I'm home early today too..
Going to have a little nap later and get my ass to chemistry tuition tonight..
Today has been really fun. 1 hour recess, 1.5 hours of free period. Truth or dare... blah blah blah. And slacking at english lessons. Mrs Yap is a really good teacher. =))
Sounds to mundane? Well, thats cos I'm too lazy to state down everything here. After school, skipped chemistry remedial cos I was too sleepy, went to eat with Les, Alicia and Val and then went home. =) Here I am now.
Few more days to O levels... Someone I thought who only know how to KaoPeiKaoBu suddenly talk sense to me!? Wow! (You know who you are... =D)
Hope that happy things will happen after the Os as well! =))
Post from the future: Hi, future ADP here. So I just got done with my final prowl of my guard duty on 14 May 2014. Not really worn out but just suddenly had the feels to post something. On my way back from my prowling route I noticed the cornwire(sp?) Surrounding the vehicle shack near our company line and it can't help but bring back the dreadful memories I had when I was doing 4ntm with those first year commanders. Ah young dun ping, in the future you'll come across a certain psycho that goes by the name of Sergeant Aaron, he will make your life hell and indirectly cause you and your future girlfriend to break up. Grit your teeth and hang in there though! Life doesn't end there things do get better! Of course sometimes you do miss her a little but you know it's over and things will never be the same. Its really sad really. Life during secondary school days seem so carefree now. Anyway treasure what you have and never forget the lessons you've learnt during your hard times. Life is indeed a roller coaster ride! |
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