Looks change, Ideas change, thoughts change, goals change, perspectives change..
The things you love change too. My love changes. I just realised that I dont love you anymore. Who said love lasts forever?
Changes changes changes.
I think i've made quite a change in some people's lives too. Many people changed my life for better or worse as well. You taught me how lonely and pathetic I was last time.. It was a fact I knew but would never have admitted.
My indifference towards stuff is not absolute indifference. Its just towards stuff I do not want to 'realise' or care about. My stubborness is not absolute stubborness. I realised that I'm a very xing ruan person. Cecilia was right to a certain extent about that bah? Cannot lai ying de with me. Wont work cos whoever tries ends up pretty screwed unless I'm outnumbered.. Come try ruan de with me la. You'll see how easily I'll submit to you if you do it correctly. =DD
Speaking about outnumbered reminds me of my sec 1 and sec 2 days. I've changed alot since then too. =DD
Which is why I turn foes into friends. Make new foes. Blah blah blah.. Life is just so interesting isnt it? So many people taught me so many things. Nicol taught me courage. Yeah courage. I was kind of a coward then. Thank you Nicol. You taught me how to stand for my rights and that I do not have to fear anyone if I am in the right at the first place. You're a very important hiadi to me. Although sometimes I dont really wanna help you do some stuff cos I just dont feel like it. You are still my greatest hiadi ever. Nicol hiadi. You've made a big change in my life. Thank you.
Henry Tan Yan Jie, you shown me that the people that look like saints from the start are not saints at all. You have taught me something as well. And let me reflect upon myself as well. Comparing yourself to me. We are almost VERY different. You're the so called-philisopher. The so called saint. But when trouble happens you lie to save your ass. You have a bunch of blind people(some choose to be blind.) around you. You're a little protected. But you have shown me. That people are not what they seem. I on the other hand. Is vulgar, annoying, kaopei, and dont care about other people's problems from time to time. But I also realised through many others. That even though I am like that. I do not take advantage of other people. At least I dont now. I do not shun responsbility. I do not LIE to cover my ass. I take it all in the face and brush it off with me 'nonchalence'.
I look like a villian at first impression. You look like a saint at first impression.
First impressions can go suck my dick. Other people's opinions can do that too. (I dont care if you're telling me to not put down vulgarities here. This is MY blog.)
I'm crapping alot today. My fingers are moving as fast as my brain is thinking. The statement above is an example of my 'nonchalence'. Call it attitude if you want to. Dont care.
Ignore this post people. Dosent really concern you all LOL.
Not very useful when you put that down at the last sentence huh?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Teachers day
Happy teachers day~~
Donno why this year just dont feel as hyper as I was during previous years..
Maybe the sickness just drained away all my hyperness bah..
Went back to school today. Miss Fa'isah says I look different. probably cos I cut my hair and also I became thinner le bah..
Hung out with old frens at techview again. Alot of people not here. Only me, Les, TianLoke and Ben nia.. and some others.. But it was still fun. TianLoke was still as dirty-minded and funny as ever. Never fails to make me laugh with his horniness la.. Hope to invite him into church someday to disiao everyone there. Dont think hes that inclined into gays though.. But ohwells.. He'll be a great addition to e18 if it really happens.. =DD
Donno why this year just dont feel as hyper as I was during previous years..
Maybe the sickness just drained away all my hyperness bah..
Went back to school today. Miss Fa'isah says I look different. probably cos I cut my hair and also I became thinner le bah..
Hung out with old frens at techview again. Alot of people not here. Only me, Les, TianLoke and Ben nia.. and some others.. But it was still fun. TianLoke was still as dirty-minded and funny as ever. Never fails to make me laugh with his horniness la.. Hope to invite him into church someday to disiao everyone there. Dont think hes that inclined into gays though.. But ohwells.. He'll be a great addition to e18 if it really happens.. =DD
I also found a way to enter the school whenever I'm late. Now I got three paths in to the school. One is by wits, the other two is by physical means. Mehehe.
The great ADPman has never failed escaping from late slips!!! NEVER!! Unbroken record!! =DD Maybe after I graduate I'll put down all the different means I have used to escape late bah. Mehee.. un-cautious counsellors..
Ben said he could come for the 60s of fame!! =DD fairly happy. Hopefully he wont last minute pangseh me la.. i really really very scared he'll do that to me. Dont do that to me horh please! okay? Lets go bio chiobu's together!!!
Oh ya people! Er Zuo Ju will also be coming along to the 60s of fame! Its at september 5th. The Holiday's friday. If free de hua can join me please? Msg me or email me. 96495364. U_band@hotmail.com
later on still going back to OEPS to see the teachers. Laura's going too woots~ Must wear more nicer let her see. then try to make her take pic with me~~
Tralala~ wish me luck people! Tong nian hui yi..
The shy girl and the crazy boy... Ahh.. good ol days.. nowadays very seldom got ladylike girls like her lo.. hais.. Not saying that outgoing girls are bad but.. just very seldom see her type liao. Miss Laura lots!!! I think she misses me too XDD. Otherwise jiu wont middle of the night message me then keep asking me if I got go back to school lo.. Dont worry! I miss you too! =DD
Tralala~ although I abit sick but nevermind. Hope she dosent last minute dont go. Otherwise I confirm shack diao de..
God please gimme good health so that I can interact with people more and bring em to you. =D
Just came back! =DD
Met Laura and others back at school. mehehe.. Shes cheerful as always. I love cheerful girls =D. Talked a little. Quite surprised shes the one that started the conversations sia. Whoa, not bad not bad. Not as quiet as I thought you were leh.. But still I like! =DD
Managed to take photos with her after abit of coaxing. Above is the picture. =D Also saw Syafiqah and Desiree. Managed to take photos with Syafiqah as well. She looks the same as four years ago. I think I look the same as four years ago also lor... hahas~~
Later went to slack with Hyder at Bedok libary. Chatted about old old times. Whoa, very rare leh this kind of chances.. Happy lurhs! Good to hear hes been going well and stuffies. =DD Later left libary cos it was too cold then went BK to eat. Costed me 10 bucks in all.. =// Tendergrill was nice..
I miss these people man. Why dosent our school have some alumni programmes? Why!?!?!?
Tomorrow having cellgroup again. Woots~ just realised I got quite a lot of group of frens! =DD
The sickness caused me to breakout in pimples again.. crappershitfishcakejedi..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I presume I'm on the verge of recovering. I feel a little better now.
YingChuan has been jio-ing me out to play mahjong for the past few days.. I feel a little bad rejecting her time and again.. Sorry sorry. Seriously sick. I dunwan to spread to you all my diesease also. Cos very jialat one..
Holidays are coming. I have a four day holiday now. But it aint fun at all man. Cos I gotta stay at home and recover quickly.. Cannot go out cos of this sickness. I think its some virus infection thingy bah..
Just tried to ask me father if I can go out then kana rejected... hais..
Pray pray pray that I recover and can go to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is teacher's day right?
Just had a jialat jialat nosebleed just now.. going to sleep soon.. then suddenly someone messaged me made me quite surprised.. Ehh!? Didnt know you so caring one worh.. =DD
YingChuan has been jio-ing me out to play mahjong for the past few days.. I feel a little bad rejecting her time and again.. Sorry sorry. Seriously sick. I dunwan to spread to you all my diesease also. Cos very jialat one..
