Sunday, October 4, 2009

Take me to your candy shop. =D

Okay just thought i'd update my blog a little, today's post is gonna be a short one though..

15 more days till end of holidays. Crap. -.-
24 more days to One year anni! =D

Going out with Val and ben to FarEast later. =)) Wonder if more people's going to join in not heh..

Good luck to those people having Os this year! Its not as hard as you guys think la, but still.. do your best man! =D After that we can all go slack again! =))

I should never have cut my hair man.. Kuan..

Dun from the future here! And on the left is my secretary Liang yi. Oh god my face is seriously fat here wtf.. I guess this post was made days before I broke up with Sofia huh.. can't remember what me, Ben and Val were doing at FarEast back then but I haven't seen Benjamin tan for ages Omg. Os definately wasn't hard but I wish I studied harder still.. then again my life would've been completely different hmm.. It's okay! I'm pretty contented with my life right now anyway :) (Dun, 20/02/2016)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

You kept me guessing and now i'm destined to spend my time missing you~

Forget the title, its from a song.

Hi peeps~ Been long since i last properly posted huh hahaha..

Life's been good as always, hanging out with friends, lots more freedom after quitting my job. =) Feel kinda bad for bastarding those people at Tajimaya though.. Can be such an fucked up asshole at times I know hahaha..

Been having Poisionapple for breakfast, lunch and dinner in mafia wars. I know who he really is in real life though.. Doesnt matter, hes still my food. =D

Jack's chalet coming up soon, YongJie's birthday coming up soon.. Fun fun fun~~

Finally met up with Mel Ben Loke and Val again after donkey months. Didnt manage to find my smiley faced cap in the end.. Argh.. Gonna have to cut my hair soon.. The current hairstyle now is shit. Tml going to church with Sean and ChoonWei mans! Finally after so damn long!

Until next time my invisible readers!
We're gonna make it i swear~

ADP from the future here! Instead of a photo from the future today I'm posting a video taken during my 22nd birthday! :) looking back at my old posts, I realized that my memory is really getting worse, which is why it's all the more important for me to record things down whenever possible haha! I still see Sean and Cw in sim from time to time now and everyone's doing fine! Okay peace out! (ADP, 12:06am, 10/09/2025)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

128th post


Name: Ang Dun Ping
Date: 9/12/2009
Colorgenics Number: 12456037


You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

You are very talented, imaginative and sensitive but you are holding back as you do not really like going it 'on your own'. In preference you would like to team up with someone, someone with similar attributes as your own, to explore - to seek out and go perhaps 'where no other man has trod before'. It is the unusual that attracts you and which will give you a sense of excitement and adventure.

You are prepared to establish a particular relationship that is being made available to you at this time. It could be a satisfactory liaison but there could be a certain amount of conflict involved -try to avoid direct confrontation at all costs.

You are feeling trapped by the situation as it stands at this time and what is more, you feel powerless to remedy it. You are stressful, angry and disgruntled. You feel that everything that you try to do to change the situation is thwarted and your hopes and aspirations all seem to be receding into the ever distant future. You have reached the state where you now doubt whether your dreams will ever be achieved and this is not only causing mental stress but heartache. You need to get away from it all - you need to have time to think, to recuperate, to be able to make your own decisions.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

ADP from there future here! Omfg what an ugly goatee I have :( anws what the fuck is Colorgenics anyway? I actually came here to procrastinate from studying for my macro exam which is 25hrs away. This post though, some parts really so resonate with what I'm going through right now but a part of me feels that this is just another ambiguous "prediction" that websites normally issue out and I think I'm probably right? They're right about me loving peaceful enrivoments although deep down I know that peace is the bane of progress; or at least contentment is. Which is sad because progress is what I need right now, and to do that I cannot have a peace of mind until I get some results (or in this case survive till the end of examinations). Does that make sense? Sorry if it doesn't cos I haven't had sleep in awhile and i'm actually trying to readjust my body clock hahaha! I'm also not a lone wolf kinda person but what the hell, people disappoint. It's really better sometimes to be on your own, unless you get really strong then in which case go for it because you'll be able to encompass their errs n shit. Anyway enough babbling I need some sleep before I fry my own brain. (ADP, 25/10/15, 8:37am)

Monday, July 20, 2009

var something:Number=int(Math.random()*10)+1

Lol pardon the title, was trying to remind myself of my prsp code. Thats the main point of my blogging today also haha! =D

Been damn long since i blogged.. Erm.. life's been good! Got CMSY prsentation coming up and PRSP assignments due, and also WDS project which i havent started.. Ahwells..

ADP is surprised that his status in facebook attracted so many comments within an hour! Whoa.. Shaldnt say any further. =)

Until next time peeps. =)

Dun from the future here! And yes that's my mum. Wow can't believe I had the guts to speak in 3rd person last time that's pretty gross! Thinking back, it's been a long time since I was in poly huh! Those days were pretty fun man hahaha. Oh well time to move forward! 2nd year of my rmit is starting in less than a months time! (8/12/2015 11:17am)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A first-grade teacher, Ms Neelam was having trouble with one of her students the teacher asked,"Boy, what is your problem?"

