Saturday, August 2, 2008

Festival of Praise

Today's Festival of Praise was damn fun!!! Too bad Lovell not there to enjoy it sia.. sians..

Today, wore some black and white patterned shoe to school. Didnt get caught. Praise the lord! =D

Later played catching, only 7 person nia cos the sec 3 not playing. Still fun though. Ivan damn lousy LOL. I didnt wear shoe, the now run until the heel super duper pain.. Who did I think I am? Some bushman?

Lovell today abit too kaopei about me religion le. I today is tahan-ing you lor. Please dont do that next time leh. Seriously abit guofen liao. If you are reading this. Please do what you should do okay? I know you're just kachiao-ing lor, budden please la. Set some limits can? People can tong until a certain limit also de. I donno when I might someday go damn angry and then just gan you back then this friendship kena ruined. I dont want that to happen also okay? Please.

Went to Nicol's house with JunLe to change and stuff and meet jiejie and mummy, then still not confirmed if Nicol or Seyen going anot. They tell me they give me answer when they come back "home". Then made us wait for 30 mins. Just to hear them say no. I shall no elaborate on unhappy stuff.

To that someone: Alot of people already secretly dont like you liao. I dont know if you know that this is meant for you but. Just cos his treats you as HIS princess dosent mean YOU are a princess. You get the difference? Show your temper to him, give him your attitude for all we care. Only he can tahan you cos he LOVES you. Not us. All of us already dont like your attitude liao lor please. Can change bo? I'm not the one at the losing end here. This is "tough love" from me. Cant take it? Continue getting hated until someday when someone suddenly explodes in front of you and everyone just joins in the fray in declaring their hate for you. Then you will realise how wrong you have been seriously. Who do you think you are anyway? I dont want to hear your troubles anyway, the world dosent revolve around you. We dont revolve around you. You dont have to live for others. But others dont live for you either.

So anyways anyways, went for FOP, sang till throat parched, jumped till my already hurting heels hurt more. But it was good. Very good. Make time for it okay? 2 more days to go people!

Went to eat at macs at bedok. Felt that it was a wrong choice. Should have eaten at Tamp instead lor, then they all wont have to come all the way here just to eat less than 30 mins and then go so far home.. So troublesome..

Limped home like a pathetic soilder who just came back from the battlefield. And here I am, blogging again. =D


This picture is a screenshot from a movie called "Son of God", I think he's supposed to be adam? Anyway it just felt apt cos the topic today is about the Festival of Praise, that was a fun day! It's a shame me and Lovell haven't met up in a while though, I guess when you grow older everyone just had different commitments huh? I miss that bastard. I can still remember how much of a self-centered asswipe nicol was back then because he world revolved around his fat ex so much that he neglected everyone around him. So glad he's done with her. And the girl I was referring to back then was Yingchuan, poor girl I think that part of was made out of spite cos I remember us being kinda close still after that hmm.. At that point of time she really was kinda mean to Lovell though but I guess a lot has changed since then! :)

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