Holidays are coming. I have a four day holiday now. But it aint fun at all man. Cos I gotta stay at home and recover quickly.. Cannot go out cos of this sickness. I think its some virus infection thingy bah..
Just tried to ask me father if I can go out then kana rejected... hais..
Pray pray pray that I recover and can go to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is teacher's day right?
Just had a jialat jialat nosebleed just now.. going to sleep soon.. then suddenly someone messaged me made me quite surprised.. Ehh!? Didnt know you so caring one worh.. =DD
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I thought I was gonna recover and go to school today..
Turns out I was wrong.
Coughed myself awake last night. Had severe headache in the middle of the night 3am ba I think? Mum and Dad came and wen hou me.. but I dismissed them quickly cos I want to just sleep it all away.. Tried to pray for myself but my throat was too dry to even pray in tongues, therefore I just prayed in my heart. God put me to sleep soonafter.
Laura messaged my in the middle of the night like 1am. Normally it's a good thing. But this time no. Cos of that message, my eye became super giddy. I almost died. Dammit.. I wanted to go back to school..
Didnt go school again today, maybe also not going tomorrow la.. seriously very sick. I thought I was gonna recover le but turns out it became worse..
Damn scared the people at my house also kena my sickness. Then later spread lai spread qu, in the end the sickness never goes away..
Sometimes I wonder if this sickness is caused by the unforgiveness in my heart towards some things..
Now that I think back, it was all cos of that Jack Neo's event thingy lor..
Crud.. Cancelled two tuitions already. Probably gonna cancel my poa one tomorrow as well..
Pray for me if you got the time. =D
Just viewed Cecilia's online photo album at her 20th birthday... How I wished I knew you guys earlier abit lor... JORDAN'S FACE IS SUPER FUNNY DE LOR!
Also want to apologise to Cecilia for cancelling today's tuition, breaking the angel's wings, and dirtying your pillow as ur house.
Turns out I was wrong.
Coughed myself awake last night. Had severe headache in the middle of the night 3am ba I think? Mum and Dad came and wen hou me.. but I dismissed them quickly cos I want to just sleep it all away.. Tried to pray for myself but my throat was too dry to even pray in tongues, therefore I just prayed in my heart. God put me to sleep soonafter.
Laura messaged my in the middle of the night like 1am. Normally it's a good thing. But this time no. Cos of that message, my eye became super giddy. I almost died. Dammit.. I wanted to go back to school..
Didnt go school again today, maybe also not going tomorrow la.. seriously very sick. I thought I was gonna recover le but turns out it became worse..
Damn scared the people at my house also kena my sickness. Then later spread lai spread qu, in the end the sickness never goes away..
Sometimes I wonder if this sickness is caused by the unforgiveness in my heart towards some things..
Now that I think back, it was all cos of that Jack Neo's event thingy lor..
Crud.. Cancelled two tuitions already. Probably gonna cancel my poa one tomorrow as well..
Pray for me if you got the time. =D
Just viewed Cecilia's online photo album at her 20th birthday... How I wished I knew you guys earlier abit lor... JORDAN'S FACE IS SUPER FUNNY DE LOR!
Also want to apologise to Cecilia for cancelling today's tuition, breaking the angel's wings, and dirtying your pillow as ur house.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Still sick
Third day of sickness..
Today had nothing much to do. I drew lotsa stars on an old shirt. Looks pretty good! My parents didnt know it was drawn until I told em! Mehe.. stars..
Finished some comics, finished reading the book that I found. Study hours still very low.. Haiyoyo.. Reason? Lazy lor... hais..
My com seriously sucks, I gotta type all the stuff in my msn cos theres this chinese software that my father installed that screwed up the font in english from time to time. Seriously irritating. Somehow msn isnt affected though. So I can just copy and paste. =D
Oh yeah people! I made a new post at e18! To be exact. My first post actually. Sick people have lots of free time. Hope my post provides some entertainment!! =DD
Added new photos in friendster as well~
laura-chan came to talk to me.. i'm feeling to happy right now cos she's never started a conversation with me before.. is god trying to give me a chance to ask her to come church?
Today had nothing much to do. I drew lotsa stars on an old shirt. Looks pretty good! My parents didnt know it was drawn until I told em! Mehe.. stars..
Finished some comics, finished reading the book that I found. Study hours still very low.. Haiyoyo.. Reason? Lazy lor... hais..
My com seriously sucks, I gotta type all the stuff in my msn cos theres this chinese software that my father installed that screwed up the font in english from time to time. Seriously irritating. Somehow msn isnt affected though. So I can just copy and paste. =D
Oh yeah people! I made a new post at e18! To be exact. My first post actually. Sick people have lots of free time. Hope my post provides some entertainment!! =DD
Added new photos in friendster as well~
laura-chan came to talk to me.. i'm feeling to happy right now cos she's never started a conversation with me before.. is god trying to give me a chance to ask her to come church?
Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm sicker than I was yesterday..
Didnt go school today. Didnt take my prelims today. Had lots of time to think about stuff today.. Haha, see? Everything is two-sided. You fall ill and become partially immobilised. But you have lots of time to think about the past wrongdoing and "rightdoings".
I also read a book. I shall not elaborate on that cos I just forgotten the name. But I aint done with reading it yet. Its fairly good.
Went to see doctor, who was coincidentally a doctor from my previous church. Haha, this time no one tried to talk me back. Which was a good thing cos i really really strongly believe that City Harvest is more suitable for me. Took my MC and went to eat.
Still feeling sleepy. And also a little sour on how come the sermon wasnt exciting today. I dont like to blame people. But woke up at 7 leh.. why am I always late no matter what time I wake up?
I cant blame anyone. I can only blame the situation I'm in. Shout and curse all I want, but the past cant change. Darn. Took my a whole sickly day to realise that.
Maybe god is trying to teach me patience. I'm not sure. But I'm really excited to see what god has in plan for me next. What should I do with Tyson next hmmm.. he didnt seem quite 'attracted' to the sermon as I expect him to be. Cant blame him. The sermon wasnt that appealing to me either.
After thinking a little. I realised that yesterday's event looked just like another method for Jack Neo to gain more fame and money.. crud.. It was hella boring. The talk after the movie wasted my time. And it was hella cold. Which is why I'm hella sick right now.
Thanks to Uncle Ah Jiang for sponsoring me tickets!!!
While spending my free time revising a little on SS today, i realised Jordan is the name of a SouthEast Asia Country as well. haha. Bought new slippers as well cos my old ones were worn off.. It's so thin.. What should I do with two thin slippers?
Didnt go school today. Didnt take my prelims today. Had lots of time to think about stuff today.. Haha, see? Everything is two-sided. You fall ill and become partially immobilised. But you have lots of time to think about the past wrongdoing and "rightdoings".
I also read a book. I shall not elaborate on that cos I just forgotten the name. But I aint done with reading it yet. Its fairly good.
Went to see doctor, who was coincidentally a doctor from my previous church. Haha, this time no one tried to talk me back. Which was a good thing cos i really really strongly believe that City Harvest is more suitable for me. Took my MC and went to eat.
Still feeling sleepy. And also a little sour on how come the sermon wasnt exciting today. I dont like to blame people. But woke up at 7 leh.. why am I always late no matter what time I wake up?
I cant blame anyone. I can only blame the situation I'm in. Shout and curse all I want, but the past cant change. Darn. Took my a whole sickly day to realise that.