Boy answered, "I'm too smart for the first-grade. My sister is in the third-grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third-grade too!"

Ms. Neelam had enough. She took Boy to the principal's office. While Boy waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was.The principal told Ms Neelam he would give the boy a test and if he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the first-grade and behave. She agreed.

Boy was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.

Principal: "What is 3 x 3?"
Boy: "9".
Principal: "What is 6 x 6?"
Boy: "36".

And so it went with every question the principal thought a third-grade should know. The principal looks at Ms. Neelam and tells her, "I think Boy can go to the third-grade."

Ms. Neelam says to the principal, "I have some of my own questions. Can I ask him ?" The principal and the boy both agreed.

Ms. Neelam: "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?"
Boy: (pause) "Legs."
Ms. Neelam: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"
Boy: "Pockets."
Ms. Neelam: "What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?"
Boy: "Coconut"
Ms. Neelam: "What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?"

The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer, Boy was taking charge.

Boy: "Bubblegum"
Ms. Neelam: "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?"

The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer...

Boy: "Shake hands"
Ms. Neelam: "Now I will ask some 'Who am I' sort of questions, okay?"
Boy: "Yep."
Ms. Neelam: "You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do."
Boy: "Tent"
Ms. Neelam: "A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best man always has me first."

The Principal was looking restless, a bit tense and took one large Patiala Vodka peg.

Boy: "Wedding Ring"
Ms. Neelam: "I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel good."
Boy: "Nose"
Ms. Neelam: "I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver."
Boy: "Arrow"
Ms. Neelam: "What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' that means lot of heat and excitement?"
Boy: "Firetruck"
Ms. Neelam: "What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' & if you don't get it you have to use your hand?"
Boy: "Fork"
Ms. Neelam: "What is it that all men have one of it's longer on some men than on others, the pope doesn't use his and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?"
Boy: "Surname"
Ms. Neelam: "What part of the man has no bone but has muscles, has lots of veins, like pumping, & is responsible for making love?"
Boy: "Heart."

The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher, "Send this Boy to the University, I got the last ten questions wrong myself!"

ADP from the future here, this is my grandma and she's still living healthily jn 2015! Can't believe I actually posted this kinda lame ass jokes here last time haha! Life is okay in 2015, as you grow older you see your old friends all deviating into different paths,  some start families, some are still searching for their passion, while some are still searching. It's really interesting though! (8/12/15)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Tp got swine flu

Like got four cases in business school and dont know how many cases in design school already?

Why isnt the school doing anything sia? Must it wait till it spreads to a few hundred innocent students before it starts taking actions? Or is it trying to cover up the fact that it has swine flu to protect the school's name? Is the school's name more important that the student's welfare? Its already lke perhaps more that 5 cases, and maybe more I dont know. What the hell is the school doing?

Haha I remember Temasek polytechnic was really not that great in managing stuff back in those days, be it reacting to an epidemic to training their staff to having some form of courtesy to whom they speak with. Ah well, met great friends there though! Hope their management has really improved since then! T-minus 7 hours to my macro exam. Wish me luck! :D (ADP, 26/10/15, 02:36am)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


No no, I'm not relinking myself dont worry. =)

Been donkey years since I touched blogger, I'm happy to announced that..



Damn good friend right me? =))

Until next time my invisible audience~

ADP from the future here! Anws that photo isn't me! It's a girl named cheryl whom I used to know back when I was still in NS! Anyway reading back I think when I posted this post back then blogging was actually already not a trend so I really don't know what I was thinking posting that hahaha. Apart from audrey, I think I've kinda lost touch with the rest of the people I've relinked above in the year 2015? Ah well, if fate allows it I'll see them around someway somehow I'm sure :) (ADP, 25/10/15, 10:33)

Sunday, May 10, 2009


8 bit = 1 byte
1024 byte = 1KB
1024 KB = 1MB

1Mb = 1 Megabit = 125KB = 1.25MB

Future Dun here! Oh wow this is such old stuff I can't believe I actually used my blog to record this down back in poly year 1 hahaha! Anws I know I look really bad in mushroom haircut okay but idc cos it's a photo of me and my mum from the future woo!! Anws just to clarify I sometimes browse through my old posts and insert new photos as a form of "note from the future". Yeah I know it's kinda lame don't judge okay bye. (ADP from the future, 25/10/15, 10:28)

Monday, May 4, 2009


"papa whats hentai ah?", "You see your mum? Naked right? cartoon version. =)" - Muhd Haidar

Yo ADP from the future here with a pic from the future! Wanted to use Haidar's pic but I can't find any so here's on of me and Kate! :) Would've totally forgot about this lame joke if I hadn't blogged this down years ago. Me and Haidar are still keeping in touch! Maybe during the holidays I might be working part time in cisco with him but I really just cant seem to find the mood to call up cisco man hahaha. Anyway I realize that blogging is actually pretty suitable for me since Im too forgetful to keep a diary around anyway. So this is probably the better platform for me to store my memories albeit it being a little less private. Who knows? Maybe one day when I get amnesia or something I could read back on this and regain some memories or something hahaha. Peace! (ADP, 25/10/15, 10:14 am)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Pissed.. Damn barber old man go and dieeee!!! Screw youuU!!!!!!

