Today's tuesday, the day of my POA and Physics prelims. I'm gonna fail my POA as well hais.. this isnt about having faith anymore. Faith without action is dead. Just like I didnt study for my poa much as well... Ohwells..
Today's POA exam lasted two hours. During POA prelim. I wanted to go to the washroom. So I raised my hand. Mrs Chan came and I asked her if I could go. She said no. Cos theres no teacher around to bring me. Bullshit la. Mr Som was there lor. You stupid old woman.. So nevermind. I tahan lor.. The story dosent end there. I raised my hand again to attract attention. Miss Yong came. Asked the same question, kena rejected again. She said something like "Wait till you're really urgent then I'll let you go." Screw you la. If I really urgent I piss my pants liao lo.. I got huan tio you anot? Why must you treat me liddat sia? So I had to tahan again.. Later I raised my hand again. Finally Mr. Som came. The funny part starts here. There's a toilet behind the stage of the hall but I didnt know that. Mr Som wanted to bring me there. I thought he wanted me to stand on the stage cos I thought I did something bad. When he stepped up the stage and went behind it. I didnt follow him. Instead i walked out of the hall to look for the backdoor to the stage. The door was locked. -.- No choice lor.. have to go back.
When I went back into the hall, Mr Som was walking out of the hall to find me. LOL he zi tao shocked abit. I can see Ben and Valerie laughing behind there lor. I think Mel was also laughing. Then I followed him behind the stage. Then realised that there was a toilet there. I'm kum gong one can? Sorry la people.. Well, at least that provided some entertainment to the mundane exam experiences. I gave some people a good laugh I guess? Ben wants to jio me out to look at Cosplay at Suntec next saturday I think.. That means I wont be coming for cellgroup probably.. I think I'll inform Cecilia next week cos skali last minute Ben change his mind. =/
Went to mac after prelims to slack with friends from 4A and 4B today. Everyone wanted to try the new lunch thingy that ended at 2pm. So we all rushed there. Chatted, JunLe showed them my para para dance thingy. We had a few ideas on how to screw the game up the next time as well. =DD
Took quite alot of candid pics cos I was so damn bored.
Today's POA exam lasted two hours. During POA prelim. I wanted to go to the washroom. So I raised my hand. Mrs Chan came and I asked her if I could go. She said no. Cos theres no teacher around to bring me. Bullshit la. Mr Som was there lor. You stupid old woman.. So nevermind. I tahan lor.. The story dosent end there. I raised my hand again to attract attention. Miss Yong came. Asked the same question, kena rejected again. She said something like "Wait till you're really urgent then I'll let you go." Screw you la. If I really urgent I piss my pants liao lo.. I got huan tio you anot? Why must you treat me liddat sia? So I had to tahan again.. Later I raised my hand again. Finally Mr. Som came. The funny part starts here. There's a toilet behind the stage of the hall but I didnt know that. Mr Som wanted to bring me there. I thought he wanted me to stand on the stage cos I thought I did something bad. When he stepped up the stage and went behind it. I didnt follow him. Instead i walked out of the hall to look for the backdoor to the stage. The door was locked. -.- No choice lor.. have to go back.
When I went back into the hall, Mr Som was walking out of the hall to find me. LOL he zi tao shocked abit. I can see Ben and Valerie laughing behind there lor. I think Mel was also laughing. Then I followed him behind the stage. Then realised that there was a toilet there. I'm kum gong one can? Sorry la people.. Well, at least that provided some entertainment to the mundane exam experiences. I gave some people a good laugh I guess? Ben wants to jio me out to look at Cosplay at Suntec next saturday I think.. That means I wont be coming for cellgroup probably.. I think I'll inform Cecilia next week cos skali last minute Ben change his mind. =/
Went to mac after prelims to slack with friends from 4A and 4B today. Everyone wanted to try the new lunch thingy that ended at 2pm. So we all rushed there. Chatted, JunLe showed them my para para dance thingy. We had a few ideas on how to screw the game up the next time as well. =DD
Took quite alot of candid pics cos I was so damn bored.
Went to Nicol's house with JunLe, Bernice, and Seyen to look at a 1 month old baby... Whoa.. its seriously tough job man. I wanna be a father next time!!! But I'm gonna let my wife take care of the baby when its just an infant. =DD
Actually planned to study at Nicol's house, but everyone wanted to go home. So I also went home.. Used com awhile, and slept all the way will 10. Woke up, watched the news, started studying and watched CSI a little too.. Darnit. Today's studies also not very good lor. Cos not able to concentrate with the TV on, then I lazy to move my ass somewhere else.. After CSI, dad went to bed and I can finally hao hao study abit..
Copied and read notes, then on the com once more. Here I am. Imma go study a little later after blogging this down. Currently talking to SofiaHear and ShiMin. Both sec 2 people LOL. One is studying while one is slacking. -.-
Some people set super high standards for themselves while others set super low standards for themselves. I'm in the super low standards category... I'm content with what I am now I guess? Mehee.. Good luck getting into the class you like Sofia!!! =))
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