Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Insensitive bastard...

I really must care for others more..


For those who are wondering what does 237 stand for, it actually means "ADP" back in sms language back then before the touchscreens came about, people had to consecutively press on a certain number on their phones to type a certain letter, it was a hassle but if you mastered the art of texting then you could send texts without even looking at your phone! That was kinda cool I guess? Anyway I guess even till today I should still learn to be more sensitive to others, although some of these fuck tards in camp really don't know the meaning of "gratification" even when they're being helped. Which is kinda sad really as they think that it's natural for others to help them out. I guess as you get older you realize that there are worse people than you out there huh! But that won't stop me from improving myself though! 

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