ADP from the future here, Aha I remember hair being really important to me back in those days. I guess it still kinda does though? I remember having some pretty ugly hairstyles back in the days and stuff too haha! But i guess what's more important is to be comfortable in your own skin no? Like, I remember consciously knowing that I had an ugly hair and yet I didn't give two hoots about it. It's harder to be nonchalant nowadays. Am I making sense? Do forgive me if I'm not cos it's 4.12am in the morning now :/ Peace out! (14/3/2015)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


After asking around for awhile, I got a few interesting suggestions and some pros and cons of volleyball and karate.. hilarious people I swear..

One person suggested to me that Karate is better cos it needed to be taught rather than volleyball, and that "hoi hoi hoi!" is so cute(?).. and volleyball is stupid cos you run around half naked, sweat like dog, later call on sand and have a rough rough body.. -.- And that volleyball one ball hit hit hit can already, doesnt need to be taught, just bend down can already(?).

On the other hand, another person suggested volleyball, at least its a sport compared to karate(?), and karate is gay cos they make stupid gay sound effects LOL..! And she argues that volleyball isnt all about bending down and needs tactics as well.. (hmm..). And karate has a retarded/gay robe LOLLLLL.. Personally, i find the sound effects part kinda sensible.. I dun wanna be recognised as the "guy who makes funny sounds when he punches" and all if I did join Karate.. then again, I would probably possess enough skills to break his neck or something if I'm made fun of..

Someone else told me to join Karate so I can do that watermelon trick.. >.<

Ah la.. slowly go think ba.. Hmm.. Wonder if Loke's willing to go volleyball with me.. =))


ADP from the future here (good god I'm so unphotogenic -.-), so I never joined either cca in the end nor did I join one in RMIT, the uni I'm currently studying at. The culture in uni vs poly is so different! Maybe it's because everyone except for myself has grown to be much more mature. Oh well, at least the classes are manageable. Sometimes I don't know if people are actually taking classes seriously though because they seem to rant on and on about how tough the mods are. Well, to each their own I guess! Peace out! (ADP 31/8/2015)


I wonder if its still too late to join a cca..

Karate or Volleyball?

ADP from the future again, no that's not my son sorry. Anyway I still remember being slightly passionate about both ccas back then for a short period, I even went on MSN to ask my friends for their inputs! In the end I joined the studies club for IIT school though, it was pretty fun! Poly days are awesome I swear too bad life goes on huh! (24/3/2014)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just remember

I just remembered something! Lol.. random..

That the people serving at the donno what department in charge of handing out ez-link to students has a damn sucky attitude! Its that place above the bookshop, donno what its called, a damn arrogant pair are working there. Sucky customer's service i swear. They think its funny. Lame sense of humour.

When I first asked them for my ezlink card, the man asked me about my box number, I said i didnt know, then that guy went like.. "Oh my god.." and went to pretend to bang his head on the wall, as if like I'm some retard who doesnt understand concepts.. wtf, its not like you told me alot of times I needed to check the box number or what. This guy want to bang then bang harder la, I think hes just trying hard to impress his female colleague or something lor lol.. Oh yeah, if I remember correctly, I think hes kinda old, should old people be acting like idiots, banging their heads on the wall just cos a student told them "I dont know what is my box number."?

And so.. I went outside and check for my number, and I didnt find it there. So i went back in, and then girl was like "You need to take TEN working days for. Mondays to friday~ monday to friday~", while doing some stupid hand gestures, act cute sia wtf, shouldnt people working in offices or counters like this be polite and formal and all? What that lady's doing is super WTF la, damn sucks customers service.. zzz.. Think what, hand me my EzLink card you very big ah? The Interchange people also never tell me anything ah, kpkb so much for what sia.. zzz.. lameass.. I should've gan them on the spot lor.. Donno why didnt.. ARGH! Hope some tp people sees this and then goes and fire those two below-average working attitude workers for good. =) Yup, FOR GOOD. Wan to kaopei and act cute so much, go be lawyers or artistes la, work at tp for what? Why? Too ugly to be artise and too stupid to become a lawyer then come to work at tp and vent on poor students like me ah? Lol.. pathetic lives they lead really.. They do deserve a little bit of our pity ya?

Reminder: Pass YM present.


Yo ADP from the future here, I'm using liangyi's picture today cos Im too lazy to really choose rn haha! Ohh whoaa I have a vague memory of this incident man! That guy is seriously irritating I swear. The girl was pretty fucked too. I guess this is the world we live in huh? Where degenrates find joy in the least but of power they have over others. Hope they're leading bad lives now. Sorry I'm not the forgive-aforgive-forgive -and-forget  kinda guy I ain't that noble (ADP 24/4/2015)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thanks Edward!