Maybe god is trying to teach me patience. I'm not sure. But I'm really excited to see what god has in plan for me next. What should I do with Tyson next hmmm.. he didnt seem quite 'attracted' to the sermon as I expect him to be. Cant blame him. The sermon wasnt that appealing to me either.
After thinking a little. I realised that yesterday's event looked just like another method for Jack Neo to gain more fame and money.. crud.. It was hella boring. The talk after the movie wasted my time. And it was hella cold. Which is why I'm hella sick right now.
Thanks to Uncle Ah Jiang for sponsoring me tickets!!!
While spending my free time revising a little on SS today, i realised Jordan is the name of a SouthEast Asia Country as well. haha. Bought new slippers as well cos my old ones were worn off.. It's so thin.. What should I do with two thin slippers?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sickly me
I'm sick..
The movie screening was too damn cold...
Shack la.. Tml english prelims but then I sick.. But I aint complaining! =D
I want to be sick for my SS too... =)
Feeling so shited up..
Today was a shag day... Lovell and JunLe pangseh me for service.. Then Tyson go home so fast.. Today's sermon not suitable for newcomers la walao.. double shack..
Later hang out with e18 people. Didnt eat. Bought some ice cream. Jordan, YingChuan, and me finished them. Didnt taste so good to me.. Donno about others la..
Then went for the whatever movie screening... Okay la.. too cold for me to concentrate.. The movie not as good as I expected. But its okay.
LAter go eat with jordan, junle, yingchuan, ced, and some other guy. I'm typing in all small letters cos I'm too damn lazy to put in the capital letters.
Now at JunLe's house blogging. Tomorrow not going school le ba.. hais..
The movie screening was too damn cold...
Shack la.. Tml english prelims but then I sick.. But I aint complaining! =D
I want to be sick for my SS too... =)
Feeling so shited up..
Today was a shag day... Lovell and JunLe pangseh me for service.. Then Tyson go home so fast.. Today's sermon not suitable for newcomers la walao.. double shack..
Later hang out with e18 people. Didnt eat. Bought some ice cream. Jordan, YingChuan, and me finished them. Didnt taste so good to me.. Donno about others la..
Then went for the whatever movie screening... Okay la.. too cold for me to concentrate.. The movie not as good as I expected. But its okay.
LAter go eat with jordan, junle, yingchuan, ced, and some other guy. I'm typing in all small letters cos I'm too damn lazy to put in the capital letters.
Now at JunLe's house blogging. Tomorrow not going school le ba.. hais..
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Granny's going to City Harvest tomorrow to watch my uncle graduate!! =DDD
But she wont be sitting with me. Ah wells.. dont care. I'm just afraid the music might scare her lor. Siao ah.. old women listening to loud foreign language music... =.=
Ah wells.. But still really hope that she will come to know christ before her time comes...
Congrats uncle!!!
I cut my hair yesterday. I look a little better now.
Now feeling abit cui.. Lovell suddenly dunwan come.. and I think hes not joking lor.. walao.. Seriously feel abit shack.. wtf la.. i try not to cuss on my blog. XDD but seriously feeling fucked up right now..
Please please please. Lovell Lim Dao Wei. If you got chance to come this week or next week please some okay? You seldom see my "begging" people like that. So i'm seriously serious here.
But she wont be sitting with me. Ah wells.. dont care. I'm just afraid the music might scare her lor. Siao ah.. old women listening to loud foreign language music... =.=
Ah wells.. But still really hope that she will come to know christ before her time comes...
Congrats uncle!!!
I cut my hair yesterday. I look a little better now.
Now feeling abit cui.. Lovell suddenly dunwan come.. and I think hes not joking lor.. walao.. Seriously feel abit shack.. wtf la.. i try not to cuss on my blog. XDD but seriously feeling fucked up right now..
Please please please. Lovell Lim Dao Wei. If you got chance to come this week or next week please some okay? You seldom see my "begging" people like that. So i'm seriously serious here.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ben didnt kena dengue..
I've been a bad bad boy today.. hais..
Shall not elaborate as it could be used as evidence against me. Mehe. Today was fun. Played Arcade, watched 'Meet Dave'. It didnt look as lame as I thought it would be. Turns out to be pretty good! $6 nia. I watched in a couple's seat with Junle.. =.='
After that. Went to CineLeisure so play ps3 for awhile. Then Lan-ed, then ate. Then went home. Sounds short? Well. All in total took us 7 hours. The power of slackers. =DD
Went for tuition. Couldnt concentrate at all. eyelids were falling.. Hais.. God bless me please.
Now I owe Junle $53.35..
I've been a bad bad boy today.. hais..
Shall not elaborate as it could be used as evidence against me. Mehe. Today was fun. Played Arcade, watched 'Meet Dave'. It didnt look as lame as I thought it would be. Turns out to be pretty good! $6 nia. I watched in a couple's seat with Junle.. =.='
After that. Went to CineLeisure so play ps3 for awhile. Then Lan-ed, then ate. Then went home. Sounds short? Well. All in total took us 7 hours. The power of slackers. =DD
Went for tuition. Couldnt concentrate at all. eyelids were falling.. Hais.. God bless me please.
Now I owe Junle $53.35..
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
House visit
BenJi's been mia from school for three days. Kind as the person I am. I decided to visit him after school time. Other people were sorta busy ba... hais.. So i went alone lor. And now I'm blogging from his house.
School was boring as usual.. I feel a little guilty at my attitude towards my teachers. They still treat me so well and not give up one me after what I did. I think they're really doing this not just cos its their job lor. But hopefully out of their 'love' for their students as well bah.. the one letting them down time and again is always me..
I'm so sorry teachers... I've been an asshole. Will you continue giving me chances even though I might still commit more of those in the near future to come? Dont worry. You wont need to see this asshole's face after this year. You dont need to miss me either. All I wanna say is.. Thank you and I'm sorry.
So back to the topic. Decided to go ben's house. Bought food up for him.. Shack la.. he looks so cui. Like really really sick that kind. One look you know hes sick liao.. God please bless him. I miss his absense in school. Just dosent seem as fun anymore without BenJi. I think later I'll go socialise abit with him ba.. He keep getting headache, then he cannot sleep.. hais.. NOW BEN OWNS ME 3 BUCKS!!!
So anyways, since dengue is not contagious unless by mosquito, I believe I wont be so suay de. Because god will protect me =DD. I lurve god too!!!
God bless too. Bless that he did not kena dengue.. bless that he faster come back pei us slack and bio chio bu. God bless him that he wll one day come my church pei me bio MORE chio bus. =DD
He monday wake up then realise he got fever.. then in the end never go school for three days.. Ben say he should type this into his blog. But you know what? He got no blog. =.=
So ya.. he went the hospital. blah blah blah. Then come home still super sick. Those who know him got time msg him or call him ok? I know how sian you can be at home de..
This week got Money No Enough 2. Going to watch with Lovell, JunLe, YingChuan, Weji and Cyril. And my MOM.
My com at home sucks.. got this chinese thing my father put in.. dammit la.
School was boring as usual.. I feel a little guilty at my attitude towards my teachers. They still treat me so well and not give up one me after what I did. I think they're really doing this not just cos its their job lor. But hopefully out of their 'love' for their students as well bah.. the one letting them down time and again is always me..
I'm so sorry teachers... I've been an asshole. Will you continue giving me chances even though I might still commit more of those in the near future to come? Dont worry. You wont need to see this asshole's face after this year. You dont need to miss me either. All I wanna say is.. Thank you and I'm sorry.
