Friday, August 1, 2008

3-4 a.m

I slept at 6pm today.. woke up suddenly.

I dreamt of you. =D

I dreamt that you talked to me happily again. It made me so happy. I guess after seeing you at the office again for these few mornings made me really want to talk to you once more.

We are at the office for different reasons though... you're the counsellor and i'm the kid escaping from detention. XDD

These few days I've been really really lucky. I think god loves me alot. God protects me even when I make some mistakes over and over again.

I love you Jesus!

'O's coming le.. Still so slack.. I need some motivation man. And I know one person who can do it. Just that one person. I'll leave it all in the hands of god for that person to motivate me. =D

Listening to praise and worship songs as I'm typing this. Its just too quiet in the middle of the night. And Its the first day of ghost month. Enjoy yourselves ghosts!!!

Tomorrow will be the festival of praise. =DD


Got a long day ahead of me tomorrow man.. I'm feeling happy right now. Its almost 4 a.m right now.. Haha, I guess i'll sleep awhile later?

Dont be sad dont be sad okay? I'm never good at consoling people but... Jesus told us that we'll face diffuculties on this "road" right? This is just one of them I guess? Dont lose faith! Dont fall back! Dont lose hope hao ma? Continue trusting people please!!! I'll work twice as hard! Believe what god told you!! =D

Haha... what am I saying?

Damn these hair are cool man! Trying to leave them like this now :) Oh man i just remembered who I am referring to at the start of this post, so glad nothing developed from it if not I'd hate.myself so much now cos she really isnt for me yeeshhh >.< call me shallow but I really wanna slap myself for even considering someone like her back then. I must've been really lonely :/ Anyway I guess through these years I've been losing my faith here and there a little and only remembering god whenever I'm in trouble. I'd like to take this chance to thank him for everything that's ever happened to me, be it good or bad cos these incidents are what shaped me to become today. And in a funny, strange way. I do feel that I have become a better person than when I was when I first posted this. Not as naive/happy-go-lucky, but I'm happy still. Thanks god! You're the best! Thanks for putting Sergeant Kenneth in my life too and please look after him in whatever he does in the future :) I really have no recollection on what I'm babbling about in the past part of this post though hmm..

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