For introducing me to OpenOffice! You rock! And you saved me $200+ bucks! Thanks!!!


Ahh I remember this post! This was back during my early freshmen days back in TP! Aha wonder how Edward is man, was never really close to him but he did offer me a helping hand back then! Perhaps I'd be able to return the favour one day :) TP was awesome man, didn't really do much studying there but it was one of the craziest times in my life! I miss every part of it, sigh.. Too bad I can't live like I used to everyday if not I'd end up becoming a bum or something :( (ADP from the future: 14/3/15 04:04am)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


You claim to be the child of god, being holy and all.. You preach to me about god, you cry in the pressence of god. You are so holy. You speak in tongues.

BUT, you still bore hatred to her. You can lie to anyone, but you know it better, disliking someone cos that person did something which didnt appeal to you. Holy indeed. loser. Ask yourself, you know it best. Who are you really on the inside? Holy? Go kiss a donkey. -.-

ADP from the future here, wow I guess I was really pissed at those city harvest people back then huh! For good reason though, I am a pretty cool-headed person moSt of the time but one thing I can't stand are hypocrites. Sadly I know that there's a tinge of hypocrisy in every one of us. Guess we just gotta keep it in check huh! I can't even remember for the life of me who I was referring to in this post man. Aha, silly right? (03:58am 14/3/2015)

Friday, April 17, 2009

lj face

Cb la say bye you look then turn away, fuck you la birdface, slap you.

Dun Ping from there future here, till today I still find such actions absolutely disgusting and ill-mannered. Whenever someone does this to me or anyone else I immediately lose all respect for him/her. It's not good to be snobbish man. Fuck you arrogant pricks out there. (ADP 11/3/15)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I miss you

ADP is gone for camp D:

with loves.

ADP from the future here, and that's Carlotta! A friend of mine who's currently undergoing training to be an air stewardess now! This was the last photo I took before I lost my picard wallet with $300+ inside. Sad day sad day.. Anyway this post was probaby posted by my first ex! She had the password for my blogger I think? And it has never changed through these years haha! Quite happy for her that she's doing fine now! (ADP 28/2/15)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Someone jio me out

Lets go out and walk walk man peeps!! =DD C'mon c'mon!! lets go sentosa!!

Oh. I want long hair. =((

There! updated again joker!

P.S. Selling first season (chinese) Pokemon dvd at $1 each. Buy 3 get one free. =)) Rare!!!

Dun from the future here, yes I know I get really red when I drink :/ I did manage to get my long hair in the end though near year 2 to 3 of my poly days! Could still remember people not recognising me after I got it cut :( Ahaha I miss going to sentosa with the 4A people man! But sometimes they're a little condescending so idk :/  I shall work hard and stop being lazy! Can feel myself getting lazier these days. Probably from lepaking too much during cny. Bad month bad month.. (ADP 28/2/15)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shes so lucky, shes a star, but she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking..


Right now training Ether Saga, YM's paying me five bucks for each level yo! =DD Didnt go for Synovate meeting cos of it..

I need a complete makeover.. someone say i look "lapsap.." Haha, that person's not the first though, i think its really time to dress properly le man! =DD

Darnit its getting harder to level..

Omg lucky is not that nice a song man what was the young me thinking!? Anyway year ADP from the past here, this was the fattest I've been before I entered army. Hope I don't end up like that again man.. Ohh I still keep in touch with YM man! Awesome guy,  a little sassy but he's actually pretty generous! Hmm maybe after I graduate I can consider gg back to Synovate to work! The jobs I undertook was pretty fun back then! Sigh.. I still look as lapsap as ever. Guess a leopard can't change its spots huh! (ADP 28/02/15)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let me know that I've done wrong, When I've known this all along

Gunz without Tyson is not the same at all man.. Come back to me [Horny]!!! Lets go and make a name for our clan again!!! There's this new boss called the "fake Goblin King"!!! Come join me man!!

Kinda bored Gunz-ing by myself.. Any games to intro guys?

There I posted Lovell.. zzz.. Narubuang.. =.= Oh yeah, anyone got "dirty little secret" that song? Last time Tyson send me de hais.. Suddenly like miss him sia.. weird me. Talk as if like I gay liddat.. ARGHH!!!

Oh.. And just now looked at those E18 pictures from Cyril's profile. Jon and Jordan are pretty shuai actually huhhs? Wahahaa.. Omg if I continue I might really turn gay.. -.- Anws Jordan! Someday meet up slack again leh! Kinda long never slack with you and stuff lo! You're probably the only one who didnt change his impression about me even after I left e18 ba? Cos you're always the "slack" one ma? =))


Dun from the future here, oh whoa Gunz was awesome man! Too bad it isn't really available for download anymore. Gunz 2 isn't bad as well but it's nth compared to its predecessor. Dk where Tyson died to nowadays though, probably in army or something? Truth be told when I think about e18 nowadays i'm just filled with disgust. But im too lazy to explain why maybe i'm really the one in the wrong? Ah whatever. Hope they're loving good lives man god bless their heart. (9/2/2015)

Friday, March 6, 2009


Who got..