So back to the topic. Decided to go ben's house. Bought food up for him.. Shack la.. he looks so cui. Like really really sick that kind. One look you know hes sick liao.. God please bless him. I miss his absense in school. Just dosent seem as fun anymore without BenJi. I think later I'll go socialise abit with him ba.. He keep getting headache, then he cannot sleep.. hais.. NOW BEN OWNS ME 3 BUCKS!!!
So anyways, since dengue is not contagious unless by mosquito, I believe I wont be so suay de. Because god will protect me =DD. I lurve god too!!!
God bless too. Bless that he did not kena dengue.. bless that he faster come back pei us slack and bio chio bu. God bless him that he wll one day come my church pei me bio MORE chio bus. =DD
He monday wake up then realise he got fever.. then in the end never go school for three days.. Ben say he should type this into his blog. But you know what? He got no blog. =.=
So ya.. he went the hospital. blah blah blah. Then come home still super sick. Those who know him got time msg him or call him ok? I know how sian you can be at home de..
This week got Money No Enough 2. Going to watch with Lovell, JunLe, YingChuan, Weji and Cyril. And my MOM.
My com at home sucks.. got this chinese thing my father put in.. dammit la.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Today halfway during tuition. I had a calling from god. God told me to bring Tyson into CHC. ooohh.. I think god has a plan for me by asking me to bring so many people in to the church so quickly..
Tyson left Bethesda like me le.. now no church. Like how I was, I donno why until NOW then i feel compelled to call him in lor.. but nvm. better late than never.
So long never see his botak head le.. this time become I botak instead LOL.
So happy so happy so happy..
Tyson and his mummy coming to church this week. =D Just a random note: Today was super cold on the bus.. Cold until I shiver like crazy on the bus. But good thing is that I didnt sweat. Then next time can wear again! =D
I shall do the quiz in this post as well. =DD
#1 Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket.
Thailand, cos I wan go there buy LOTS of cheap clothes. Wan pei me go?
#2 Whats you're favourite thing to do.
Slacking, talking cock with people.
#3 Do you think money can buy happiness.
I believe so? .
#4 If you were given a chance to recieve something, what would it be .
Lotsa money so I can spend on the clothes along with the ticket I got for Thailand.
#5 Things i cant live without.
Parents, Money, Friends, Handphone, clothes.
#6 What are you afraid to lose.
Friends and family (please dont die before I do.)
#7 If you win 1million dollars, what would you do.
Put in bank and withdraw interest nia?
#8 What do you dream of becoming in the future
. Someone more gentleman than I am now. And hopefully richer.
#9 List down 3 good points about the person who gave this survey.
Hais.. always is HER one leh.. last time give five description, now is three good things.. >.< Erm.. smiley, helpful, and erm... I donno. Loves god? (Lol i'm so spiritual.)
#10 What makes you happy.
When people do small favours for me and I notice them. I happen to know ONE person who does alot of these to me.
#11 What type of person do you hate most.
#12 If you could have a superpower what would it be.
#13 Would you go for happiness or money.
#14 Who do you think is the most important people in your life.
Friends and Family.
#15 If you have a girlfriend, would you die for him?
I donno. If I love her alot maybe?
#16 Who was the last person that hugged you.
I think its Nicol. Bear hugs.
#17 What is the one thing you want badly now.
This is a real secret. Its not for me though.
#18 Who are you close to?
Lotsa people.
.#19 Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like her?
Erm.. 20% chance. I'm too afraid i kena rejected again LOL.
#20 If you could do one thing all over again, what would it be.
Re-enact my 2007 holidays.
7things that scare you:
REAL crossdressers than tries to touch me.
People who are MUCH taller than me (Almost impossible.)
And I donno...
7 things that you like most:
My parents(Usually not. But I try to be filial.)
my friends
watching tv
7 important things in my room:
Punching Bag
7 random facts about me:
I dont like places which are too hot or cold.
I want to learn martial arts but I dont want to do stretching.
I plan to learn Muay Thai after Os
I plan to socialise more after Os
I want to work alot after Os
I still cannot decide which colour to dye my hair after Os.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
Confess to the person I love.
Spend my remaining times with my her and die in her arms LOL.
Try to kick everyone I hate in the nuts
Wreck a little bit of harvoc(They'll forgive a dying man.)
Do a bit of good deed to everyone. (when you're a dying man. A little normal good deed will be remembered almost forever.).
Tell the others what songs I want after at my sonka.
Smile. Dying with a smile is the coolest thing you can ever do. But try not to make it look creepy.
7things I can do:
(Copied from SofiaHear's answers LOL.)
7 things I can't do:
Stretch my legs will they both end up in a line
Describe how messed up I sometimes feel
Fly(I want that.)
Breathe fire
Walk through walls
7 things you are attracted to in the opposite sex:
What they have done for me
What they have done TO me
How well they can endure me
Ahh.. and alot alot more la aiyo..
7 things that I usually say:
sian zi pua
lian eh..
dont liddat leh.
7 People to do this questionaire:
Tyson left Bethesda like me le.. now no church. Like how I was, I donno why until NOW then i feel compelled to call him in lor.. but nvm. better late than never.
So long never see his botak head le.. this time become I botak instead LOL.
So happy so happy so happy..
Tyson and his mummy coming to church this week. =D Just a random note: Today was super cold on the bus.. Cold until I shiver like crazy on the bus. But good thing is that I didnt sweat. Then next time can wear again! =D
I shall do the quiz in this post as well. =DD
#1 Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket.
Thailand, cos I wan go there buy LOTS of cheap clothes. Wan pei me go?
#2 Whats you're favourite thing to do.
Slacking, talking cock with people.
#3 Do you think money can buy happiness.
I believe so? .
#4 If you were given a chance to recieve something, what would it be .
Lotsa money so I can spend on the clothes along with the ticket I got for Thailand.
#5 Things i cant live without.
Parents, Money, Friends, Handphone, clothes.
#6 What are you afraid to lose.
Friends and family (please dont die before I do.)
#7 If you win 1million dollars, what would you do.
Put in bank and withdraw interest nia?
#8 What do you dream of becoming in the future
. Someone more gentleman than I am now. And hopefully richer.
#9 List down 3 good points about the person who gave this survey.
Hais.. always is HER one leh.. last time give five description, now is three good things.. >.< Erm.. smiley, helpful, and erm... I donno. Loves god? (Lol i'm so spiritual.)
#10 What makes you happy.
When people do small favours for me and I notice them. I happen to know ONE person who does alot of these to me.
#11 What type of person do you hate most.
#12 If you could have a superpower what would it be.
#13 Would you go for happiness or money.
#14 Who do you think is the most important people in your life.
Friends and Family.
#15 If you have a girlfriend, would you die for him?
I donno. If I love her alot maybe?
#16 Who was the last person that hugged you.
I think its Nicol. Bear hugs.
#17 What is the one thing you want badly now.
This is a real secret. Its not for me though.
#18 Who are you close to?
Lotsa people.
.#19 Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like her?
Erm.. 20% chance. I'm too afraid i kena rejected again LOL.
#20 If you could do one thing all over again, what would it be.
Re-enact my 2007 holidays.
7things that scare you:
REAL crossdressers than tries to touch me.
People who are MUCH taller than me (Almost impossible.)
And I donno...
