Tuesday, September 2, 2008


God has given me a gift.

It goes by the name of 'Ben'.

Just now he call me sia, i superduper scared. I damn scared he cannot make it for the friday event thingy.. End up I think hes kinda responsible la. In the end he still can make it. So i'm happy. =DD

Now still alot of my friends unconfirmed. Planning to ask them at a later date. Otherwise they xian me fan then I jiu hongkan lo.. Next time harder to get em to come to church..

Mehehe.. Benji's been my classmate for four years already. Knew him more well at the end of sec 3 actually. Cos my sec 1 and sec 2 life is super duper shited up. Ask anyone from my class and you'll know. Its.. very.. unique.

He wants to help me tailor my pants help me add chains to it if I pay him LOL. I dont mind. =D. Friday I'm going TM to see chains then I go for the 60s. =DD

Yaa.. Recently he just recovered from sickness nia. Then end up I sick sia walao.. super shack. But nevermind. Friday jiu can see him liao. Actually today wan go meet him eat de. But remembered no money.. Then went home hungry and sian.. Then slept. Then woke up do four maths questions and then blogged and watched calefare at the same time. Sorry Ben, I wont be joining you tomorrow for school.. Sorry sorry.. Its my loss anyways. XDD


Today had retest for Humanities. Dont think i'm gonna pass cos I never study.. Ohwells..

Someone open their blog for two days then close back again.. Ah well she says its for her to focus on her studies.. Maybe I should do the same? Naah..

I'll find my own way to help myself study. Maybe I should get people to study with me? People who will really study.

The people who are unconfirmed are: Lovell, YingChuan, JinSong, Tyson, TianLoke. (Please dont ask me for their updates. If I got update. I'll tell you. Save your five cents for a message more meaningful.)

Stupid Tyson says I am hungry for chiobus.. hey, its men's instinct can? Just that I more open about it nia. XDD

I just managed to make Cecilia promise me that if e18 multiply, she will take both cellgroups! =DD So happy.

Sigh I wanna have glorious hair like this guy in the picture. Probably have to go see the MO later after first parade and I haven't slept a wink since 3pm.. Anyway back then I actually wasn't really that into chicks, I just thought it'd be a good medium to bring people into CHC if I told them that there was an abundance of pretty ladies back then. Silly me, becoming a pawn for city fucking harvest church. 

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