was struggling like a mad ass after plucking off a few strands. Waaah I was laughing like crazy can? Zi tao Miss Faisah ask me shut up I still ignore her cos it was seriously too damn funny. She's a good teacher and can take insults. Like how I called her mole face today after she called me pimple face... -.-

Today I did some stupid stuff in class again. I tucked in my shirt until damn high then walked like some bigshot towards Ben's table to help him dispose of an ant cos he was afraid of it. Then I walked back to my seat like a hero. Aiyaa Its hard to describe in words la. If you were there you would be laughing like mad de la.. hard to describe in words... hard to describe in words..

Went to Techview to eat with Nicol, Ben, TianLoke, Leslie, Melvin, Alicia, Bernice and James. Some small girl winked at TianLoke today. She's kinda cute man. Keep on laughing. Sec 1 nia. TIANLOKE CHIONG AH!!!! We now call that girl Winky LOL!

I cant get enough of having fun with all those people in my class LOL. Seriously life's been really really good. If only O levels werent so close I definately would want to fool arond a little more. Darnit.. I'm seriously gonna miss them like hell. I dont mind not being 16 if only I could just spend one more, just one more year with these people. Ironic huh, cos when I first started school I really really wished it would end soon cos I didnt have any friends back then. Sec 4 life is the best time of my life in my four years of education. =))

Good times never last... Shit man. God please stop letting me feel so tired all the time in class.

Oh, for me, shit doesn't count as a vulgarity, doesnt matter what you think. =)

Hahaa guess the whole "gentlemanly outlook" thing still needs a lot of improvement after all these years. I'm still cursing nowadays, not intentionally though! I remember the day I made this post though! It was indeed a fun day! God I miss Muzakir.. The Winky girl later came to be known as Jasmine and I think Nicol is friends with her now? Really miss my secondary school days with 4A :(But at least I know when I become old one day I'd still look back at these silly times and laugh to myself. Life is beautiful! (14/05/14)

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