White horse by Taylor swift
Before its too late by Daughtry
In the Ayer by Flo Rida
Year 3000 by Jonas Brothers or Busted. (I think busted's version is nicer. =))
Otherside by Red Hot Chilli Peppers?

Send me please! =DD


Ahh the good old days where I was so illiterate with Compters that I actually have to ask others to download for me then send it to me via MSN or blue tooth hahah!! Man was pretty awesome though! Kinda miss it man.. That's yongjie on the left btw, we are drunk af again. Wonder how his car cleaning company is coming along. Don't really miss him as much as I miss other friends though ops (9/2/2015)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today is the last day of my muaythai class till i pay my fees again.. super slack, kinda disappointed.. shall not go further into it.. At least I sweat-ed. After that, went to meet Haidar, Muzakir, Songkok-boy, and Haziq for awhile. Muzakir and Songkok-boy went home like five minutes after I arrived. -.-

Saw a drug addict at the playground at night with Haidar and Haziq, they asked me to call the police and I did. Then we went to a block to catch the free show. The police and the addict were talking under the void deck later on when Haidar got really bored and started "roleplaying" out the police and the guy.. -.-


D.A :Who are you? Dont kachiao me la, I'm sniffing glue! * Sniffs*
Police: We are the POLICE!
D.A: What!?
Police: POLICE!
D.A: How to spell?
Police: Phee-ooh POLICE!
D.A: Go away! Its my life! I want to sniff glue! *sniff*
Police: We cannot do that.. Cos we're the POLICE!
D.A: I got tattoos all over my body! You not scared ah?
Police: No!


While Haidar was self-highing, Haziq was like "Stop it la. -.-" But I seriously find him super funny can?

Later on we just went home and did bother anymore.. I hope I didnt report some innocent people.. Hais.. my last day of muaythai.. Boring. Ohwells! Time to train my body on my own!

Anyways.. attention Ben, Mel, Lovell, James, Loke, Leslie, Nicol, Junle, Ivan, Alicia, Audrey, Val, please try try try your best to make it for Yiling's chalet on the 16-18 of March k? =)) Very long never meet up le, lets slack together ba!


A post from the future: Yup that's vivienne, some random friend you made in 2014. Just decided to use this photo so I can delete it from my phone haha i'm weird I know stfu. I can't remember for the life of me who Songkok-boy is in this post though.. Ah but I still remember that night where we snitched on the druggie though, pretty scumbaggy but on hindsight i'm kinda making the world a better place. Right? Did not train my body at all after I left muaythai but somehow still managed to pass my NAPFA test before graduation miraculously. I guess I'm kinda fit? Ahaha jkjk. Interesting how I used to treasure my sec sch clique so much but now when I see them some of them are just so fucking snobbish and have their heads up in their asses. Gotta educate my kids in the future to stay humble man. That's not the way to live at all. (9/2/2015)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Fighter's selection is coming on 1st March. My work at macs starts tomorrow.. -.-

Wonder if I still have time to contribute to muaythai if I manage to enter the fighter training.. Imagine the teachers being like "wtf, we got him in cos we felt that he's got potential now he tells us hes working at macs and cant join the programme..". Hais.. I dont know what the future holds sia seriously..

$4.50 an hour.. Ohwells..


A post from the future: This pic was taken in 2014 when I was KO-eKO-ed from some Gordons Gin. Weird night man. Don't ask. In the end I did attend the fighter's selection but I did not continue the day after. If I'm not wrong it was the day mygrandma's funreal ended as well, or something that had to do with moving her body away from the mourning place which was my void deck hhmm. Thankfully I didn't work at macs in the end though the pay was too dog-like for me to waste my youth thete thank god. I do wanna continue muay thai though! Sadly I just have more important things to do right now :( (9/2/2015)

And your great great great grandaugher, is doing fine! =D

Skipped muaythai again today.. hais.. waste money sia me. -.-

Going to interview "Today" before 6pm at macs near Nicol's house there.. I guess i'll have to live with it for now? till i get a better job that is.Went with Nicol JunLe Bernice SeYen to parkway to interview for Sakae, I was kinda late for some reason.. If I manage to get into Sakae, life will be so good man! I think I laughed more than usual today. =) Not alot, but more than usual?

Currently doing stupid stuff with Muzakir. I'm so going to miss MuayThai man.. arghhh..

Currently listening to "White horse by Taylor Swift" on imeem. =)) Great song!


