Darnit.. My father go and install back the chinese thing on the comp.. I tot he reformatted then jiu wont make the same mistake le.. Donno what hes thinking..
Piss me off. I hate my com la.
Recently I've been like blogging daily.. I guess its cos I'm just too bored le bah? Nothing to do. I think I'll go do a little bit of my maths later. Today skipped the retest I'm supposed to have at school. Anticipated that it would happen cos I KNEW i would oversleep.. ahwells..
Looking forward to tomorrow's prayer meeting and friday's event. Also looking forward towards the end of the O levels so i can finally spend more time with my friends. I realise that I have very little time to do stuff nowadays lor. Everyone's super busy can? Shited up.. Why cant singapore be a less stressful place? Look at the other schools in other country, they can wear their own clothes to school and have so much freedom, like can choose to not go to school if they feel like it and then the teachers also dont really care. And I heard the exams are super easy can? Just thay they teach more language subjects nia. Us leh? What the hell? Maths, Science. Like I'm gonna use CHEMISTRY in my everyday life liddat. As if I'm even gonna SEE chemicals after I graduate from school. Like i'm gonna use TRIGONOMETRY in my everyday life liddat.. wtf la. Useless, not applicable knowledge = bullshit.
Take up space in my head only.. I rather learn languages lor. At least that one can use to communicate with people in everyday life. Trigo communicate what? You need triangles in real life ah? You architect meh? Not everyone architect wad. So why must everyone learn it? Why cant it be applicable to people who are interested only? Education system no more topics to teach us then teach us stuff that we dont need and dont want to know..
Super pissed super pissed. I'm pissy about everything right now. From my studies to myself. I'm pissed about stuff that I do. Stuff that I SHOULD do but dont want to. Stuff that would benefit one side but not the other and then I have to decide.
I cant stand humans. WHY do they take pleasure on inflicting pain on others? Why do they not take pride in doing good? Why are they no happy with other people's accomplishments? Why do they look down on others? Why do they do bad things and then make up hundreds of reasons to cover up their asses when they KNOW that the reason does not matter.
Its like... It dosent matter WHY you killed that person. The fact is, you killed that person. Understand? Reasons dosent really matter. Dont gimme shit like. "Oh, someone else would have done it if I didnt do it anyways." SCREW YOU! The point is you did it. So you take responsibility. Dont gimme lame excuses to defend yourself! There are stuff I keep inside me cos I dont want to quarrel with you, I dont want to stain relationships. But sometimes people just cant learn. Cos no one tells them. When we do, they think we're against them. Foolish humans.. Why cant you open your eyes? They say one of the 7 deadly sins is pride. Now I finally understand better why.
I am the same. Cos of my ego last time. It prevented me from doing alot of stuff. It prevented me from learning my mistakes. Cos I wanted to stay in my comfort zone and not face the fact that I was wrong cos i'm afraid of lao kui-ing. When they 'told me', I got pissed. No one likes to get dissed la. But sometimes when it is the cold hard fact. The right thing to do is to just shut up and dont repeat the same mistakes. Dont gimme shit like. Oh. Others also like that wad. I'm not the only one. You dont understand the whole situation. Know what? I DONT CARE ABOUT THE WHOLE SITUATION. YOU DID THE THING. YOU PAY FOR IT. DONT TELL ME ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE. JUST TELL ME IF YOU DID IT OR NOT. You did something wrong and you hate me for it? What kind of logic is that? Prideful, blind people..
Humans are complicated, self-delusional, contradicting creatures. That kinda includes me as well. Which is why I'm kinda pissed sometimes. But at least I know i'm not the worst creature of them all. =DD
I just studied for 45mins straight! wow..
Adapted from Hyder's blog: Talk is cheap. Time is money. Fate is unfair. And destiny is inevitable.
So cliche. LOL
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