7 things that you like most:
My parents(Usually not. But I try to be filial.)
my friends
watching tv
7 important things in my room:
Punching Bag
7 random facts about me:
I dont like places which are too hot or cold.
I want to learn martial arts but I dont want to do stretching.
I plan to learn Muay Thai after Os
I plan to socialise more after Os
I want to work alot after Os
I still cannot decide which colour to dye my hair after Os.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
Confess to the person I love.
Spend my remaining times with my her and die in her arms LOL.
Try to kick everyone I hate in the nuts
Wreck a little bit of harvoc(They'll forgive a dying man.)
Do a bit of good deed to everyone. (when you're a dying man. A little normal good deed will be remembered almost forever.).
Tell the others what songs I want after at my sonka.
Smile. Dying with a smile is the coolest thing you can ever do. But try not to make it look creepy.
7things I can do:
(Copied from SofiaHear's answers LOL.)
7 things I can't do:
Stretch my legs will they both end up in a line
Describe how messed up I sometimes feel
Fly(I want that.)
Breathe fire
Walk through walls
7 things you are attracted to in the opposite sex:
What they have done for me
What they have done TO me
How well they can endure me
Ahh.. and alot alot more la aiyo..
7 things that I usually say:
sian zi pua
lian eh..
dont liddat leh.
7 People to do this questionaire:
I'm an idiot.
Exams want to come le still slack and piss teacher off.
Today I had another close shave with detention. Late again. But managed to escape cos I took the newspaper from this uncle and bring to the General Office. Then fromt here I go back to class =DD.
Today laughed alot as well. Haidar brightens up my day with his idiotness. Haha.. Dont feel sad or shack at all liao. Hahas... Live your life ba. I live mine.
I really really need motivation to study... someone please motivate me.. Didnt go to Chemistry remedial today.
Exams want to come le still slack and piss teacher off.
Today I had another close shave with detention. Late again. But managed to escape cos I took the newspaper from this uncle and bring to the General Office. Then fromt here I go back to class =DD.
Today laughed alot as well. Haidar brightens up my day with his idiotness. Haha.. Dont feel sad or shack at all liao. Hahas... Live your life ba. I live mine.
I really really need motivation to study... someone please motivate me.. Didnt go to Chemistry remedial today.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Need to study more.. Today studied awhile at Cecilia's house, i think all in all adds up to 30 mins ba? Or less.. Must study more. Otherwise later my cgc keep asking me what's my study time then make me feel so guilty...
O levels o levels o levels o levels...
Siao ehs.. say somemore only make me stress nia..
Today after CG, slacked awhile, I managed to memorise the "I belong to you" the lyrics and wrote it down. =D So happy... CheeWee and Cyril used my lyrics, cool man. I feel so honoured to be able to let em use my "memorising talents"
Later went home, Lovell and YingChuan waiting downstairs my block waiting for me. Chatted till like 1030. Then they need go home le.. Nowadays I hang out more with those two lor.. Cos Nicol too busy liao.. then I dont think I want to contact Seyen without Nicol, its just not cool. -.-
Same, I wouldnt contact YingChuan if Lovell is busy. Just aint cool man.. And one more thing, you two stop quarelling so much le la please.. It's not cool. Be more calm! Dont shout to get ur points across! Cos I feel that if you quarrel with your stead in front of ur friends is a very paiseh thing.. Like.. just aint cool man. Hahas~
O levels o levels o levels o levels...
Siao ehs.. say somemore only make me stress nia..
Today after CG, slacked awhile, I managed to memorise the "I belong to you" the lyrics and wrote it down. =D So happy... CheeWee and Cyril used my lyrics, cool man. I feel so honoured to be able to let em use my "memorising talents"
Later went home, Lovell and YingChuan waiting downstairs my block waiting for me. Chatted till like 1030. Then they need go home le.. Nowadays I hang out more with those two lor.. Cos Nicol too busy liao.. then I dont think I want to contact Seyen without Nicol, its just not cool. -.-
Same, I wouldnt contact YingChuan if Lovell is busy. Just aint cool man.. And one more thing, you two stop quarelling so much le la please.. It's not cool. Be more calm! Dont shout to get ur points across! Cos I feel that if you quarrel with your stead in front of ur friends is a very paiseh thing.. Like.. just aint cool man. Hahas~
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Cecilia has gastric today... Which means no tuition for today..
This is when we finish mahjong liao.. Lovell keeping the stuff./
Lovell is super disgusting.. wtf..
Shack face..
Thats me doing a commercial for some juice... But then I make the product face wrong side..
JieJie eating while Mahjonging.. actually want candid de.. but in the end she noticed then purposely pose... >.<
My tiles..
YingChuan keeping tiles.
Tralala~.. so fun so fun.. Oh! I also bought concession for me! Starts tomorrow tralala~
Okay.. A little high right now.. from school high until the night.. Cant sleep now hais..
Today's lesson time..

I thought after changing seats hou.. jiu wont be as fun as when I was sitting next time Lovell le.
Oh.. by the way people, in case you are pondering why I change seats but you all never, is cos Mdm Haliza talk to Miss Faisah about my behavior in class de.. then they go make me sit beside Haidar, thinking I'll be more 'quiet'.
Wrong move people LOL. Haidar and me are on good terms, just that we dont show it in class! =D
So anyways, today is super duper funny. Although I am sitting in the front row. I'm laughing like crazy almost all the way thoughtout today's lesson time. Haidar's just damn super funny like shit la.. LOL. Looking forward to more days with my two new pathners, Haidar and Aidil. Jokers... XDD
I think i laughed to loud that I caused some people to gimme the "dirty look" today lor.. but dont care.
Later still going down to make my concession and then help Lovell do some of his Dog stuff.. his MALE dog is having periods from its ass! No kidding! Lovell thinks its cos he stepped on some 'kim zua'. But not sure la.. But how many of you know that with god, evil spirits cant prevail! Amen?
Oh everyone! Pray for Cecilia okay? Shes having severe gastric. Its been two days now I guess? Or more.. Not sure. XP
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I appear to be nonchalent of my current situation huh? It's usually kind of a good thing to me but this time round?
Hais... Everyone seems to be busy with their schoolwork.. and my Os are coming. What am I doing?
I'm so nonchalent..
Oh! By the way people! I got B3 for my chinese!!! Fairly happy with my results right now cos I didnt really study for it. I think god really loves me for who I am, lazy or not? I LOVE JESUS!
Had English O levels oral yesterday. It was fairly easy. I was the first guy of the first group of the first batch. Fairly happy with my performance! =D
Just now tried to call LOTS of people.. so many people busy sia... Some kids appear to be bigger than sec 4s nowadays... Stressful kids.. hais..
In the end, managed to talk with ShuWen cos she called me! =DD then I drag her to talk to me LOL.
Today is a boring day~
I appear to be nonchalent of my current situation huh? It's usually kind of a good thing to me but this time round?
Hais... Everyone seems to be busy with their schoolwork.. and my Os are coming. What am I doing?
I'm so nonchalent..
Oh! By the way people! I got B3 for my chinese!!! Fairly happy with my results right now cos I didnt really study for it. I think god really loves me for who I am, lazy or not? I LOVE JESUS!
Had English O levels oral yesterday. It was fairly easy. I was the first guy of the first group of the first batch. Fairly happy with my performance! =D
Just now tried to call LOTS of people.. so many people busy sia... Some kids appear to be bigger than sec 4s nowadays... Stressful kids.. hais..
