I thought after changing seats hou.. jiu wont be as fun as when I was sitting next time Lovell le.
Oh.. by the way people, in case you are pondering why I change seats but you all never, is cos Mdm Haliza talk to Miss Faisah about my behavior in class de.. then they go make me sit beside Haidar, thinking I'll be more 'quiet'.
Wrong move people LOL. Haidar and me are on good terms, just that we dont show it in class! =D
So anyways, today is super duper funny. Although I am sitting in the front row. I'm laughing like crazy almost all the way thoughtout today's lesson time. Haidar's just damn super funny like shit la.. LOL. Looking forward to more days with my two new pathners, Haidar and Aidil. Jokers... XDD
I think i laughed to loud that I caused some people to gimme the "dirty look" today lor.. but dont care.
Later still going down to make my concession and then help Lovell do some of his Dog stuff.. his MALE dog is having periods from its ass! No kidding! Lovell thinks its cos he stepped on some 'kim zua'. But not sure la.. But how many of you know that with god, evil spirits cant prevail! Amen?
Oh everyone! Pray for Cecilia okay? Shes having severe gastric. Its been two days now I guess? Or more.. Not sure. XP
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