Ahh Muzakir, I miss that bugger man hope he's doing really fine! Today was Kyan'sKyan's first monthsary,  someone cut all his hair away but he looks pretty cute now! Valerie was being a weird little fucker though. Like what the fuck man you have a mouth for a reason can't you fucking respond when people talk to you? Worst part is that when she lost in mahjong and I asked her to pay up after she can just look and me and wall off. Like what? You're a 23 year old grown woman not some autistic kid, learn to show some respect to your peers. I'm not hard pressed for her money but the thing is I hate being ignored in the face. Like seriously bitch what the fuck is your problem? It's time to start prioritising stuffs man. Like I seriously plan to cut people from my life out soon unless it can't be helped. Ahaha..  A random memory from a few hours ago actually managed to get me so riled up. But seriously, go fuck yourself you weird little short fuck. Learn to treat others better. Anws in regards to the post, I have no idea what imeem is, probably some kinda app for songs back in those days I guess? Ahaha, the past is kinda fun but there were fucked up moments as well huh. Live and let live I guess. Peace out! (9/2/2015)

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'm such a shitting rough person.. Sorry Sherman.. Dont cry dont cry le laa... =((

Hais.. sianster day.. wake up kana this kinda stuff..

A message from the future: Ahaha this pic from my whatsapp was not meant for the publics eye but whatever k? I still remember this was the day I injured my nephews arm cos I pulled a little hard 😥 Thank god he's alright it was just painful. Hes really annoying now but at least he's scoring well in school! Anws recently I got some flame for making an unintentional comment on Alicia's instagram photo. Never thought she would be so bent out of shape by a simple comment. Eew, pretty ironic because her post was about being happy and shit and yet a simple comment could make her go all ape shit for 3 days straight. Sigh.. Women. 
I will make an effort to treat everyone around me better, to make sure no one will think of me like the way you do. Actually I really don't think anyone does I've always known you have the tendency to judge and berate others but I've always closed an eye on it cos I know you've not had an easy past.

I'm gonna treat them with respect so much that you'll hear ppl saying things like "Have you heard about this respectful guy? Omg he's awesome!". I'm gonna become so strong that one day when we see again you will stutter when we speak for fear of choosing the wrong words to offend me.

But for little butthurt pricks like you. You can forget it and go fuck yourself. I have pitied you people for the longest time and now you're getting all bent out of shape over an obvious joke? Sigh.. Bye bitches i'm out call me never. (ADP 31/1/15)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dyed hair

All of my friends now mostly have dyed hair I noticed.. Me, Junle, Nicol, Lovell, Benji, YiLing and even Ivan too!

Anyways, I'm at Junle's house now slacking, went to celebrate Lovell's birthday with him, JunLe, BenJi, Yiling and Ali. But it wasnt all that grand.. Sorry Lovell, we tried our best, and oh, your present is at Ali's shop. =)) Oh, and Yiling was the one who bought the cake and started the cake fight first.

Later on went to play L4D and dota.. I suck at both I guess? Hais.. I think Muaythai suits me better ba.. -.-

Sorry bebe for neglecting you today.. Didnt mean it de.. Was really really busy! Promise I'll make it up to you! =DD *hugs*

DOnno going to do what at his house now, its super late but I'm not tired at all..Tomorrow still gotta go muaythai with Le. -.- And going to visit Jack at mandai on Saturday.. I'm a busy busy man yo!

[EDIT] Btw, anyone got...

White Horse by Taylor Swift?
Before its too late by Daughtry?


Above is a picture of Lovell in the year 2014. He hasn't really changed much except that he has a new girlfriend? Didn't get to hang much with him sadly.. I last time so cute sia! Still will go ask ppl on blog for songs instead of downloading it sigh.. I'm like some kinda technological retard even till today.. I still such at L4D, Dota and Muay Thai even till today damn. Recently there was a form which required me to fill in what am I good at and i'm just really stumped man. Sighh what have I accomplished since sec 4 till now apart from gaining a huge amount of random knowledge? :/ (9/1/15)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tomorrow is..

Lovell's birthday!!! =DD

Donno going where yet..

Right now I'm playing TaiTi on viwawa with Junle, Ali, and Yiling, blogging here cos YiLing's also blogging now, So i guess I also blog while waiting for her?

Junle came my house today, planned to go find Ali buy some Jack's stuff, then go find James, then go muaythai de..

End up, never find James and go muaythai.. Then James is angry cos we never go find him.. Eh siala, you rather we pangseh one girl so we can go find you ah? Junle got tell you we not coming lor, but you never take us seriously only.. Ah la nevermind la. Hope you manage to find some rich moron who is willing to buy your $50 toothpaste k? =)) We could always discuss Lovell's birthday plans on phone conference or something what, why meet up?

Level 3 in the TaiTi game now. =))

This is a post from the future: The guy on the right is how I will look in the year 2014 and the girl on the left is Sarah, your junior in TP who enrolled after you've graduated. She's pretty steady! But I haven't seen her in ages.  Haven't met JunLe, James or Lovell in a while too man I wonder how they're doing.. Yiling might be giving birth now as I blog! Wondering how it's gg mann  (9/1/15)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A-B kick combo

Finally can see some improvements in myself.

For the first time yesterday I managed to do so well against Muzakir. Mwahahaa!!!! Thanks my Muay Thai instructors! Tall guy, Fierce guy, Tattoo-ed leg guy, and Neo! (Mouse guy). I dont know the other people's names.. The muaythai website has their names, but then I cant be bothered LOL.