In the end, managed to talk with ShuWen cos she called me! =DD then I drag her to talk to me LOL.
Today is a boring day~
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Insensitive bastard...
I really must care for others more..
I really must care for others more..
![]() |
For those who are wondering what does 237 stand for, it actually means "ADP" back in sms language back then before the touchscreens came about, people had to consecutively press on a certain number on their phones to type a certain letter, it was a hassle but if you mastered the art of texting then you could send texts without even looking at your phone! That was kinda cool I guess? Anyway I guess even till today I should still learn to be more sensitive to others, although some of these fuck tards in camp really don't know the meaning of "gratification" even when they're being helped. Which is kinda sad really as they think that it's natural for others to help them out. I guess as you get older you realize that there are worse people than you out there huh! But that won't stop me from improving myself though! |
Monday, August 11, 2008
Runny Nose
Hais... today actually planned to go study with JunLe, Cyril and ShuWen de..
But then mother dun let me out... And I somewhat have a runny nose. I think they call it morning Sinus or something..
Hais.. tonight still got Chemistry tuition. My second tuition from her. Shes okay la.. But then the homework she gave not completed yet.. planned to complete when i study with they all..
Misunderstandings happen time and again. again and again. again and again. More and more. More and More. The more you try to explain. The worse it gets. So I shall not explain anymore.
Then went to read manga again. About to get to the latest chap of To-Love-Ru. Jojo's bizzare adventure is getting boring. I'm kind of sick of its artwork..
Talked to Eugene and Sofia just now.. still talking to Sofia now.. She says shes happy cos I say shes mature.. lol?
Listening to "Glorified" by the Parachute band right now... am reminded of the FOP. IT ROCKS!!!
Glorify!!! Glorify!!! Let your name be lifted up and glorified!!!
Let the earth tremble at your name!!!
Let your name be lifted up, and glorified!!!
Now it shuffled to the song "Here in my life". Also another chiristian song.
But then mother dun let me out... And I somewhat have a runny nose. I think they call it morning Sinus or something..
Hais.. tonight still got Chemistry tuition. My second tuition from her. Shes okay la.. But then the homework she gave not completed yet.. planned to complete when i study with they all..
Misunderstandings happen time and again. again and again. again and again. More and more. More and More. The more you try to explain. The worse it gets. So I shall not explain anymore.
Then went to read manga again. About to get to the latest chap of To-Love-Ru. Jojo's bizzare adventure is getting boring. I'm kind of sick of its artwork..
Talked to Eugene and Sofia just now.. still talking to Sofia now.. She says shes happy cos I say shes mature.. lol?
Listening to "Glorified" by the Parachute band right now... am reminded of the FOP. IT ROCKS!!!
Glorify!!! Glorify!!! Let your name be lifted up and glorified!!!
Let the earth tremble at your name!!!
Let your name be lifted up, and glorified!!!
Now it shuffled to the song "Here in my life". Also another chiristian song.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The days just keep getting more and more fun as day passes.
I'm blogging at JunLe's house right now..
I suddenly got the urge to change myself, to tone myself down a little. So not be so di-siaoing. To stop caring for others in a very "disiao-ing" manner. Show them care and concern the NORMAL way...
Starting from this second. I will try my hardest to become normal. I do not want to be disiaoing anymore. I want to become more... ordinary. More boring. I just feel like doing that right now. Maybe's its just god's calling? Or maybe i'm just bullshitting myself.
Yesterday was National Day, went for cellgroup, then went to parkway with Xueming (Or is it Xuemin.), Cecilia, Cyril, Jordan, Jonathan and Cedric to Parkway to play pool. But we ended up in the Arcade cos the Pool dosent allow people under 16. Aww.. Oh well, at least I wont have to xian chou on front of them and make them know how suck I am at that game XDD.
Arcade was cool. Played a little of everything. Mostly the basketball one. We cheated a little. And we got a highscore. Everyone was happy and tired? =D
After awhile, Jordan and Xueming went home. Others ate a little and then moved on to Esplanade to watch fireworks.
We didnt see any.
Overall it was a good day. Was happy. Hope I can be happier and less childish in my behavior. Went to sleep immediately when I reached home.
Lovell came for service today. Met him at Bedok Inter and then went together to church. JunLe was late. But its okay. I saw Spagetti Mei. But no more the "oohh chio bu!!!" feeling liao... I guess if you just keep looking at something or someone only. You'll get bored sooner or later.
I think some people were surprised at Lovell smoking. But I dont give a shit. I believe that we shouldnt not judge by what he does. But we judge him by what he can become! =DD
So holy.. So deep..
After Service, went to Coffee Bean to slack with Lovell, JunLe, Cyril, Jabez, Nicholas, Jordan, Eugene, Some guy I dont know, Cecilia, Charmaine, Shuwen, Sofia, Marilyn, The LAughing Buddha, and some girl I dont know.
Played balloons, looked like buncha morons, but I dont care cos its damn fun! =D They're just jealous cos not everyone can put down their "face" liddat just to have fun. =DD
Oh yeah! We had a "photoshoot". The person who took the photo for us was this girl whom was in the same camp as me.. Donno her name lol. I think she's Nelson's sis.
Learnt TaiJi from Cyril. Didnt learn anything much cept for this pushing blocking counterattack thingy. Lovell and JunLe appears to learn faster than me. =.=
Was crazy today. But it is fun. Went to Bugis and Orchard with Cyril, ShuWen, Charmaine and Junle today. It was okay la... I realised some people have alot more strength than they appear. Stupid Santa Claus..
JunLe and Charmaine look so pei together. I'm happy. Cos now no one will disiao me anymore!! ZHU NI MEN XING FU KUAI LE!!!
JunLe is very talented in piano. At least I think so... Jiayou man!! Kick ass!!
I think alot of people misunderstand him lor.. But seriously people. Hes not that bad. Its the people that he hangs out with that sucks. Get to know him if you can. Hes not a bad friend to have. =D
I'm blogging at JunLe's house right now..
I suddenly got the urge to change myself, to tone myself down a little. So not be so di-siaoing. To stop caring for others in a very "disiao-ing" manner. Show them care and concern the NORMAL way...
Starting from this second. I will try my hardest to become normal. I do not want to be disiaoing anymore. I want to become more... ordinary. More boring. I just feel like doing that right now. Maybe's its just god's calling? Or maybe i'm just bullshitting myself.
Yesterday was National Day, went for cellgroup, then went to parkway with Xueming (Or is it Xuemin.), Cecilia, Cyril, Jordan, Jonathan and Cedric to Parkway to play pool. But we ended up in the Arcade cos the Pool dosent allow people under 16. Aww.. Oh well, at least I wont have to xian chou on front of them and make them know how suck I am at that game XDD.
Arcade was cool. Played a little of everything. Mostly the basketball one. We cheated a little. And we got a highscore. Everyone was happy and tired? =D
After awhile, Jordan and Xueming went home. Others ate a little and then moved on to Esplanade to watch fireworks.
We didnt see any.
Overall it was a good day. Was happy. Hope I can be happier and less childish in my behavior. Went to sleep immediately when I reached home.
Lovell came for service today. Met him at Bedok Inter and then went together to church. JunLe was late. But its okay. I saw Spagetti Mei. But no more the "oohh chio bu!!!" feeling liao... I guess if you just keep looking at something or someone only. You'll get bored sooner or later.
I think some people were surprised at Lovell smoking. But I dont give a shit. I believe that we shouldnt not judge by what he does. But we judge him by what he can become! =DD
So holy.. So deep..
After Service, went to Coffee Bean to slack with Lovell, JunLe, Cyril, Jabez, Nicholas, Jordan, Eugene, Some guy I dont know, Cecilia, Charmaine, Shuwen, Sofia, Marilyn, The LAughing Buddha, and some girl I dont know.
Played balloons, looked like buncha morons, but I dont care cos its damn fun! =D They're just jealous cos not everyone can put down their "face" liddat just to have fun. =DD
Oh yeah! We had a "photoshoot". The person who took the photo for us was this girl whom was in the same camp as me.. Donno her name lol. I think she's Nelson's sis.
Learnt TaiJi from Cyril. Didnt learn anything much cept for this pushing blocking counterattack thingy. Lovell and JunLe appears to learn faster than me. =.=
Was crazy today. But it is fun. Went to Bugis and Orchard with Cyril, ShuWen, Charmaine and Junle today. It was okay la... I realised some people have alot more strength than they appear. Stupid Santa Claus..
JunLe and Charmaine look so pei together. I'm happy. Cos now no one will disiao me anymore!! ZHU NI MEN XING FU KUAI LE!!!
JunLe is very talented in piano. At least I think so... Jiayou man!! Kick ass!!
I think alot of people misunderstand him lor.. But seriously people. Hes not that bad. Its the people that he hangs out with that sucks. Get to know him if you can. Hes not a bad friend to have. =D
Monday, August 4, 2008
I'm happy.
Yesterday's Festival of Praise ROCKED!!!
Lovell and Yingchuan came. Jumped and sang, sang and jumped, till our shirt all wet.. Super high. Everyone had fun.
Hais.. hard to describe fun leh.. but seriously super duper fun.
I'm happy cos Lovell conveted into Chirstian yesterday. I didnt ask him to. I didnt even prompt him until he asked me "Ehh, how to convet ah?"
Happy happy happy. High high high. Ate at macs, went home at 12.45 around there. Slept at 2.
But I'm still happy. Its just hard to describe them on a blog.
Today was okay... The taste of Festival of Praise still lingers.
Went to school. Didnt bring much stuff. My bag's still at Nicol's house, still havent take yet. Everyone damn tired. Heard from YingChuan they waited for some bus till 2 and then finally took a cab with $4 after negotiating with the Cab Driver. God bless him.
Today I shall talk about all the small things that happened.
-Showed of to others the picture of McDonalds smoking. Leslie laugh until damn funny. Well, it is funny, almost as funny as the picture of him acting cute. XDD
-Helped Lovell do his Compo. Its super dramatic and hilarious. I cant wait to see what comments the teacher will give him about that compo. I'll try to find a way to blog down the whole compo. Okay? Laughed for 45 mins or more straight. Then showed Mel, Ben, Les, Tian, Muz, and Haidar. TianLoke said it was a good compo if only I didnt add in all those "nonsense".
-During maths, slacked ALOT. Played worms, showed Alicia and Val the Mcdonalds smoking photo. In the end they go take my whole phone then view ALL the photos. =.= . Val keep trying to take my photo with my phone.. YiLing tried to reply my message to ShuWen. But I noticed in time then get the phone back. In the end forgot to reply until much much later. OH! And I realised Lovell has a crooked nose!! LOL!!
-Kena scolded by Mrs Yap. I deserved it de la.. Run out of class without permission. Hais... Maybe I'm too confident in english le ba? Cannot liddat. Must be more humble.. hais..
-During Chem test still ok la. Wasnt so hard. But my Chem sucks as usual. Lovell had to go for his NS checkup stuff. Nicol found Haidar's phone and returned it to him. Haidar's damn grateful sia. Hmm.. hes a good friend. YingChuan said want to go Pasar Malam on the way home de. So I say ok lor.
-Later on the way back. She suddenly like dunwan liao. Then I like "Ah la ok lor never mind la never mind la.. Its okay de.. I die of hungerness only mah.. nvm de la.." The guilt treatment seldom fails to people who cares =D. Went to Pasar Malam. Ate this Beef Burger she intro-ed me to. Tastes good. Oh! We also ate this Hotdog thing with a low-grade fish filler wrapped around it. The Burger is good though. I'm gonna eat it again tomorrow. =D Also want to try some nice smelling meat stuff.
-Went home, slept for 2 hours, and proceeded to my new chemistry tuition. Lasted till 10. Which means I confirm miss my Prison Break 3 abit liao. But I ren hao, I miss show but I still remind others to watch =D. Msged Nicol, Ben, and Val.
-Came back from home. Watched for 30 mins. I think today last episode sia. Then now watching LOST. =D
Yesterday's Festival of Praise ROCKED!!!
Lovell and Yingchuan came. Jumped and sang, sang and jumped, till our shirt all wet.. Super high. Everyone had fun.
Hais.. hard to describe fun leh.. but seriously super duper fun.
I'm happy cos Lovell conveted into Chirstian yesterday. I didnt ask him to. I didnt even prompt him until he asked me "Ehh, how to convet ah?"
Happy happy happy. High high high. Ate at macs, went home at 12.45 around there. Slept at 2.
But I'm still happy. Its just hard to describe them on a blog.
Today was okay... The taste of Festival of Praise still lingers.
Went to school. Didnt bring much stuff. My bag's still at Nicol's house, still havent take yet. Everyone damn tired. Heard from YingChuan they waited for some bus till 2 and then finally took a cab with $4 after negotiating with the Cab Driver. God bless him.
Today I shall talk about all the small things that happened.
-Showed of to others the picture of McDonalds smoking. Leslie laugh until damn funny. Well, it is funny, almost as funny as the picture of him acting cute. XDD
-Helped Lovell do his Compo. Its super dramatic and hilarious. I cant wait to see what comments the teacher will give him about that compo. I'll try to find a way to blog down the whole compo. Okay? Laughed for 45 mins or more straight. Then showed Mel, Ben, Les, Tian, Muz, and Haidar. TianLoke said it was a good compo if only I didnt add in all those "nonsense".
-During maths, slacked ALOT. Played worms, showed Alicia and Val the Mcdonalds smoking photo. In the end they go take my whole phone then view ALL the photos. =.= . Val keep trying to take my photo with my phone.. YiLing tried to reply my message to ShuWen. But I noticed in time then get the phone back. In the end forgot to reply until much much later. OH! And I realised Lovell has a crooked nose!! LOL!!
-Kena scolded by Mrs Yap. I deserved it de la.. Run out of class without permission. Hais... Maybe I'm too confident in english le ba? Cannot liddat. Must be more humble.. hais..
-During Chem test still ok la. Wasnt so hard. But my Chem sucks as usual. Lovell had to go for his NS checkup stuff. Nicol found Haidar's phone and returned it to him. Haidar's damn grateful sia. Hmm.. hes a good friend. YingChuan said want to go Pasar Malam on the way home de. So I say ok lor.
-Later on the way back. She suddenly like dunwan liao. Then I like "Ah la ok lor never mind la never mind la.. Its okay de.. I die of hungerness only mah.. nvm de la.." The guilt treatment seldom fails to people who cares =D. Went to Pasar Malam. Ate this Beef Burger she intro-ed me to. Tastes good. Oh! We also ate this Hotdog thing with a low-grade fish filler wrapped around it. The Burger is good though. I'm gonna eat it again tomorrow. =D Also want to try some nice smelling meat stuff.