Later going to meet Ali with Junle, then if got time go find james and go MuayThai together.

Wont be able to continue learning it soon.. Probably going to work at Macs soon with Banling, $4.50 1 hr, hais.. My lowest pay I accepted yet.. Ohwell, just endure for now? Until I find a better job that is.. I was getting a little sian of Muaythai nowadays also.. But then again, since I wont be learning it soon, better make the full use out of it. =) I hope I can find time to enter the "competition scholarship programme" thing selection though.. But if i really made it through, it'd be kinda rude to quit huh.. -.-

Time to build more on my stamina.

Oh yeah, the song Poker Face by Lady GaGa is nice!! =D Gaga looks damn good too! =D

This is cheryl, a girl I will meet in the future. I'll like her for awhile despite her being lesbian and ultimately give up because we just can't click :/ Anywayyy yeah muay thai was really fun back then man! So glad I didn't take up the job at macdonalds in the end because Alicia convinced me not to. I did go for the "Fighter Course" for awhile but I didn't make the cut in the end I think? Poker Face is such an old and repetitive song omg what was I thinking -.- (9/1/15)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


1) POA tutor will come and take the poa textbook from me on monday around 12.
2) Go tp when free to ask about the scholarship thing.

I owe...

Cyril $9
Nat $5
Cecilia $102 (I frickin broke mel's spects that time and had to borrow from her.. Thanks Cecilia! =D)
Leslie $1.50
Audrey $0.20 (That time play taiti one..)
Val $0.50 (Banluck one i think.)
Hyder $7
BenJi -$8 (That means he owes me. >.<)

Althogether , gotta pay up $117.20 to clear all my debts.

A note from the future: Future ADP from 09012015 here speaking and i'm proud to announce that I've ORD-ed! :) Feel so smug now whenever I see people tweeting or posting photos on instag saying "POP LO" or stuff that's related to the army wahaha!! Anyway I never got around to asking about the TP scholarship as my results were too sucks to apply for them anyway. Managed to clear my debts soon after I posted this post though so that's nice! Sighh still got work tomorrow. Good luck to me! (09/01/2015)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

101st post

This post is in memory of Jack.

I'm sorry for not being able to join my friends to go see you off..

I didnt really know you for a very long time, nor did I even know your full name. I didnt think you know mine as well. I never had your number and neither do you have mine. However, you were definately friendly to me and my friends for as long as I remember..

I'm sorry for not being able to see your last moments. I do not know the reason why you did that. But that doesnt really matter. You didnt really treat me bad or anything. In fact, you were rather nice to me and my friends..

Still remember the first time I known you was at YiLing's chalet, we were playing banluck right? Then later on went to the pasir ris park and slacked awhile.. "Li jin pai ah" was your favourite phrase?

Jack, I'm sorry for not being able to go see you one last time.. I hope your soul rests in peace and may god have mercy on you.

Life is fragile isnt it? Someone you know just suddenly goes like that..

Rest in peace, Jack.

Aha I remember Jack! He used to like Alicia for a while before he passed away! Friendly guy. But yeah I'm right. Life is indeed fragile and yet we take them for granted every single fucking day. God please give me the strength to get off my lazy ass and spend my time more wisely and give more time to my parents than people who just like to put me down for a quick laugh. Life's too short for that man. This year I've decided to not short change myself anymore. You might be played an important role in my life once but im pretty sure the debt's been cleared. Don't prioritise people who don't prioritise you. Simple as that. (9/1/15)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Look back into the past

I looked at Cecilia's online photo gallery thingy. =DD

I caught a glimpse on how I was last time. Ahaha, no comments. =p

I saw WeiJi, JunLe, Lovell. Lovell was actually in one of the E18 pics! Cool man. He looked kinda good back then, still kinda good now la! =DD

Now that I think back, last time I kept dragging people into church, cos I really thought it was a good place. The atmostphere everything. It makes you a better person. Sincerely sincerely I thought, whoa, yuan lai christains ye you zhe me hao de? Ke yi guo de zhe me kai xin. =)) I think I kinda like that place. Yeah, I did.

It was cool man! All the things I did with them, everytime I brought a friend in to church, they finally wanting to accompany me. I was like.. happy. Still remember the pool thing about Lovell and me what challenge challenge bet bet then in the end he come and join me for church. Man! That was truly a good testimonial man! I was kinda proud to bring Lovell into church at that time. Yeah, really proud of him and happy. Honest. Then finally at FOP, he wanted to become a christain. Wow, sincerely I was damn happy then! After that me him and Junle went down there and jump jump jump! Wow!

I wish times like that would last forever in a sense, but I guess I'm just plain unlucky huh? After awhile, stuff happened, lots of stuff, affecting me friends and all. I stayed strong, the only reason was cos all those stuff that happened soonafter wasnt directly affecting ME. So who was I to console them anyway now that I think about it. That time, Everyone had their own point of view and "motives". Like the story of A, B, C and whatever. Was I boy E or something?

That aside, soon things turned for a worse, I fell in love with someone there. No one believed it was true love i think.. Everyone was against it, even those that I really respected wasnt for it either. Maybe I was selfish. But at that point of time, I felt really betrayed. Honestly, sincerely betrayed. That person was willing to "break" us up because she felt that betraying the parent's trust is the wrong thing to do. I cant blame her for thinking like that. I sincerely cannot. After all, the girl I liked was someone who had great "productivity" in the cellgroup, if her parents didnt let her come to church, the cellgroup's attendence and fruitfulness would definately drop. In order to not let that happen, they wanted us to break up. Instead of protecting us from the people against our relationship. They teamed up with them. I felt betrayed, really really betrayed. In the end, I left the place. And I think they must have felt that I was the one who betrayed them huh? Doesnt matter anymore, I wanted out, I wanna get out of that place immediately, I couldnt take it anymore. I dont wanna stay in a place like that. I wanna leave.

Then lots of other stuff happened in the same time, I guess that only made the people hate me even more. Doesnt matter, Like I told Cyril, I'm forever the "villian" I believe to a certain extent, at the end of the day, Cyril also kinda felt that I was responsible for all the "chaos" that was happening around. I cant blame him either. It is afterall, kind of my fault.

Is it so wrong to love someone? Why meddle in things you could leave alone when you can spare us both the misery? At the end of the day, ADP's the devil once more. Doesnt really matter now anyway. All good things come to an end. At least for the case of my "christain" adventure. That was the end of the story. Of course, theres alot more to all of these "conflicts" but bringing them all up again would be bad. Cos what I'm trying to do here is not to blame anyone. But to just express out how I truly feel as I am typing this post.

One day perhaps you people would know more about something else that has happened while I left, but it doesnt really matter now, since I already left, theres nothing to do. Afterall, ADP will always be the villian in your hearts. A long-ago prediction I made to Cyril. See? Honestly Cyril, I know you kinda hold me responsible for those stuff. I know you do. Even if you dont, its not important anymore. Just ask yourself deep down inside if you have really blamed me for all that has happened. You dont need to give me an answer, I'm not expecting one either. Just telling you that..

I told you so, I'll forever be the villian. =)

(Note: This is all ADP's point of view, dont need to comment on anything. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, its just a memory of mine that I FEEL like typing out right now. So read already, shut up, dont give comments that are unnessary okay?)

Ahh E18.  What a distant memory.. I wonder how is Cecilia doing right now and if she holds any grudges towards me. Thinking back I was kinda charismatic huh! Being able to convince people I never thought I would to go to places I never thought they'd go. I guess god did kinda lend a helping hand? Beliefs are good if they make you a better person man. But they can be really bad if you go to the extreme like these tragedies happening everywhere in the year 2015. But whoa, my English was pretty good back then huh! My standard has significantly dropped sigh.. Stupid Singaporean influence. Shouldve just stayed a recluse I'd probably be a JC grad by the time I enlist :/ (9/1/15)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I found a new rival!! Mwahahaha!!!

Damn excited now, i feel that the world is so damn big la, strong people appearing one after another, then i can keep improving and improving!! =DD

Muzakir is still as tough as ever though.. He says I'm stronger than him but i think hes still stronger. hehe!!!

Wonder if tomorrow will learn what sia..

Ahaha I was really passionate about martial arts back then huh! Wish I could still take it up now. Too bad. Busy earning money and studying and trying to be as adult as possible sighh.. ;( (9/1/15)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hello peeps!

Busy with MuayThai, Runescape, and writing stories nowadays. =DD

Yeah, I'm making a story with Hyder, when its done I'll show it to you guys k? =))


A note from the future: Whoa I don't even know how this pic appeared in my phone but imma just use it for my post today k? :) Haha, in the end the story Hyder and I made was never truly completed. And now that I read it back it was probably because we introduced too many characters into the story at the beginning and there's no real protagonist :/ Took up MuayThai for 2 months back then and I kinda enjoyed it till the day my grandma passed away? Just stopped after that yknow :/ I'll always the Runescape days I had though! Those were really fun times and I even had a little clan of my own back then and I'd record names of my members in an exercise book. The culture back in Runescape was good as well as everyone spoke perfect english and the only way to converse with them is to do the same. Imagine my shock when I went to play Maplestory after I entered secondary school 😅 (ADP, 30th July 2014)

Monday, January 5, 2009

This blog aint dead!!

*kill all the termites*
*wash off all the moulds*

Sorry people, so longer never update.. >.< Ermm.. Life's been good to me, I'm getting my results soon le! =D Just dont know when only. -.- Some tell me its on the 9th jan, or on the 12th jan.. Dammit la, if my results suck then i cannot even enjoy my chinese new year can? -.-

Ohwells.. Tomorrow got MuayThai!! =DD YEAHYEAH!!! Mel and Ali's gonna come look at us train also!! =DD Hope they see liao then also wan join mwahaha!! =DD