-Went home, slept for 2 hours, and proceeded to my new chemistry tuition. Lasted till 10. Which means I confirm miss my Prison Break 3 abit liao. But I ren hao, I miss show but I still remind others to watch =D. Msged Nicol, Ben, and Val.
-Came back from home. Watched for 30 mins. I think today last episode sia. Then now watching LOST. =D
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Festival of Praise
Today's Festival of Praise was damn fun!!! Too bad Lovell not there to enjoy it sia.. sians..
Today, wore some black and white patterned shoe to school. Didnt get caught. Praise the lord! =D
Later played catching, only 7 person nia cos the sec 3 not playing. Still fun though. Ivan damn lousy LOL. I didnt wear shoe, the now run until the heel super duper pain.. Who did I think I am? Some bushman?
Lovell today abit too kaopei about me religion le. I today is tahan-ing you lor. Please dont do that next time leh. Seriously abit guofen liao. If you are reading this. Please do what you should do okay? I know you're just kachiao-ing lor, budden please la. Set some limits can? People can tong until a certain limit also de. I donno when I might someday go damn angry and then just gan you back then this friendship kena ruined. I dont want that to happen also okay? Please.
Went to Nicol's house with JunLe to change and stuff and meet jiejie and mummy, then still not confirmed if Nicol or Seyen going anot. They tell me they give me answer when they come back "home". Then made us wait for 30 mins. Just to hear them say no. I shall no elaborate on unhappy stuff.
To that someone: Alot of people already secretly dont like you liao. I dont know if you know that this is meant for you but. Just cos his treats you as HIS princess dosent mean YOU are a princess. You get the difference? Show your temper to him, give him your attitude for all we care. Only he can tahan you cos he LOVES you. Not us. All of us already dont like your attitude liao lor please. Can change bo? I'm not the one at the losing end here. This is "tough love" from me. Cant take it? Continue getting hated until someday when someone suddenly explodes in front of you and everyone just joins in the fray in declaring their hate for you. Then you will realise how wrong you have been seriously. Who do you think you are anyway? I dont want to hear your troubles anyway, the world dosent revolve around you. We dont revolve around you. You dont have to live for others. But others dont live for you either.
So anyways anyways, went for FOP, sang till throat parched, jumped till my already hurting heels hurt more. But it was good. Very good. Make time for it okay? 2 more days to go people!
Went to eat at macs at bedok. Felt that it was a wrong choice. Should have eaten at Tamp instead lor, then they all wont have to come all the way here just to eat less than 30 mins and then go so far home.. So troublesome..
Limped home like a pathetic soilder who just came back from the battlefield. And here I am, blogging again. =D
Today, wore some black and white patterned shoe to school. Didnt get caught. Praise the lord! =D
Later played catching, only 7 person nia cos the sec 3 not playing. Still fun though. Ivan damn lousy LOL. I didnt wear shoe, the now run until the heel super duper pain.. Who did I think I am? Some bushman?
Lovell today abit too kaopei about me religion le. I today is tahan-ing you lor. Please dont do that next time leh. Seriously abit guofen liao. If you are reading this. Please do what you should do okay? I know you're just kachiao-ing lor, budden please la. Set some limits can? People can tong until a certain limit also de. I donno when I might someday go damn angry and then just gan you back then this friendship kena ruined. I dont want that to happen also okay? Please.
Went to Nicol's house with JunLe to change and stuff and meet jiejie and mummy, then still not confirmed if Nicol or Seyen going anot. They tell me they give me answer when they come back "home". Then made us wait for 30 mins. Just to hear them say no. I shall no elaborate on unhappy stuff.
To that someone: Alot of people already secretly dont like you liao. I dont know if you know that this is meant for you but. Just cos his treats you as HIS princess dosent mean YOU are a princess. You get the difference? Show your temper to him, give him your attitude for all we care. Only he can tahan you cos he LOVES you. Not us. All of us already dont like your attitude liao lor please. Can change bo? I'm not the one at the losing end here. This is "tough love" from me. Cant take it? Continue getting hated until someday when someone suddenly explodes in front of you and everyone just joins in the fray in declaring their hate for you. Then you will realise how wrong you have been seriously. Who do you think you are anyway? I dont want to hear your troubles anyway, the world dosent revolve around you. We dont revolve around you. You dont have to live for others. But others dont live for you either.
So anyways anyways, went for FOP, sang till throat parched, jumped till my already hurting heels hurt more. But it was good. Very good. Make time for it okay? 2 more days to go people!
Went to eat at macs at bedok. Felt that it was a wrong choice. Should have eaten at Tamp instead lor, then they all wont have to come all the way here just to eat less than 30 mins and then go so far home.. So troublesome..
Limped home like a pathetic soilder who just came back from the battlefield. And here I am, blogging again. =D
Friday, August 1, 2008
3-4 a.m
I slept at 6pm today.. woke up suddenly.
I dreamt of you. =D
I dreamt that you talked to me happily again. It made me so happy. I guess after seeing you at the office again for these few mornings made me really want to talk to you once more.
We are at the office for different reasons though... you're the counsellor and i'm the kid escaping from detention. XDD
These few days I've been really really lucky. I think god loves me alot. God protects me even when I make some mistakes over and over again.
I love you Jesus!
'O's coming le.. Still so slack.. I need some motivation man. And I know one person who can do it. Just that one person. I'll leave it all in the hands of god for that person to motivate me. =D
Listening to praise and worship songs as I'm typing this. Its just too quiet in the middle of the night. And Its the first day of ghost month. Enjoy yourselves ghosts!!!
Tomorrow will be the festival of praise. =DD
Got a long day ahead of me tomorrow man.. I'm feeling happy right now. Its almost 4 a.m right now.. Haha, I guess i'll sleep awhile later?
Dont be sad dont be sad okay? I'm never good at consoling people but... Jesus told us that we'll face diffuculties on this "road" right? This is just one of them I guess? Dont lose faith! Dont fall back! Dont lose hope hao ma? Continue trusting people please!!! I'll work twice as hard! Believe what god told you!! =D
Haha... what am I saying?
I dreamt of you. =D
I dreamt that you talked to me happily again. It made me so happy. I guess after seeing you at the office again for these few mornings made me really want to talk to you once more.
We are at the office for different reasons though... you're the counsellor and i'm the kid escaping from detention. XDD
These few days I've been really really lucky. I think god loves me alot. God protects me even when I make some mistakes over and over again.
I love you Jesus!
'O's coming le.. Still so slack.. I need some motivation man. And I know one person who can do it. Just that one person. I'll leave it all in the hands of god for that person to motivate me. =D
Listening to praise and worship songs as I'm typing this. Its just too quiet in the middle of the night. And Its the first day of ghost month. Enjoy yourselves ghosts!!!
Tomorrow will be the festival of praise. =DD
Got a long day ahead of me tomorrow man.. I'm feeling happy right now. Its almost 4 a.m right now.. Haha, I guess i'll sleep awhile later?
Dont be sad dont be sad okay? I'm never good at consoling people but... Jesus told us that we'll face diffuculties on this "road" right? This is just one of them I guess? Dont lose faith! Dont fall back! Dont lose hope hao ma? Continue trusting people please!!! I'll work twice as hard! Believe what god told you!! =D
Haha... what am I saying?
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